Tune in to Fox for 'Cuba - Losing the Last Battle of the Cold War?'

Tune in to Fox News Channel this weekend for a special report on Cuba, coming on the heels of President Obama's dramatic announcement of a thaw in relations between the island nation and the U.S.

"Cuba - Losing the Last Battle of the Cold War?" airs Sunday, Jan. 25 at 8 p.m. ET. The program, anchored by "Special Report" host Bret Baier, will take a close look at the two nations and their shared history. Cuba is many things to many people: To the American military, it’s the location of Guantanamo Bay U.S. Navy base and the terrorist detention facility it hosts. To generations of American presidents, it has been the national security threat at our very doorstep. To Cuban exiles, it’s a long-lost homeland.

Around the world, Cuba is often seen as the little nation that defied the U.S.—and won. With the new path in relations, is opening up this “socialist paradise” a chance for Cuba to change its ways, or is President Obama throwing a lifeline to a dying regime? Watch Fox News Channel for answers tonight.

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