Dana Perino talks 'Let Me Tell You about Jasper . . .'
'The Five' co-host opens up about her best friend in her new book
Editor's note: Fox News anchors and co-hosts of "The Five" Greg Gutfeld and Dana Perino recently sat down to talk about Perino's new book "Let Me Tell You About Jasper" (Twelve, October 25, 2016) here is their conversation.
Greg Gutfeld: Why did it take you so long to write a book filled with so many pictures?
Dana Perino: The pictures are works of art! They’re the best part of the book. Look at the one of Jasper dressed as you and holding your book, "How to be Right" … I mean, that’s perfection right there.
GG: Some people just can't stop showing you pictures of their kids. How is your obsession with Jasper any different?
DP: It's probably worse than anyone’s obsession with their kids. I am embarrassed by it -- but then when I snap a good shot, I just can’t help myself. Besides, Jasper’s fans need their daily dose.
GG: Does it bother you that Jasper has no idea you've devoted all this time to a book? He doesn't read.
DP: Jasper sat with me while I wrote the book. He can squeeze into any chair and often I have to write at an angle to accommodate him. Jasper can’t read, but he knows things. And actually, my favorite chapter is written in Jasper’s voice. It’s called “A Day in the Life of Jasper” and it is, in a word, hilarious.

GG: If this book were made into a movie, who would play:
- Jasper = Jasper
- You = Little Miss Muffet
- Peter = Daniel Craig
- Greg Gutfeld = Ryan Seacrest
- Ryan Seacrest = Greg Gutfeld
GG: What could the reader learn about Jasper from this book that he or she doesn't already know from watching "The Five"?
DP: They’ll read about how we trained him, his daily routine, and how both Henry and Jasper have helped me become a kinder and gentler person. And also they’ll read the lyrics for “Jasper Baby” that we wrote to the tune of “Take it Easy” by The Eagles. Yes, we’re ridiculous. But adorably so.
GG: Does your husband Peter ever wonder, if there were a fire and you had to rescue one thing, would you run past him and go straight for Jasper?
DP: Oh he knows -- you save the dog first and then you grab the portrait that President Bush painted of Jasper as a puppy. Nothing else matters.
GG: Who is your ideal audience? Who do you think will enjoy this book?
DP: Hopefully everyone! I kept the book non-political in order to appeal to a broader audience after this bruising election year.
Working on the Jasper book was a wonderful distraction during the presidential campaigns. I think that grandparents and parents will get a kick out of showing the photos to children. My friend recently sent me a video of her 5-year-old who was flipping through the gallery and he would say, “now this picture could be true… but this one cannot be true.”
The book will make you laugh. It’s been called “delightful” and that makes me…er…delighted.
GG: You're going on a book tour. Will you force Jasper to "paw-sign" the book?
It is possible for him to wet his paw in food coloring?

DP: I have a Jasper stamp (don’t you wish you would have thought of this?). The paper quality [in the book] is so good -- because of the gallery of images of Five Fan’s photoshops -- that we are working on how to dry the ink more quickly so that the paw print is perfection on the page.
GG: Will this start a new trend of TV cable commentators writing books about their pets? I am looking forward to Brian Kilmeade's tome on his komodo dragon, Kallanascottsy Argyle the Third.
DP: This is a great idea for an entire book series -- I’m going to call my publisher as soon as I finish answering your questions.
GG: Do you fear that Jasper might get a big head from all this media and publicity coming his way? Or will he "try to keep it real," and hang with the regular folk?
DP: That’s the best thing about dogs -- they don’t care who you know, how much money you make, or what career achievements you’ve made. They’re just there for fun and enjoyment. And they keep you humble and grounded. None of us are really that big of a deal in the world -- but you are your dog’s everything.
You’ve heard of dog people? Well Jasper is a people dog. He loves everyone. Even you, Greg.