
The fifth series of tests -- and the most complicated -- of the David's Sling Weapon System went off without a hitch Wednesday in southern Israel, as the defense measure successfully intercepted and destroyed a threat target over the Mediterranean Sea.

According to a statement by the Ministry of Defense, the test examined the capabilities and performance of the entire system.

"This test campaign is a critical step in ensuring Israel has the capability to defense itself from a very real and growing threat," said U.S. Missile Defense Agency Director Vice Adm. Jim Syring. "We remain strongly committed to supporting Israel's development of a missile defense system."

The Data collected during the test is being analyzed by program engineers for future development, the ministry said, and is being shared with the U.S. Missile Defense Agency.

The David’s Sling system was designed as part of the Israeli multi-tiered missile defense strategy, with different interceptors being created for different types and ranges of projectiles. The Iron Dome system is used against short-range projectiles and the David's Sling system against short-to-mid range ones, similar to the missiles Hezbollah and Hamas use. The Arrow 2 and Arrow 3 systems are meant to shoot down heavy, long-range projectiles.

IMDO Director Moshe Patal told Fox News that after these tests “Israel can face the anticipated threats with more capabilities and more confidence."