Congress Thumbs Its Nose at America

When Republican members of the House of Representatives put forward a resolution to force Democrats to reveal their true intentions on the abortion provisions offered in HR 3590, Michigan Democrat Bart Stupak stood and angrily chided the minority for doing so.

To no surprise his Democratic colleagues stood and applauded him as he claimed he, and his party alone, had fought for the protection of life in the health care legislation.

After his flip-flop and the thin, flimsy "executive order" that he "secured" with President Obama earlier in the day, Stupak should lose his seat in 2010. He deserves to. For only a moron or a liar would claim that an "executive order" could protect any intent of a piece of legislation.

Executive orders are undone, and redone with nearly every election cycle, and once tax payer-funded abortion becomes part of the federal budget by statute, the most ardent pro-abortion, public official ever elected, Barack Obama, will tear up that executive order and toss it aside.

Stupak's primary opponent for 2010 had already added more than 9,000 new Facebook friends by the time his angry tirade had come to its conclusion on the House floor. In addition the pro-life group Susan B. Anthony's List revoked an award they were to present to the Michigan congressman next week for his attempt to keep federal funds from being allocated toward abortions.

But Stupak was just the latest betrayal.

On Sunday night, RNC Chairman Michael Steele announced on Fox News Channel's "At Large" broadcast a new initiative at to raise money in the attempt to "fire" Nancy Pelosi for her betrayal and dishonesty in forcing upon the American people a health care plan that every poll in America shows they do not want.

Shortly after his announcement's servers crashed from the crush of traffic.

It should also be noted that the true "bipartisan" path in this legislative initiative was the "no" vote. Thirty-four Democrats crossed party lines to oppose Obamacare, joining 177 Republican members of the House.

So what does it mean?

To be honest we still don't know. The Senate is still has to vote on the "fixes" the House wants in the bill and until they do the "Cornhusker kickback," "the Louisiana purchase," "Gator Aid" and tons of other graft will be the law of the land. The president, however, is planning to sign the bill on Tuesday.

The moment that happens 37 states attorneys general are ready file challenges to the mandate of this federal law requiring individual citizens to purchase health care. (Which should go over really well if it works its way to the U.S. Supreme Court, given the president's overly respectful treatment of the nation's highest court.)

The president's plan was to get Obamacare passed and next he wants to begin to try to convince Americans that $2.4 trillion in spending, massively increased deficits (when the doctor fix is added in, and all the numerous double counting is removed), massively hiked taxes--up to $22,000 more per family, is in some way good for them. He wants them to believe this while unemployment continues to hover at nearly 10% nationally, and nearly one in five families is already not making enough to pay their bills.

Senator Coburn promised to reveal every kickback given in exchange for votes, and the narrative in Minority Leader Boehner's closing remarks were powerful. He implied Congress was broken, and that voters had the right to be angry.

But one thing became clear as the weekend drew to a close. -- President Obama put down a great wager on health care reform, a bet that is as high as the stakes can be played in Washington.

Congress played their part dutifully, by flipping voters a figurative middle finger, voting for the health reform package, and pretending that they had not actually bankrupted the future economic system of this nation.

It's fundamental transformation. And it's against the will of the people.

Yep, 2010 just got a whole lot more interesting!

Kevin McCullough is the nationally syndicated host of "'Baldwin/McCullough Radio"now heard on 212 stations and columnist based in New York. He blogs at The Kind Of MAN Every Man SHOULD Be is in stores now. And host of "The Kevin McCullough Show"weekdays 7 a.m. - 9 a.m. ET on Sirius 161.

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