Florida woman accused of practicing medicine without license calls it misunderstanding

Nutritionists are health care plan for the patient. (iStock)

A Florida woman who is accused of practicing medicine without an active, valid health care license told a Jacksonville news station that the alleged crime was a misunderstanding and denied she ever provided medical care to her company's clients.

However, investigators revealed Amy Suzanne Pohlman, who was arrested Monday and released after posting $50,000 bond, signed a do-not-resuscitate-order (DNR) and performed a physical exam on an applicant while employed by Ponte Vedra Home Care, News 4 Jax reported.

Deputies told the news outlet that 48-year-old Pohlman claimed to be a registered nurse, to have a Ph.D., and to be an advanced registered nurse practitioner when she was hired by the company as a nurse administrator in October 2015. Pohlman reportedly provided documents alleging she had a nursing license, and her job duties included writing patient care plans, visiting clients and assisting with marketing, News 4 Jax reported. Her accusers allege Pohlman began offering medical care to patients as her client base grew.

“The auspices under which I worked, as well as my agreement with my partners, was completely legal — nothing hidden or not discussed from the beginning,” Pohlman told News 4 Jax.

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Pohlman is charged with performing a physical exam on an applicant of the home care company, and detectives investigating her case said she did not obtain a doctorate degree, did not have any degree in nursing or any record of a medical license, News 4 Jax reported. Detectives also said an award displayed in her office from Mayo Clinic trustees was falsified.

“The inception of this entire disagreement is about the partnership, and it is over money,” Polman told News 4 Jax. “It was a ‘come after the partner first.’ So it’s unfortunate that it was something that became personal. It shouldn’t have.”

Polhman told News 4 Jax she is cooperating with investigators. Anyone with additional information is asked to contact authorities at 904-209-2161.

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