
The longtime director of Peru's leading newsmagazine has died at age 83 following a career in which he defied despotism and battled corruption.

Nobel literature laureate Mario Vargas Llosa said in a statement that Enrique Zileri was an "indefatigable defender of freedom and democracy" whose weekly magazine Caretas "could never be bribed or intimidated."

His daughter Drusila says Zileri succumbed Monday to complications from throat cancer a year and a half after it was diagnosed. Her brother, Marco, took over as Caretas editor in 2007,

Younger Peruvians remember Zileri for fashioning Caretas as a standard-bearer of press freedom in the 1990s as then-President Alberto Fujimori, now imprisoned, put fierce pressure on media independence.

His most epic battles were against military dictator Gen. Juan Velasco, whose government deported him twice.