Pentagon finally gets serious about helping Ukraine defeat Russia

Based on the list of new weapons going to Ukraine, the Pentagon must see some serious Russian attacks coming

I can’t believe they had to wait so long. Finally, after 50 days of war, the new U.S. military assistance package announced by President Joe Biden Wednesday afternoon is providing Ukraine some American heavy artillery, 300 armored vehicles, and other equipment that will significantly boost Ukraine’s ability to take on the Russians. 

That’s an upgrade and about time. Based on the list of new weapons going to Ukraine, the Pentagon must see some serious Russian attacks coming.  Evidently, somebody lit a fire under the Pentagon staff.  Deliveries will "literally start right away," pledged Pentagon spokesman John Kirby on Apr. 13.

Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby holds a news briefing at the Pentagon on March 09, 2022 in Arlington, Virginia. Kirby spoke on various topics including Russia’s invasion to Ukraine.  (Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)

Russia is concentrating combat power in the Donbas and "time is of the essence," the Pentagon said.  Looks to me like Russia wants to take Kramatorsk and other areas they held briefly in 2014, and to put the so-called "People’s Republics" in Donetsk and Luhansk under permanent Russian control.


This list is a serious commitment to taking on the second Russian offensive, including:

* Eighteen 155 mm Howitzer long-range guns with 40,000 rounds of ammunition, which can destroy Russian strongpoints out to ten miles away. 

* Firefinder radars pinpoint Russian artillery sites based on incoming shelling. 

* The Sentinel radar tracks drones, cruise missiles, helicopters and planes for short-range air defense – in fact, it’s used to defend Washington, D.C., and it can get after Russian drones.

* 100 Humvees and 200 armored personnel carriers will help Ukraine’s forces reposition in the block-to-block war for cities and highways

* Eleven ex-Soviet Mi-17 helicopters (probably from U.S. special forces or CIA inventory) will let Ukraine move people and equipment

* More Javelin anti-tank weapons – hopefully the advanced model, with an adjustable warhead that can also defeat the explosive reactive armor of Russia’s more sophisticated tanks.   

I especially noticed the Claymore mines, which detonate on command and have a blast range of about 100 yards, are also on the list.  Ukraine will set up select minefields to channel Russian forces and make Russian soldiers wary of leaving roads and vehicles. 

Remember this is Ukraine’s own land and they will keep charts of mine locations so they can pull them out later. 

For some reason, the U.S. and NATO have decided Ukraine has to beat Russia without using much airpower.  This is not how the U.S. and NATO fight. 

And 100 of the Switchblade attack drones first promised Mar. 16 are finally in Ukraine, with more on the way.


Putin has threatened to attack arms shipments, but the fact is road, rail and air supply routes from the west are open. 

The equipment list also doesn’t tell the whole story. 

The U.S. has been sharing "extraordinary" intelligence and surveillance with Ukraine, to use Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley’s term.

Details are scant, but this probably includes satellite pictures, signals intelligence and drone tracking to help Ukraine’s forces find, fix and target the Russians.  It’s a huge advantage and one of the best things the U.S. can do for Ukraine right now. 

Of course, there’s still one big problem. Where’s the airpower? It’s not just the MiG-29s.  For some reason, the U.S. and NATO have decided Ukraine has to beat Russia without using much airpower.  This is not how the U.S. and NATO fight. 

Irina Zubchenko walks with her dog Max amid the destruction caused after shelling of a shopping center, in Kyiv, Ukraine, on Monday. (AP/Rodrigo Abd)

Cars drive near a damaged bridge following a Russian attack in the previous weeks in the town of Makarov in the Kyiv region on Sunday. (AP/Petros Giannakouris)

A woman collect wooden planks in a street destroyed by shellings in Chernihiv, Ukraine, Wednesday, April 13, 2022. ( (AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka))

A man rides a motorbike past a house damaged by shelling in Chernihiv, Ukraine, Thursday, April 7, 2022. Ukraine is telling residents of its industrial heartland to leave while they still can after Russian forces withdrew from the shattered outskirts of Kyiv to regroup for an offensive in the country's east. (AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka)  ( )

A woman reacts as she enters a damaged church following a Russian attack in the previous weeks in the town of Makaro on Sunday. Since the beginning of the war at least 59 spiritual sites, mostly Orthodox churches, have been ruined or damaged, Ukrainian authorities say.  (AP/Petros Giannakouris)

In Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria our forces had tremendous air strike power from drones, helicopters, fighters and bombers available around the clock. But Biden won’t give Ukraine anything like that. If he did, Ukraine would win more quickly.   


Big as this package is, it’s only a fraction of what Ukraine needs.  President Biden says he’s allotted $2.6 billion worth of security assistance to Ukraine just since Feb. 24.  That’s a lot of money, but don’t forget Congress authorized $14 billion, which Biden’s barely tapped. 

Still, this is a welcome change of pace for the Pentagon.  Few expected Ukraine to fight so well when the war began Feb. 24.  For weeks, the Pentagon was in reaction mode, instead of thinking ahead for a big war and the demands for weapons and resupply. With Kyiv clear, there’s a greenlight to pour in equipment. 


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