
Partial results show two former prime ministers running neck-to-neck in presidential elections in violence-ridden Central African Republic.

Voters turned out in a mass vote for peace Wednesday to end the conflict that erupted after a largely Muslim rebel alliance overthrew a Christian president in 2013, provoking a horrific backlash from Christian militias. Thousands have died and nearly 1 million people are homeless.

The National Electoral Authority Saturday announced results from 64 percent of votes giving Faustin Archange Touadera 30,999 ballots to 28,162 for banker Anicet Georges Dologuele. In third place is Desire Zanga Bilal Kolingba, the son of a former president, with 25,057.

Kolingba has charged ballot boxes were stolen and warned against theft of his "certain victory."

Three U.N. peacekeepers were wounded during voting.