
A 4-year-old boy from East Timor was flown to Australia to have life-changing surgery to fix a birth defect, which left him with a bulging growth over his nose, The Adelaide Advertiser reported Wednesday.

Martinho Ronaldo's father – who died last year – had just two wishes for his son. He wanted his nose to be fixed and he wanted him to be baptized.

Both wishes have now been granted after Martinho and his mother, Elsa Sanchez, traveled to Australia on a trip funded by the Australian government and the Children First Foundation charity.

Martinho was baptized in the Adelaide Women's and Children's Hospital chapel before undergoing the surgery that changed his life last month.

He previously had been kept home from school as his mother feared he could be bullied or hurt because of his appearance.

Craniofacial surgeon Dr. Mark Moore discovered Martinho last November at a clinic run by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in East Timor.

"He was obviously a case that couldn't be done there, so we got his details, took photos and brought that information back here," Moore said.

The doctor and his team took about three hours to remove the bulge – a birth defect created by a hole in the bone of the forehead.

"Martinho should function normally now and be able to go to school and have a normal existence," Moore said.

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