
And now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Radical Thinking

New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof says today's radicalization hearing in Congress may hurt the feelings of some radical Muslims -- quote -- "I'm sure that at mosques around this country, especially the more radical mosques, this is going to be seen as one more evidence that people are picking on us."

Daniel Halper at the conservative Weekly Standard responds -- quote -- "I for one, hope that [Congressman Pete] King's hearings are seen as offensive by members of 'radical mosques.' These are precisely the people who the feds -- and these congressional hearings -- should be 'picking on.'"

Dear John Letter

Nevada Republican Senator John Ensign is being urged to resign by a former adviser whose wife had an affair with the senator.

Former co-chief of staff Doug Hampton says Ensign's refusal to quit now and -- quote -- "callousness and lack of remorse" have prolonged the anguish his family has experienced because of the affair.

Ensign announced earlier this week he will not seek re-election to protect his family from what he predicted would be exceptionally ugly campaign attacks.

Ensign is being investigated by the Senate Ethics Committee. We reached out to his office but have not heard back.

Leave it to the Prose

And finally, it was the cowboy appeal heard 'round the Web.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid lamented Republican-proposed budget cuts earlier this week saying they would eliminate his home state's annual Cowboy Poetry Festival.

The Nevada Democrat called the cuts mean-spirited saying the festival creates jobs.

Politico joked "File this under: Did Harry Reid just say that?"

And Sarah Palin tweeted, "We're 14-trillion-plus in debt yet rodeo clowns still want to fund cowboy poetry party. That must be one helluvahigh national priority shindig."

And for the record, the group that sponsors the festival says federal money accounts for only about three percent of their budget and annual attendance averages 7,000 not the tens of thousands Senator Reid talked about in his remarks.