Fox News contributor Tusli Gabbard joined "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Tuesday to call out the "hypocrisy" of the Biden administration and self-proclaimed feminists for "trying to erase women" as biological males compete in women's sports.


TULSI GABBARD: We have people who claim to be feminists, yet who are exercising the height of hypocrisy by actually trying to erase women as an entire category of people and doing so by doing things like the Biden administration is doing now in trying to undo Title IX, the legislation that was enacted 50 years ago out of a recognition of the difference in biological sex between men and women and boys and girls. And so my legislation very simply called the Protect Women's Sports Act, upheld that original intent of Title IX, ensuring that sports would be maintained with that original intent with females competing against females, males competing against males. And so the video I posted this morning was part of a podcast interview that I did with one of the nation's top female swimmers, Riley Gaines, who has direct experience of the consequences of what this administration is doing, in that she was forced to compete against a biological male for the national championship and how basically how she was sidelined in the interest of this fear-filled culture where you've just got to go along to get along, no matter the fact that you're actually denying the existence of objective truth, that you've got a six-foot male with male parts competing in swimming against women in college and being given the podium and the medal while the women are being sidelined