
If college students want to drink two beers at the same time, they simply pour Coors Light and Magic Hat into a funnel, and then chug.

For the rest of us, there's a much classier way to do essentially the same thing. It's called the Dual Beer Glass, and it's brought to us by Matthew Cummings of The Pretentious Beer Glass Company. 

Essentially, the Dual Beer Glass features two separate beer chambers that meet at the lip of the glass, keeping both brews separate until it's time to sip. The purpose of this invention is to prevent poorly poured black and tans or half and halfs. Furthermore, it allows adventurous hopheads to experiment with new flavor mash-ups, such as porters and Hefeweizen, or beer and lemonade.

The combinations are almost endless, so long as you have access to endless beers. Or if you're a bartender. Or if your local bartender lets you bring your own glassware from home.

What do you think? Would you order a Dual Beer Glass?