Christians forgotten 'revolutionary nature' of the cross?
Spirited Debate: N.T. Wright discusses why in his opinion that Jesus' crucifixion was a 'pivotal moment in history'
I’m a Christian but I don’t talk like one. I hope that sounds OK.
I don’t say things like:
“I’m praying for Jesus to show me my next move.”
“I’m waiting on the Lord.”
I don’t sign my emails, “In Christ.”
I don’t pray before every meal.
I don’t like how a lot of people who claim to love Jesus talk about Jesus. They have a hard time understanding how Jesus speaks to people and only want to hear the things they want to hear from Jesus.
My wife hears from the Lord, a lot. That might sound strange for you to hear and even unbelievable to many, but not to me. Sometimes, she feels things and she will tell me. I always encourage her to share things but she is not one to share something with someone if it is not asked of her.
The Bible says, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.”
When you pray and ask God to reveal something to you or ask God to show you something and then you get a feeling in your gut or what I would call “spirit” that gives you clear direction or something specific, I believe that is God speaking to you.

Man praying at sunset (iStock)
I don’t know how he speaks to you, but the Bible says “My sheep hear my voice.”
I think there can be clear things that are directly related to things you have asked of the Lord or sometimes God just shares something with you. I have heard my wife say “women’s intuition” a bunch of times. We are used to hearing things like that today and no one blinks. But why don’t we take the Bible as truth and be bold and say “God showed me that?”
Do we believe God speaks audibly to people today? I don’t rule it out but have yet to hear God pop inaudibly through my speakers or headphones.
Do we believe God speaks to people through people? Absolutely!
The Bible wasn’t penned by God. Think about it! It was inspired by God and written by people who heard from God and then spoke it or wrote it down.
Same thing now.
“Hey Bill…my wife just did this and I am hurt. I don’t know what to do and I am praying, asking God to show me.”
“Hey Jack, thanks for sharing. I’ll pray for you.” This is the common Christian response.
Do you pray for Jack?
If you do and you hear from God on what Jack needs to do or something clear from the Lord for Jack, what do you do?
Me: I tell Jack what I heard from God.
Most people: Keep it to yourself because how about if it makes Jack uncomfortable? How about if this is hard for Jack to hear? How about if this is not what Jack will want to hear?
So, you tell Jack and Jack says “I’m going to keep praying and see what the Lord shows me.”
Why would the Lord reveal more to you when you won’t listen to what he has already told you? How can you sit in prayer to God all the while ignoring what you know he already told you?
Here is why! Because it is hard to hear anything you don’t want to hear and in our Christian-ese make-believe world we often tune out the voices around us in exchange for waiting to hear straight from God. We don’t respond until what we hear from God is exactly what we want to hear from Him. Half the time I would say we manipulate those things to make them fit what it is we really want.
Jesus works and speaks through people, starting from the very beginning of time. What makes you think it’s not how He still works?