
The Vatican on Tuesday released the first-ever complete statistics on the number of sex abuse cases reported to the Holy See and how they were adjudicated. Here is the year-by-year breakdown, starting from 2004.

The vast majority of reported cases concern abuse that occurred years or even decades earlier. The sanctions only cover cases directly handled by the Holy See, not those handled by local diocesan tribunals, meaning the total numbers of priests defrocked or otherwise disciplined is likely far higher.

2004: 713 cases reported, 89 priests defrocked, 641 priests disciplined with lesser penalties.

2005: 184 cases, 84 defrocked, 100 disciplined

2006: 218 cases, 114 defrocked, 104 disciplined

2007: 216 cases, 84 defrocked, 132 disciplined

2008: 191 cases, 68 defrocked, 123 disciplined

2009: 196 cases, 69 defrocked, 127 disciplined

2010: 464 cases, 84 defrocked, 380 disciplined

2011: 402 cases, 143 defrocked, 259 disciplined

2012: 418 cases, 70 defrocked, 348 disciplined

2013: 401 cases, 43 defrocked, 358 disciplined.