
Virgin Airlines mogul Richard Branson recently tweeted a congratulations to Justin Bieber for signing up to fly to space with Branson's space tourism venture, Virgin Galactic. Though Bieber did not officially confirm that this is true, he did retweet Branson's congrats to his 40 million followers.

Knowing that Bieber might be sent off into space begs the question, what other annoying celebrities would you like to see leave our stratosphere?

Miley Cyrus is another teen star we could use a break from. Let's send her to space along with Bieber so the two can sing bubblegum pop songs where none of us can hear them.

SODAHEAD SLIDESHOW: Which annoying celeb would you like to go to space?

Celebrity couple Kim Kardashian and Kanye West would be a great option too. Kimye will need a vacation after their baby is born. What better than to travel to Mars, and not have any paparazzi follow you?

James Franco should definitely go to space. The actor, author, student, and adjunct professor seems to need all the attention he can get. Maybe while in orbit for two weeks he can find a space university to get a second PhD from, star in three movies, and also teach a class on classic American literature to young extra-terrestrials.

There is definitely a plethora of annoying celebrities that should go to space. Even if it's just for a few weeks, it would be nice to take a break from them constantly being in the news, saying and doing annoying things.

Other stars on this list include Jay Leno, as well as father-son duo Will and Jaden Smith.

PHOTOS: See the latest celebrity pictures to hit the Internet

Which annoying star should go into orbit?