Tomi Lahren: Younger Bernie Sanders voters love to show up on Twitter, but not to vote

Fox Nation host Tomi Lahren reacted to a Fox News voter analysis poll that showed low turnout among young Michigan voters, calling out those who support free “handouts” but may not be inclined to take out time to go vote.

“They show up to rallies, they show up for the fun events, of course, they show up on Twitter to support the revolution, but, as many of us expected, it’s very different to support a revolution from Twitter when there’s crowds involved -- when you can have your moment in the sun and you can be part of a movement and when you actually have to go the polls on 'Bachelor' finale night,” Lahren told “Fox & Friends.”


"The two are very different things: one of them takes effort, which we know that the Bernie Sanders crowd that maybe is looking for a freebie or a handout may not be the most reliable when it comes to voter turnout -- just a thought.”

A Fox News analysis poll shows only 13 percent of those aged 18-29 showed up to vote.

Joe Biden swept to victory in Michigan’s pivotal primary contest Tuesday, while notching wins elsewhere in the Midwest and the South, building on the former vice president's momentum from Super Tuesday a week ago and further clouding Sen. Bernie Sanders’ path forward in the presidential race.

The win in Michigan, in particular, was a body blow to Sanders, who narrowly pulled off an upset in the state four years ago against Hillary Clinton and had fought anew to demonstrate his appeal in the vital Rust Belt state this time around. The Midwestern battleground state helped send President Trump to the White House.


Lahren said that social media activism among Bernie Sanders' young supporters is not the same as showing up in real life.

“I’m not saying Bernie Sanders supporters or Joe Biden supporters are not necessarily hard-working Americans but there’s a big difference a between those who scream and yell and have signs and tweet and get angry at things over things on Twitter are going to be the type of Americans that are going to 'waste their time' on a Tuesday night to go do this thing called voting," she argued.

Fox News’ Gregg Re contributed to this report.

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