Mexican Marines come under fire, kill 14 gunmen in Veracruz, officials say

((Photo by John Moore/Getty Images))

Police in Mexico's Gulf coast state of Veracruz say 14 criminal suspects have been killed in a gunbattle with a patrol of Mexican marines.

A statement from the state police Coordination Group says the shootout began when gunmen attacked a police patrol car in the township of Jesús Carranza in a remote part of the state.

The Monday statement says marines arrived as backup and also came under fire. It says 14 attackers were killed and an unknown number fled.

The marines reportedly found a .50-caliber sniper rifle and 13 assault rifles at the scene.

A shootout in the same area on Saturday between suspected criminals and Mexican soldiers resulted in the death of three suspects.

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Veracruz has been riven by drug cartel turf battles, kidnappings and killings.

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