
The Yugoslav war crimes tribunal has convicted a former senior Bosnian Serb Army commander of genocide for playing a key role in Europe's worst massacre since World War II and sentenced him to life imprisonment.

Judges at the U.N. court said Wednesday that Gen. Zdravko Tolimir was the "right hand" of Bosnian Serb military chief Gen. Ratko Mladic, who is considered the chief architect of the murder of some 8,000 Muslim men and boys at the Srebrenica enclave in eastern Bosnia in July 1995.

Tolimir, 64, is the latest Serb soldier to be convicted in the bloody climax of Bosnia's 1992-95 war that left around 100,000 dead.

Mladic and his political master Radovan Karadzic are still on trial for overseeing Serb atrocities throughout the Bosnian War, including the Srebrenica massacre.