
Although she still had a month to go before her due date, Diandra Ortiz began having pains in her stomach while she was at work on Tuesday morning.

Like any expectant mother, she got into her car – made a brief stop to pick up her boyfriend – and then headed to the Tucson Medical Center in Arizona

"I thought maybe they were Braxton Hicks or something, not contractions, because I had four more weeks," she told KGUN9.

But on the way, fate had other plans.

While on her way to the hospital, Ortiz’s pain became contractions, she felt pressure and began to push.

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"I felt her coming and my first instinct was to start pulling my pants down. So then he's like, 'What are you doing?' I'm like, 'She's coming!'" Ortiz said. "Right when I did that, I felt my water, everything just burst and all I heard was crying. I didn't know what to do. He's like 'Grab her, grab her.'"

Despite the panic during the birth, the couple made it to the hospital with a healthy baby girl they named Kali Lyric Watson-Ortiz.

Baby Kali was born 18-and-a-half inches long, weighing six pounds and four ounces.

"She came out fine and healthy,” the new mother told KVOA. "It’s just an experience I’d never thought I’d have to do – delivering my baby myself in my car."

Ortiz, who headed home with her new baby on Wednesday, told KGUN9 she can now find the humor in the whole ordeal.

"I didn't know what I was doing, but my car looks like a murder scene," she said with a big laugh.

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