
Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton said Thurdsay that Donald Trump's campaign is no longer just an amusing sideshow, and that the rest of the Republican field needs to condemn his recommendation that the U.S. ban the entry of all Muslims.

"You know, I have to say, Seth, I no longer think he is funny," Clinton said while chatting with Seth Meyers on late night television Thursday. "I think for weeks, you and everybody else were just bringing folks to hysterical laughter, but now he has gone way over the line. And what he is saying now is not only shameful and wrong, it is dangerous."

Since Trump announced his proposal to ban any non-American Muslims from entering the United States, the Clinton campaign has made numerous efforts to shame and discredit the Republican frontrunner, using speeches and social media to explain that Trump's proposals actually weaken American security and diplomacy.

Clinton added, "I think everybody, and especially other Republicans, needs to stand up and really say, 'enough, you have gone to far that is not who we are, that is not the kind of country that we believe we are and we are just to going to tolerate it.' And, so, I hope more people will do that."

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