
Kate Bosworth stars as an erratic carnival knife-thrower in Sngmoo Lee’s “Warrior’s Way” – the tale of a stoic samurai swordsman who picks up an eight-month-child and is thrust into America’s Wild West. But it turns out that the infant was actually present through all the stylized violence – causing concern for some crew members.

“The child was very much present throughout, and gives a really good performance I must say – smiled at the right times, frowned at the right times,” Danny Huston, who plays villain Colonel, told Pop Tarts. “Occasionally during some of the more violent action sequences, the AD (assistant director) became very protective over this child. So, we all took great care of it and were all parents to this really fun character of a child.”

Speaking of care, it seems co-star Kate Bosworth was one who became pretty maternal toward the youngster.

“She’s in so much of the movie so she absolutely was around us all the time. I’d say she was the only diva on set – she’s the only uncontrollable variable where of course if she was hungry or tired, we’d have a lot of dialogue and work around that a little bit. But she’s so beautiful and lovely,” Bosworth said. “To see her face, you just melt.”

But when Bosworth wasn’t playing mom on set, she was kicking some serious butt in the east-meets-west flick (just ask Huston, who claims he went home covered in bruises after filming encounters with Kate).

But as it turns out, the 27-year-old isn’t one to enjoy watching her own movies.

“I have such a hard time watching my own films because by the time the film comes out, I feel like I’ve already done a few films. Like anything, you learn and grow and hopefully get better at what you do,” Bosworth added. “By the time I see the film, I’m like ‘ahh, I could have done that differently.’ I think I’m pretty hypercritical, probably the most critical of myself so I always have a bit of a hard time.”