
It’s Tax Day! At 12:15 Senate Democrats will try to convince you that they have lowered taxes for 95% of Americans. Then an hour later, House Republicans will try to convince you that the Democrats’ “Tax and spend agenda” is destroying American jobs. And the Tea Party Express will be down the street letting the folks in the Capitol know how they feel about their tax burden this year. There will be lots of different views out there to digest. We’ll report. You’ll decide.

On the national security front, Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and Ranking Member Susan Collins hold a press briefing on the latest in the Committee’s inquiry into the Ft. Hood attack. We’ll bring that to you live at 1:00p.

FBI Director Robert Mueller testifies at 10:00a before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science & Related Agencies on his agency’s budget for the upcoming year. We expect Director Mueller to get many off topic questions about the agency’s effectiveness in dealing with new and emerging threats to the homeland.

The postman comes to the Hill to deliver some bad news at 10:00a. Postmaster General John Potter will discuss the $238 billion budget shortfall the Government Accountability Office forecasts for the United States Postal Service in the year 2020 with the House Oversight Federal Workforce, Postal Service and the District of Columbia Subcommittee. One of the proposals the Postmaster will suggest to cut costs is the elimination of Saturday mail delivery.

Meanwhile at the same time in a House Appropriations Subcommittee, the legislature and the judiciary combine to create… well they’ll just be creating an appropriations hearing actually. Supreme Court Justices Stephen Breyer and Clarence Thomas make a trip across the street to meet with Congress to outline their budget for Fiscal Year 2010.

As always, more news will break during the day, so say tuned to Fox News for the latest…