Karl Rove: Far-left lawmakers want to ignore Constitution
Fox News contributor Karl Rove on progressives calling on President Biden to act alone on his Build Back Better agenda without a Senate majority.
Fox News contributor Karl Rove told "America's Newsroom" on Thursday that progressives calling on President Biden to act alone on his spending plan without a Senate majority demonstrate that they want only power.
KARL ROVE: There is a deeper issue here that should worry us all a little more. This is a copy of the Constitution that I was given when I worked at the White House. It was given to me by the White House Chief of Staff Andy Card who wanted to remind every officer at the White House that we took an oath to defend the Constitution. Article 1, Section 1 says all legislative powers shall be vested in the Congress. That means Congress passes laws, not the president.
So what do the progressives say? They say ignore the Constitution. Here is the other problem with that. Article 1, Section 9 says Congress shall have the power, the sole power to appropriate money. What do they want the president to do? They want the president to make law because they can’t get it through Congress and spend money that he has no power and no authority to spend. They are calling for essentially an undemocratic action and ignoring the Constitution of the United States. Are they so power-happy they feel we ought to dismiss the Constitution in search of the Build Back Better plan. I think this is a horrendous moment and it demonstrates they are concerned with power and power only.