Hulu deleted a tweet it sent out reminding its customers to wear "culturally appropriate" costumes this Halloween.

The streaming service tweeted and then deleted a tweet that read, "If you’re dressing up for #Huluween this year, this is your reminder to wear a costume that is culturally appropriate and respectful to others. Let’s celebrate the holiday in a way that we can all enjoy."

Hulu, which streams original series like "The Handmaid's Tale" and "Runaways," was called out by many on Twitter for being too politically correct.

"Hey @hulu do you have a chart to match my skin color with something culturally appropriate," one user shared.

Another wrote, "Please list the culturally appropriate costumes people can and cannot wear. I'll need to see a list for each race/gender(58+)/creed/23andme profile/and political leanings. Thanks, I'll be waiting."

"Being Halloshamed by a tv channel #newlow #StayInYourLane," a user tweeted.

A rep for Hulu did not immediately return Fox News' request for comment.