Website matches lone female travelers who dread dining solo


A new website aims to change the way jet-setting women dine out. Invite For A Bite, the two-month-old U.K.-based website, is a mealtime matchmaker for women who are traveling solo or for women who don't want to eat alone. Users can post invites and make plans to dine together.

Founder, Cressida Howard, from Gloucestershire, England, told CNN she was inspired to create Invite For A Bite after hearing a radio segment about how much women hate eating alone when they travel.

"I was in my kitchen making tea and heard a few minutes of a BBC radio program that involved an interview with women who traveled alone for business or pleasure. They were all strong women who had no problem traveling alone, but the one thing they all got very animated about was how they hated eating alone," Howard said.

Since starting the site, Howard has seen invites for get-togethers in places from New York City to Addis Ababa.

Of course, travelers must always use a certain degree of caution while meeting strangers in foreign cities. Howard fully understands the risks involved with meeting new people in new places, and says screening measures, such as a way it report unusual activity and to check out people's profile before you meet them, are available on the site.

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"We urge all users to exercise normal caution when meeting people they don't know," Howard said. "Meet in a busy place, don't get into vehicles, watch out for your belongings, etc. You can also check out people's profiles before you meet them, and anyone can be reported or removed from the site before or after an event."

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