Glen Campbell's daughter wants to bring him home

June 7, 2012: American country music artist Glen Campbell performs during the Country Music Association Music Festival in Nashville, Tenn. (Reuters)

Glen Campbell's oldest daughter, Debby, has opened up about her hopes to bring her father back home after he was placed in an Alzheimer’s care facility in April.

“I want to take my dad home and take care of him,” she tells Country Weekly. “I know that he is getting along great with the people who are at the facility, but that’s not how I feel — as his daughter — he should spend the rest of his life. I feel like he should be surrounded by loved ones at home.”

After relocating Campbell to the facility in April, his wife said that the 79-year-old singer was happy with his new living arrangement, which consists of a small bedroom with a couch.

Campbell was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2011, and he still recognizes his daughter. According to Debby, he has told her that he would like to go home, and she hopes to follow his wishes.

“My dad deserves better than this,” she says. “I’m not saying it’s bad by any means, but I don’t think he’s getting the attention that he needs. If I felt that [his family in Nashville] was spending hours with him and eating meals with him, it would be different. If I lived there, I would want to spend from the time he wakes in the morning until the evening with him . . . But why can’t I do that in the comfort of my own home with him instead of flying to Nashville and going to a care facility?”

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Campbell was reportedly still playing guitar when he first entered the facility, but his wife recently updated his condition, saying that he is unable to tune a guitar anymore and that while he can still play, it’s not the same. She also added that it is unlikely that Campbell will perform publicly again.

Next: The Top 10 Glen Campbell Songs