
Police have charged a former Guantanamo Bay detainee with Syria-related terrorism offenses.

West Midlands police have accused the 45-year-old Moazzam Begg, who advocates for the rights of terrorism suspects, of providing terrorist training and funding overseas terrorism. He is to appear in court Saturday.

A second suspect has been named as 44-year-old Gerrie Tahari. Both live in the Birmingham area.

The pair were arrested Tuesday. Two other suspects arrested with them are still being questioned. One of the suspects is Tahari's 20-year-old son.

Begg was arrested in Pakistan in 2002 as an "enemy combatant" and was held by U.S. forces in Afghanistan and later sent to the U.S.-run prison camp in Cuba.

He was released without being charged in 2005 and has directed an advocacy group called Cage.