Son asked for a hug after fatally shooting his dad, neighbor testifies

Jesse David Vasquez III, 24, is charged with killing his father, authorities say.

A Texas man on trial in the shooting death of his father made an unusual request after the alleged crime took place, a neighbor testified Tuesday.

“He asked for a hug,” Maria Torres told the jury, according to the San Antonio Express-News.

Jesse David Vasquez Jr., 44, was fatally shot April 17, 2016. His 24-year-old son, Jesse David Vasquez III, is charged with the killing.

Torres testified that she heard “pops” from the house diagonally across from hers. When she crossed the street to see what happened, she looked inside the house and saw Ann Vasquez, the victim’s wife, attempting CPR on her husband, the newspaper reported.

The younger Vasquez was outside the home, appearing “high, kinda nervous and frightened,” the witness said.

When she asked why he shot his father, Vasquez shrugged, Torres said.

“He said he didn’t regret it, he wasn’t sorry,” she recalled, according to the newspaper.

Police arrived at the scene, but the father died before he could receive medical attention, according to the report.

In an opening statement, prosecutor Josh Sandoval told the jury that the younger Vasquez had talked about wanting to kill his father, the Express-News reported.

Witnesses said the father and son argued constantly, used drugs together and often carried handguns, San Antonio’s KSAT-TV reported.

Defense attorneys did not address the jury, but were expected to present a case of self-defense, KSAT reported.

If convicted, the defendant could face life in prison, the Express-News reported.

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