Nancy Pelosi says House will not authorize State of the Union address
Pelosi to Trump: Find a new venue for the State of the Union; reaction from California Rep. Kevin McCarthy on 'Hannity.'
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s decision to play politics with the State of the Union address by barring President Trump from delivering the speech in the House chamber Tuesday is shameful. The House of Representatives is not Nancy Pelosi’s house – it is the People’s House.
Pelosi, D-Calif., must come to her senses and remember that she’s a constitutional officer of the American government – not the leader of an unhinged radical resistance movement.
In the midst of the uncertainty created by the longest partial government shutdown in our nation’s history, it’s critically important that the American people hear from their president in the traditional setting.
I agree wholeheartedly with President Trump that he should deliver his 2019 State of the Union address from the well of the House chamber, where presidents have delivered the speech since 1913.
Last week Pelosi wrote a juvenile letter to President Trump asking him to postpone his scheduled State of the Union address or deliver it in writing. Pelosi cited phony security concerns caused by the partial government shutdown as the reason for reconsidering the invitation she sent to President Trump earlier this month.
Now, to make matters worse, Pelosi isn’t even allowing a security “walk through” of the House chamber to prepare for the President’s speech in the event that circumstances change and it occurs in the House.
This is dangerously irresponsible and proof positive that the speaker of the House has been stricken with Trump Derangement Syndrome like so many others in her caucus of leftist radicals.
Pelosi’s hyper-partisan behavior is a far cry from the cordial invitation she sent Jan. 3 to the president.
The new speaker appeared to be enthusiastic about the annual speech when she wrote: “In the spirit of our Constitution, I invite you to deliver your State of the Union address before a Joint Session of Congress on Tuesday, January 29, 2019 in the House Chamber … I look forward to welcoming you to the Congress.”
It’s clear that Pelosi is concerned that the American people will rally around President Trump’s message of transparent negotiations and compromise and come to the conclusion that the Democrats are being completely unreasonable in the shutdown stalemate.
Pelosi’s flip-flop on the State of the Union issue is absurd. Even House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., attempted to distance himself from Pelosi’s position by stating on television that he’d be open to President Trump delivering the State of the Union address in the customary fashion.
This public statement from Pelosi’s top deputy speaks volumes.
Majority Leader Hoyer knows that even in a bitterly divided Washington, congressional leaders must at least give the appearance that they can still handle the basics. Other members of the House Democratic caucus should follow Hoyer’s lead and speak out.
We are at an unprecedented moment in American politics. Our Founding Fathers never contemplated the leadership of one side of the political aisle refusing to participate in the operations of government with the president of the United States. The founders would be the first to tell you that our constitutional republic can’t function if one side fully disengages and instead opts for dysfunction.
Pelosi’s decision to disinvite the president from delivering the State of the Union in the House chamber simply ignores the will of the people who elected Donald Trump our president. And in the November midterm elections, the American people chose a divided government – they decided they want a Republican president to work with a Republican Senate and Democratic House to solve tough problems through negotiations and compromise.
One of the problems that must be solved by compromising is the crisis at our southern border. Pelosi’s refusal to budge on her position of zero funds for a border wall is nothing more than a partisan obstruction tactic that is keeping 800,000 federal employees from being paid.
Pelosi’s refusal to negotiate – coupled with her out-of-touch decision to continue with an optional weeklong overseas trip during the shutdown – made clear that she hates this president more than she loves our country.
So, what is Speaker Pelosi worried President Trump will say at the State of the Union address on Tuesday? Is she anxious about who the president might invite to the House gallery as his guests for all Americans to see?
It’s clear that Pelosi is concerned that the American people will rally around President Trump’s message of transparent negotiations and compromise and come to the conclusion that the Democrats are being completely unreasonable in the shutdown stalemate.
The letter President Trump sent to Pelosi Wednesday before she announced she would not allow him to deliver the State of the Union in the House is right on point: “It would be so very sad for our Country if the State of the Union were not delivered on time, on schedule, and very importantly, on location!”
Pelosi’s response letter later in the day informing the president of the United States that she is blocking his State of the Union address in the House chamber until the government reopens was simply the continuation of her flawed position. It amounts to a total embarrassment.
The bottom line is that the American people expect Speaker Pelosi to take good care of their House while she’s in charge. That means it’s time for Pelosi to change course immediately by moving forward with the State of the Union address and start compromising to end the shutdown.