
When they're not trying to cause death and destruction, one terror group is setting out to save the environment.

An Al Qaeda-affiliated terror group has decided to follow in the footsteps of cities such as Seattle, San Francisco and Boston and countries like Australia and the United Kingdom in instituting a ban on plastic bags.

Al Shabaab announced on a radio broadcast last week that, in addition to already-prohibited items such as music and movie theaters, residents in areas controlled by the terrorist group will no longer be allowed to use plastic bags -- because of the bags' harmful effects on the environment, according to The New York Times.

Plastic bags “pose a serious threat to the well-being of humans and animals alike,” Mohammed Abu Abdullah, a pro-Al Shabaab governor in Somalia, said in a statement.

The statement also added the group banned logging rare trees, according to the UK Independent.

Mohammed Abdullaahi Ali, a medical student who lives in Mogadishu, was confused over the decision.

“I heard they banned plastic bags via social media,” Ali told The New York Times. “I see it as a good decision, but they must ask themselves: Why do they also ban humanitarian workers from operating in Shabab-controlled areas?”

Al Shabaab was driven out of Mogadishu in 2011, but still remains active in Somalia and Kenya carrying out terror attacks.