
A brazen attack on a senator's daughter in a busy downtown Washington, DC neighborhood has resulted in a happy ending.

Julia Corker, daughter of Sen Bob Corker, R-TN, was car-jacked Wednesday night about nine blocks from the Capitol in Penn Quarter.

The senator, recounting the incident, said a woman walked up to Julia's Chevy Tahoe and tapped on the window. She said she was looking for directions. When Julia rolled down the window, a man reached into the car and grabbed her, ripping her from the vehicle while she kicked to get away.

"Her shoes were across the road. She was pretty shaken up," Corker said, but Julia quickly remembered that the Tahoe had On Star, a GPS-tracked service.

"It was my campaign car back in 2005. It's got like 180,000 miles on it. And every month, I kept thinking I'm not going to pay the On Star bill. But it's like twelve bucks or something," Corker said, and luckily he paid.

"The On Star folks found them like that. By midnight, they (the Maryland Police) already had the suspects and the car, and we were back in our apartment."

Corker was close by at a restaurant, and he said Julia called him crying. He raced to the scene.

"The police were outstanding, the DC and Capitol Police, the Maryland Police," Corker said, adding that Julia "got most of her belongs back."

The senator's office just sent an audio clip from the boss, himself, regarding the incident:
