These states are experiencing secession movements

Amid the political polarization taking place across the United States, many conservatives in Democratic-controlled states are feeling the need to say goodbye. But, instead of leaving home, some are trying to reshape their respected states to match their political viewpoints.

Efforts are specific to each state and are highly unlikely to succeed. Below is a list of some recent secession movements across the U.S.


The secessionist movement has a storied history in Texas, with many Texans wrongfully claiming the state can legally leave the United States. Texas broke away from Mexico in 1836 and spent nearly a decade as its own country, according to the Texas Tribune.

Texas became a state in 1845 after Congress approved a resolution that allows the state to break itself into five states. The measure often causes confusion about its ability to secede, the news site reports.

Texas nationalists have waged a campaign to break away from the U.S. for years. As a Republican candidate in 2016, President Trump made it clear he would not support such a campaign.

“Texas will never do that, because Texas loves me,” he said.


The Calexit movement to form the country of California took inspiration from Scotland's failed effort to leave Britain. The group behind the proposal, Yes California, believes the state has what it takes to be its own country, citing its status as the world's fifth-largest economy.

The group plans to submit the initiative to the state a few months before the November election in order to begin gathering signatures, according to its website.

The movement is different from the Cal-3 plan, which aimed to break California into three states, and New California, which was a campaign to divide the rural portions of the state from the coastal and liberal strongholds to create a 51st state.


Disgruntled Oregonian conservatives are so upset with living under Democratic politics, they are seeking to break away from the state, since trying to vote out Democrats hasn't worked.

The group Move Oregon’s Border for a Greater Idaho is seeking to expand Oregon's borders to the Gem State. The group has secured initial approval from two counties and is in the middle of trying to gather enough signatures to put the measure on a ballot.

The initiative comes as state Republican lawmakers continue to spar with their Democratic counterparts over a climate change bill.

Most state GOP senators walked out of the state Capitol in Salem on Monday to prevent a vote on the bill.


The push for red Virginia counties to secede from the Democratic-controlled state are currently being spearheaded by lawmakers in neighboring West Virginia. A bill in the West Virginia state legislature proposes to admit Frederick County, in northwestern Virginia.

Another measure would invite all Virginia counties to the state.

The proposal comes as Virginia has become the epicenter of the nation's gun debate. Democratic lawmakers have proposed a slew of gun measures seen by gun-rights advocates as too restrictive.

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