
Michael Jackson’s posthumous respect should be sealed this week with the release of "This Is It" -- the concert that never was becoming the sell-out movie that will break all records.

Sadly, there’s been a pre-release brouhaha about its truth and authenticity with wild suggestions of smart editing to hide M.J.’s true state, and amateur talk of digital enhancements to present a healthier-looking man. In death as in life, there is debate about what is real and fake surrounding this performer.

A dedicated Web site is now determined to vent hysterical claims that Michael was in “a dire state” whilst performing; that AEG ignored the "warning signs" and that, during 110 hours of footage, the performer rarely smiled because of his pain. What speculative nonsense.

In writing the Britney book ["Britney: Inside the Dream: The Biography"], I found myself speaking with many in the world of choreography where the circles of the pop princess collided with those of the King of Pop. I know friends of dancers who were going to share Michael Jackson’s comeback; who danced with him side by side in rehearsals; who witnessed his spirit backstage, daily. And here’s the truth. Here’s what it is:  M.J. was “dancing with a superiority above that of 20 and 21-year-olds…he was going to blow people away.” He was “dancing as good as ever” and was “gung-ho about the tour and couldn’t wait to start.” These are the accounts of sources who were there, not fans who were not.

Steve Dennis is a writer and author of the new book "Britney: Inside the Dream: The Biography" which was published in October. To continue reading his complete column, click here.