Infection Forces Woman With 'World's Largest Breasts' to Downsize

A severe infection has forced a Texas woman with the world’s largest breast implants to downsize. 

Sheyla Hershey had been trying to save her size M cup breasts for three months, reported, but doctors were unable to make that happen.

Instead, they were forced to remove the implants along with most of her breast tissue that was too damaged to salvage. Hershey said she has just enough tissue left for surgeons to attempt reconstructive surgery in the next few months.

"Right now, I don't have any skin left to close the hole I have there in my breast,” Hershey told the news station.

During the months while she was battling the infection, doctors used a special vacuum to suction the infection from her body 24 hours a day.

"It's the only thing that has saved my life, to be honest," Hershey said.

Hershey's health started to deteriorate following her most recent breast implant surgery in Brazil in June 2010. Soon after, she came down with staph and strep infections that ultimately threatened her life.

Breast surgeries with implants of this proportion would never be permitted in the United States, due to federal requirements and regulation.

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