Trump has survived a coordinated campaign to defy him – Two years later he's achieved much of his agenda

President Donald Trump (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

No American president has survived the sheer volume of attacks and hostility that Donald Trump has endured, yet this president just keeps prevailing over his critics.

The fact that President Trump has been able to achieve so much of his agenda despite the coordinated campaign to defy him is astounding. Whatever your opinion of Donald Trump, his success in the face of such rabid opposition is a testament to his tenacity and political skill.

The moment Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president, the media painted a target on his back. Sanctimonious celebrities and supposedly-neutral journalists mocked and jeered his candidacy. They demeaned and insulted his supporters. They contrived savage smears and invaded his family’s privacy.


None of it worked. Donald Trump was able to hoist his detractors by their own petards, turning their attacks into publicity, and their smears into affirmations of his authenticity. His deft handling of their criticism allowed him to upend the American political landscape and win the greatest election upset in presidential history.

The media attacks only intensified after President Trump took office. Over the last two years, about 90 percent of the news media coverage of the president has been negative. In contrast, there were roughly twice as many positive stories about President Obama in 2009 as there were negative ones.

In addition to the constant deluge of hit pieces in the media, President Trump has also had to contend with Democratic lawmakers, judges and unelected bureaucrats who are equally committed to seeing him fail — regardless of the consequences for ordinary Americans.

No other president has ever had to contend with such intense attacks from so many different directions. President Trump, however, has survived the onslaught by staying true to the voters who elected him, delivering on promise after promise despite intense liberal resistance.

From the moment Donald Trump was declared the winner of the 2016 presidential election, Democrats have spun wild conspiracy theories about supposed collusion with Russian intelligence operatives. Hillary Clinton’s campaign staff invented this fantasy to explain how they suffered the most embarrassing loss in American political history, and rogue senior law enforcement officials and career bureaucrats quickly latched onto the theory to justify disruptive, open-ended investigations intended to undermine the Trump administration.

Meanwhile, activist judges have ignored the law to help liberal special interest groups delay and frustrate even routine presidential actions, issuing an unprecedented number of nationwide injunctions.

Liberal lawyers have scoured the country for the most anti-Trump judges, and thus far have succeeded in getting those judges to thwart President Trump’s travel ban, his zero tolerance policy on illegal immigration, his revocation of President Obama’s blatantly unconstitutional DACA order, and his Justice Department’s refusal to give sanctuary cities money that Congress specifically withheld from them. Most recently, an activist judge even issued an injunction against something as basic as restoring a question on the U.S. census form.

Elected Democrats have behaved no differently, grinding the government to a halt simply to spite the president.

In the House, Democrats have kept the government shut down rather than fund the sort of border barriers they consistently supported before President Trump’s election. In the Senate, Democrats made a disgusting spectacle out of the confirmation process for Justice Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s eminently well-qualified pick to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court, even though it jeopardized vulnerable red-state Democrats heading into the 2018 midterm elections.

No other president has ever had to contend with such intense attacks from so many different directions. President Trump, however, has survived the onslaught by staying true to the voters who elected him, delivering on promise after promise despite intense liberal resistance.


President Trump has rebuilt the federal judiciary by appointing judges committed to the true, original meaning of the Constitution, including two brilliant Supreme Court justices. He has renegotiated unfair trade deals, passed historic tax cuts, and cut unnecessary job-killing regulations, creating the strongest economy and the lowest unemployment rate in generations. Now, he is fighting to get the Washington establishment to give the American people the border wall they voted for in 2016.

The D.C. establishment has deployed every weapon in its arsenal against the president, and even after two full years, it still hasn’t been enough to stop Donald Trump from winning.

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