You start becoming your father at age 37, according to a new poll.

Not only that, but 68 percent of those surveyed said they feel more like their father with every passing year.


With Father’s Day right around the bend, a new survey of 2,000 Americans with living fathers aimed to get some insights into our relationship with dad and how the pandemic may have shaken up how we relate to them.

Thirty-seven percent said they take grilling very seriously because of their dad, while one in three (35 percent) said they get their handy skills from them. Twenty-two percent mute commercials on TV because of their father, one in four grunts when getting off the couch now, and another one in four said they fall asleep on the couch with the game on — just like dad.

One in five respondents also admitted that they no longer like it when someone in their family changes the thermostat.

One in five respondents also admitted that they no longer like it when someone in their family changes the thermostat.


Conducted by Omaha Steaks, results found three in four Americans said the COVID-19 pandemic has actually made them appreciate their fathers more.

With more time to talk, two in three said they’ve gotten to know their dads a lot more during the last few months. As a result, respondents said they reach out to their dad on average six times a week, whether it’s a call, text, video call or an in-person visit.

The results also found that the Americans with living fathers plan on making this Father’s Day special for dear old dad.

So special, in fact, that the average survey respondent plans on shelling out close to $100 on a gift this year — while one in 10 said they plan on spending more than $200.


So what are we getting dad for the big day this year? The results showed that most Americans will be opting for a nice dinner and something expensive, like a tech gadget or smartwatch.

Four in 10 will be getting their dad something practical they know they want, like socks or a tool kit.

But according to the poll, when respondents were asked what they think their dad actually wanted, the popular answers were simply a juicy steak and an ice-cold beer — news that probably made Omaha Steaks very happy.

“Father’s Day is simple, dads want steak,” said Todd Simon, Senior Vice President of Omaha Steaks, in response to the survey.

Either steak or functional, all-purpose khakis, apparently.

Either steak or functional, all-purpose khakis, apparently. (iStock)


Keep reading for more stats on what the average respondent considered to be most dad-like trait about himself, as well as what they think their dad really wants this Father's Day:

Top traits respondents think they get from their dads

  1. Take grilling very seriously: 37 percent
  2. Repair things instead of buy them new: 35 percent
  3. Get really into corny jokes: 28 percent
  4. Tell your kids to ask their mother: 26 percent
  5. Falling asleep on the couch with the game on: 25 percent
  6. Grunt when I get off the couch: 25 percent
  7. Mute commercials: 22 percent
  8. Love to mow the lawn: 22 percent
  9. Don’t like when people touch the thermostat: 21 percent
  10. Finish everyone else’s plate at a restaurant: 18 percent

What respondents think their father wants

  1. An ice-cold beer: 36 percent
  2. Steak dinner: 35 percent
  3. Glass of whiskey: 31 percent
  4. Phone call from his family: 31 percent
  5. Peace and quiet: 30 percent
  6. A physical expensive gift (tech, smartphone, etc): 26 percent
  7. Watch whatever he wants on TV: 24 percent
  8. To be left alone: 23 percent
  9. To sleep in: 23 percent
  10. Sports back on TV: 22 percent
  11. A cheaper practical gift (socks, tools, etc): 21 percent