
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," September 14, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle, along with Kirsten Powers, Eric Bolling, Melissa Francis and Greg Gutfeld. It is 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

Who is running the war against ISIS, President Obama or Vladimir Putin? Their strategies are worlds apart and both laid out their competing visions for Syria at the United Nations yesterday. Newt Gingrich and Colonel Ralph Peters agree -- this is a war Obama hasn't been winning and Putin is now emerging to take control of the fight.


NEWT GINGRICH, FORMER SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: We're seeing a continuing collapse of the Obama policy. You now have Russia firmly in Syria. You have Russia, Iran and Iraq working together with Syria. All these are things that in three or four years ago the president would have deeply opposed and now he's going to have to accommodate a reality that he can't change.

LT. COL. RALPH PETERS, FOX NEWS STRATEGIC ANALYST: Putin is doing a relatively skillful job of putting the onus on Obama for not cooperating in the fight against terror, against Islamic state. It's a real diplomatic offensive. Putin -- yeah, he's ugly, he's ruthless, he's vicious, I don't like him at all, but he's brilliant, he's got a long-term strategy.


GUILFOYLE: Sounds like everyone agrees, Putin is the man in charge and the suggestion is Eric, that Obama has -- is basically the architect of a failed policy in the Middle East, especially as it relates to Syria.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: It's failed, it's bifurcated, it's changed, it's evolved and that's the problem. And you know the old saying, power abhors a vacuum. He left the vacuum in Syria and in Iraq, Obama did. So what did Russia do was Iran doing the same we'll come in, we'll step in, we'll take control of this. They both don't -- they're both fighting ISIS, so it's in their best interests to fight ISIS in Syria. That's fine. And I would, I think that is -- I think we have it wrong, I think that would be great. Let them all take care of ISIS in Syria. The problem is when the ISIS group spilled into Iraq, they could fight. We needed to push them back into Syria and you can do that through the Kurds, you can do that through the Iraqi forces, you can give them assistance, air support, whatever you want to do, get them back into Syria and let them fight out Syria. Syria -- great picture right here, Syria is not that important. If Syria stays in other people's hands, we have them surrendered. We have Turkey, we have Iraq. On one side we have Israel and Jordan. On the other side we have Saudi Arabia. It will be completely, completely surrounded. So I.

GUILFOYLE: Isolated.

BOLLING: Yeah, isolated. I don't think that we need to be losing American soldiers in Syria.

GUILFOYLE: OK, but you have -- do you have a problem, though, with Putin taken care of it?

BOLLING: No, because he can't go there. You can't -- there's no reason for Putin to stay. If you put the map back up, Russia is almost 2,000 miles away from Syria.

KIRSTEN POWERS, GUEST CO-HOST: But what does that matter? I mean, they invaded Afghanistan. Like they're not gonna -- there's still -- that doesn't mean they don't have interests there. But the other thing I would say is if.

BOLLING: Well so much interest, there's no oil there.

POWERS: We don't know what his interests are, but they're never good. I mean we know that much. But the thing I want to say about Putin, I do think unfortunately, Putin was right in the sense of saying even all overthrowing all these dictators, like this chaos.

GUILFOYLE: Stabilize.

POWERS: And all those matter. I think that he -- that's, I mean I hate to agree with him, but I think he was right about that. But he also said that we should arm the rebels. So actually, he's not siding with anybody in the United States because he basically saying let Assad stand. You don't help anybody overthrow Assad, right? Just let Assad be there and that's -- that has not been the position really of most at it, at least, you know, conservatives or you know, the neocons (ph), certainly.


BOLLING: Can I just throw this out here. I would say that -- and so what is your, your suggestion? I mean I would agree with what's going on there. You have to let Assad stay. You can't arm the rebels. If you arm the rebels, the rebels have turned and hand over equipment and money.


BOLLING: And guns and ammo to ISIS.

POWERS: No, no. I agree with that, that's been my position from the very beginning, but the position of a lot of conservatives has been that Obama created this problem by not arming the rebels early enough. That's been their position.

MELISSA FRANCIS, GUEST CO-HOST: But you know who disagrees, Eric, with what you're saying, General Jack Keane.

BOLLING: I know that, I know that.

FRANCIS: I mean, he is saying that one of the big problems is that Putin's number one objective is not to wipe out ISIS, and neither is it Assad. And then you get them together and they gang up with Iran and Iraq and you add in North Korea. We don't have the axis of evil anymore, we half-globe of evil. And they get together in (inaudible) gets bigger and bigger and out of control. I know there are a lot of people that say that logically, it makes sense to let them go in and wipe out ISIS, but it's not -- that's not the choice.

BOLLING: So what.

GUILFOYLE: Well, let's get Greg in it.

BOLLING: Yeah, I want -- yeah. We would -- but the other point is if you do, go ahead, then what? Then you've created another nation state of what, a pseudo American state in Syria now too? Is that what we're going after?



GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Well, I don't know. Obama is like the guy who refuses to commit to a girl, and then gets angry when the girl starts dating somebody else. And that is what Syria is. I happen to agree that he did, he pretended to commit to Syria and then he didn't and that allowed Putin to take control of it. I have a solution for this. I've see three bad actors and one no-show. The three bad actors are Assad, who is brutal, ISIS who is even more brutal and you've got Putin who is old school, and then you have the no-show, which is Obama. Essentially, it's the three stooges and Obama is Shemp. Does everybody know the three stooges?



GUTFELD: OK. Putin is Moe, ISIS is Larry, Assad is Curly, and what is Moe do? He takes Curly and Larry and he goes like this -- boom. That's what he does. He plays them against each other and they get destroyed.

GUILFOYLE: Well thank God you just do.

GUTFELD: Thank you, America.

GUILFOYLE: Of Golden Girls analogy. I was worried about that.

GUTFELD: That's coming up with the next block of Planned Parenthood.



FRANCIS: I want to make sense with the problems that all these problems that we're ignoring are getting bigger and bigger and bigger.

GUTFELD: Of course.

FRANCIS: More out of control and they're gonna be more expenses.

GUTFELD: Because there's a vacuum. We stepped away. The world is basically the size of a phone booth right now, we can't look away. Thanks to the web, we watch the beheadings, we watched 250,000 people die. We cannot live by ocean privilege anymore. We can't sit there and go. It's not our problem because sooner or later that problem is gonna come here. We gonna deal with it.


BOLLING: Do we -- do we go ahead and figure out what happened in Syria? Is it -- does Syria become our next Iraq?

POWERS: But the problem.

GUTFELD: I think it will.

GUILFOYLE: Maybe we all set to go back and look at the genesis of this. You brought this up Kirsten, because a lot of people have blamed President Obama and they've got, you know facts and information on their side to back it up by this, you know, failed red-line policy. Let's take a listen to Josh Earnest answering the critics on this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Does he ever regret drawing the red line and not enforcing it?

JOSH EARNEST, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: He does not. And the fact is we would be in a much worse situation had the United States acted unilaterally in those strikes.


GUILFOYLE: Do you agree with that?

POWERS: I don't think he ever should have set the red line. I think when he set the red line and then didn't follow through, that was -- obviously, it was bad, sent the wrong message about whether America is going to follow through on what they say. I just don't think in this situation there was ever a good.

GUILFOYLE: Solution.

POWERS: There was ever a good outcome. Right because I think that we have to remember that when people were saying, let's arm the rebels, this was where we even knew ISIS. No one even had uttered the word ISIS. And then, you know, we -- and then it turns out, oh, gosh, you know, all the rebels we're talking about arming. Actually, some of them were ISIS. And so we have this horrible -- we have ISIS against Assad. Assad is a monster, ISIS is even worse. ISIS falls.


POWERS: And then -- I mean, I'm sorry, Assad falls and then who takes over?


GUTFELD: But here's the problem. We elected President Obama to address these issues. He wanted to be a world figure. But he didn't want to be a world leader. He preferred to be bono instead of Churchill.


GUTFELD: This is why you need a leader that can actually address these problems. He decided not to. He stepped back and this is now why it's worse. You have 250,000 people who are dead and you also have all of these refugees and migrants that are leaving, that would not have happened, that would not have happen if he actually stuck to his guns, but he didn't want to.


POWERS: And then what so? Overthrown Assad? Then who would have taken over?

GUTFELD: Like it would have been more aggressively gone in there and attacked. Then what it should have done.

POWERS: But then what? Then ISIS moves in and then what do we have?

GUTFELD: And then you go after ISIS.

FRANCIS: When you hope that a whole pack of generals like can sit down and come up with a solution. I mean, I'm not sure that the five of us are the ones that could possibly come up with a solution.

POWERS: Really? Why not?

GUTFELD: I think so.

FRANCIS: Huge problems.


FRANCIS: Does someone use to get involve to do something because all the problems are getting bigger, more out of control, more expensive.


BOLLING: Here's what the generals decided to do.


BOLLING: Right. The generals say go in and go in, put boots on the ground in Iraq and in Syria. Then what happens, do they say -- they finally say, OK, we're done in the Middle East here. We're going to pack our bags and go head out and fight the fight somewhere else.

FRANCIS: I think they sit down.

BOLLING: No, they continue the fight and they move the fight somewhere else. And then what we're stuck with this, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria without knowing how long do we protect those before we come back?

FRANCIS: But now we have ISIS and Putin.


FRANCIS: And Assad.


POWERS: Right.

FRANCIS: And North Korea.

BOLLING: In Syria.

FRANCIS: And Iran and the mullah.

BOLLING: In Syria.

FRANCIS: I mean.

GUILFOYLE: That is far worse.

BOLLING: All right, guys. I've got news for you.

GUILFOYLE: It's far worse.

BOLLING: Let them have Syria.

GUILFOYLE: Thanks to Obama's inaction.

BOLLING: There's no oil in Syria. There's no major trade coming out of Syria. Let them have Syria. Eventually, we're going to say, you know, we need your help, we need your money and you go, "You need our help? OK, we'll make a deal with you." And then you provide the help. But in the meantime, let them kill each other in Syria, no?

GUTFELD: Well, there are 230,000 people.


GUTFELD: That are dying, who shouldn't be dying. I mean, I would to hate to see The Five during 1942.


GUTFELD: Would be sitting here saying the same thing? I mean, OK. So lean on some of the other allies in the region who can help out, Jordan can help out.

FRANCIS: And that's the leadership.


Saudi Arabia can help out. The Iraqis, I guess it could help out all of these.

GUILFOYLE: The U.S., the United States used to be the leader. We used to be the shot callers, and we were coalition builders because we led and were able to achieve the positive outcomes through fear and through respect and through our military, which was compelling. We are not in the same position anymore, that's the problem.

BOLLING: And we should be.

GUILFOYLE: And we bear some of the responsibility and the burden of what's happened in Syria and Middle East. I mean, my God, we might as well just see.

BOLLING: Wait, wait.

GUILFOYLE: Sprinkled fertilizer on ISIS.

BOLLING: We bear some of the burden of what's happening in Syria?

GUILFOYLE: I'm telling you, yeah, because President Obama, our president is the one who helps create this situation. It would not be this bad.

BOLLING: A lot of people die in Iraq, Kimberly.

POWERS: Well, I.

BOLLING: A lot of people die -- a lot of persons died in Iraq.

GUILFOYLE: We're talking about Syria right now. We're talking about Syria.


GUILFOYLE: You know?

BOLLING: I don't want another Iraq.

GUILFOYLE: And in terms of.

BOLLING: Likewise, I don't want another Iraq, that's my point.

GUTFELD: The issue when you decide not to be the world's policeman, there's plenty of other people who do want to be the world's policeman and we're seeing it now with Putin. And that -- and you know what, maybe that was Obama's plan. Maybe he decided that he handed the baton over to Putin.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. He accepted the Nobel peace prize and turned over the Middle East to Putin? All right, nice.

POWERS: I don't think so it was a plan.


GUILFOYLE: Coming up, today the head of Planned Parenthood faced lawmakers for the first time since undercover videos exposed the group's practice of selling baby body parts. Why Cecile Richards says she's proud of the organ harvesting, next.


POWERS: House lawmakers got their first chance today to question the head of Planned Parenthood and those disturbing undercover videos. Cecile Richards did her best to defend the organization against what she called a smear campaign.


CECILE RICHARDS, PRESIDENT OF PLANNED PARENTHOOD FEDERATION OF AMERICA: Planned Parenthood has been in the news recently because of deceptively edited videos. The latest smear campaign is based on efforts by our opponents to entrap our doctors and clinicians into breaking the law. It is unacceptable that in the 21st century, women in America are routinely harassed for accessing a legal medical procedure.


POWERS: Champions of the Planned Parenthood have claimed for years that without the group, women would not have access to mammograms. Richards was forced to admit today that is just is not the truth.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How many of your affiliates have those mammogram machines?

RICHARDS: Well, our health centers are part of our affiliates. We have more than 650 health centers. So affiliate is simply the corporate structure for those.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And how many of them have mammogram machines?

RICHARDS: Affiliate isn't a health center.


RICHARDS: I just -- I said -- I think I spoke earlier we do not have mammogram machines.


RICHARDS: At our health centers and we've never stated that we did.


POWERS: I think they have. At least their supporters have claimed in the past, Melissa.


POWERS: That they provide this service I mean, what do you make of this exchange?

FRANCIS: So, I think you know in watching this today, it seems like we've gotten very far from the topic and what's happened and you know that's how you lose an argument is when you start to conflate everything together. And if you just go back to what we actually saw on tape and just the conversations, just the words. When you watched Deborah Nucatola saying that, "You know we've been very good at getting the heart, the lung and the liver because we know that -- so I'm not going to crush that part. I mean, basically crush below it, crush below it, above it and get it intact and quoted a price." Just isolate that. And let's not talk about all the rest of it. Focus on that. She quoted a price, there's a federal law that you can't sell human organs. Like why aren't we talking about law enforcement versus all of these other things that drag the debate away from the true evidence? Nobody is disputing that they said those things.

POWERS: Yeah. Well, and Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: And why do they have to have, you know, federal funding?



POWERS: And basically, they.

GUILFOYLE: Why they are entitled to do that? So that.

POWERS: Right.

GUILFOYLE: Tax dollars go to help but kill babies?


GUILFOYLE: Why is it allowed?

POWERS: Well, they claim that they, you know, that they separate the money and that it's different. But one of the things today is they focused a lot on, you know, how much money Cecile Richards is making, all of these other things versus what you were talking about.


BOLLING: Bring those numbers about.


BOLLING: Only in America would the head of Planned Parenthood make 20 percent more than the president of the United States, $500,000 for Cecile Richards, $400,000 for the president. OK, it's crazy. The other part of the numbers, they -- we found out today that Planned Parenthood's revenues, 90 percent of the revenues come from what?

POWERS: Abortion.

BOLLING: Abortion, right?

POWERS: Eighty-six percent.

BOLLING: So it's a very profitable group, right?


BOLLING: So they make money on abortions, they could survive without federal funding for abortions, right? I got this right so far?

POWERS: I think so, yeah.

BOLLING: So what you can do is you can split Planned Parenthood into two. You put the abortion said over there. Let it be a for profit business over there.

POWERS: Right.

BOLLING: And then make money. And then you want to supply health care, birth control.

POWERS: Separate.

BOLLING: Just separate them.

POWERS: Yeah, they should be different organization.

BOLLING: In that way, federal money doesn't go towards abortion.

GUILFOYLE: Just same by appreciated so.

POWERS: Yeah, there should be two different organizations.

GUILFOYLE: You want to trust them?

POWERS: No, I don't think.

GUILFOYLE: Do you think they gonna funnel the money into the right place?


POWERS: But I think to Melissa's point, though. I don't think this is what matters really. Like Greg -- I think what matters.

GUTFELD: I think this is always a problem when you get into these positions, the same thing with Benghazi. If you focus on one element of who pushed the video, you win the argument this is about the butchering of children.


GUTFELD: You -- the democrats would love it if you turned this into a war on Planned Parenthood or if you turned into.


GUTFELD: Because then that's translated into a war on women. So it's much better to focus on this repulsive part that the media has basically blocked out. I mean, this is the victory of in a way of Planned Parenthood. They've weathered the scandal because they are now seen as the victim. They are the ones being butchered, not the babies and they're being seen almost as a girl scouts in smoks (ph). Performing this Florence nightingale type endeavor, which is actually, again, it's like a magic act. What do you call that? A sleight of hand, look at the mammograms, don't see what we're really doing.


GUTFELD: It's all been an illusion.



BOLLING: If do know is if you just split them into two.


BOLLING: And you have the abortion clinic on one side and they do stuff like that, you can shut it down.


BOLLING: And then you haven't stopped women from getting birth control or cancer screenings.

POWERS: But you need it. But the problem is that you still have the majority of Americans supporting this organization and I think that they wouldn't be supporting it if they would just.

BOLLING: No, no.

POWERS: If they would just.

BOLLING: That's not accurate.

POWERS: Yes, it is. Of course it is accurate.

BOLLING: No, no. The majority of Americans saying they don't want to stop funding Planned Parenthood.

POWERS: No, no. Planned Parenthood has very high approval rating.


POWERS: But let me just finish the sentence, OK? They -- what I want to say is I think what they should have been doing is they should have been saying, you say these are heavily doctored. I'm going to read you three sentences and I want you to tell me in these three sentences, like you just read, what's inaccurate. What has been doctored? And they should have spent the entire time doing that. Just go in through because these sentences are so damning, there's no context for how they could have been OK, but there's another thing that happened and we want to play this video of you -- for you of Hillary Clinton talking about late-term abortions.


CHUCK TODD, MSNBC HOST: Are there reasonable restrictions that you would ever support on abortion?

HILLARY CLINTON, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I've said that there were. And that's under.

TODD: What are they?

CLINTON: And that's' under Roe V. Wade, that there can be restrictions in the very end of you know, the third trimester, but they have to take into account the life and health of the mother.


POWERS: I mean Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, yeah.

POWERS: You've given birth to a child, like, really?

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. Yeah, I know. I mean, it's so sad to me because why wouldn't you want to be on the side of preserving life? Why aren't they saying we want to make sure there's a counselor right there, there's so many people that need and want children and are desperate to have them and give them love and a home. What the heck is wrong with these people that in the third trimester, you are so selfish and disgusting that you would kill a child that is viable that could be living, and the percentage of cases that she's talking about, the health of the mother? No one is out there trying to kill mothers, right? Let -- take it easy, Hillary, you know?

FRANCIS: Right. Well, look, I mean we're talking about a baby that's almost going to be born.

GUTFELD: I mean -- she's practically at the point of saying that euthanasia is part of abortion. She's willing to go as far as you can go.

GUILFOYLE: And that should matter, right? People should pay attention. Is that who you want to vote for?

GUTFELD: She just -- somebody should just -- like post one simple question, if there are signs of life in this being, is it murder when you abort it?


GUTFELD: Can you answer that question? I don't think any pro choicer can answer that question.

POWERS: Oh, I think and actually, I think they would answer it. I think they would say.

GUTFELD: They would lie to themselves.

POWERS: Or they wait until the baby is born or.



GUTFELD: When it comes to lying -- they're lying to themselves.

POWERS: To the hospitals.

GUTFELD: They like -- they know when they see and they see the sonogram, they know it's a living creature.


GUTFELD: But they -- in order to accept this evil, in which we've all in this -- in this country have accepted since Roe V. Wade that it's a necessary evil that we have to live with for the rest of our lives and pretend that it is not real.

POWERS: And this is also, Melissa, I mean, this is brutal. I mean, we're talking about a baby that is not well developed. I mean, in abortion, I mean, we're talking about a very brutal violent act against the child, right?

FRANCIS: I was amazed that she took the bait on the question and answered it because that has been, you know, that has been the question they always say is never posed to the left. Like at what point is it too late? How far do you go? And the fact that she answered it, I mean that -- it seemed almost like an unguarded moment.


FRANCIS: The plan.

GUILFOYLE: But then, she got to own this and that should people should pay attention, decide about who you want to elect, you know, as president of the United States, Hillary Clinton, the architect of the war against babies.

FRANCIS: Al right, on that note.

POWERS: Ahead, he was kicked out of the army for confronting a child rapist in Afghanistan, instead of looking the other way. Now Sergeant Charles Martland is fighting to get his job back and speaking publicly for the first time about his discharge, next.


GUTFELD: Maybe not that appropriate for this segment. Have you heard about Sergeant First Class Charles Martland who was relieved of his duties for Body-slamming an allied Afghan police commander who have been engaging in a practice called "boy play," it's basically using teenage boys as sex slaves. The Green Beret said this, "Kicking me out of the Army is morally wrong and the entire country knows it." Well not really, the entire country doesn't know it because the media has been obsessed with a kid who built a clock that looked like a bomb. But in this day and age, how can we let this soldier judge what is wrong? Don't we know how important multiculturalism is? No, we must respect all foreign practices because it's arrogant to assume that we are better. I mean to them, women driving a car is evil, so who is to say what's wrong? See, Sergeant Martland made a value judgment, a crime in a time where all cultures are now relative. Forget progress, equality, basic human decency, we just are any better. That's the sick joke behind cultural diversity. It enables the very worst behavior: a bucket for honor killers, child rape, stoning of women, perversion of religion and power, protected under a ghoulish doom of intolerance -- or tolerance rather. It is under this dome that doing the right thing becomes the wrong thing. The hero becomes a villain and the victim is just another casualty of our abdication of accountability.

This happened in Afghanistan, but don't worry, it's not like it is spreading.

GUTFELD: Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, I know.

GUTFELD: Amazing, these soldiers are.

GUILFOYLE: We need a bad mood again.

GUTFELD: Stop this stuff.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, I agree.

GUTFELD: And that's their role.

GUILFOYLE: He could be a hero.


GUILFOYLE: He should be given an award.


GUILFOYLE: Why isn't he invited to the White House.


GUILFOYLE: And to the Rose Garden and hailed a hero.

GUTFELD: That is a great point.

GUILFOYLE: Who's Obama's choice?


GUILFOYLE: Bergdahl?


GUILFOYLE: Hear my point.

GUTFELD: yeah, I get it.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. So this is outrageous to me. This is again speaking to the character of this country like Carly have talked about with Planned Parenthood. Do you just sit by and allow this to happen? Is that who we are? Who we become? Like when is it OK to allow children to be casualties of war, of political conflict, of political expediency?

GUTFELD: Good point. Kirsten, she brings up the political part. We didn't want to upset the fragile relationship we had with these misgrants (ph), these allied commanders. So that's what, I guess paved this over.

POWERS: Yeah, there's no -- there are some things (inaudible) that should never cross and this is obviously one of them. And so I think that when you are face with that -- look, I get it. You want to have a good relationship with them, but there are some things that they do, you cannot sit by and expect in The New York Times article about this. They've talked about the soldiers having to listen to these boys being raped and they can't do anything.


POWERS: I mean this is inhumane.

GUILFOYLE: Like they got to go, do some public executions of anybody.


GUILFOYLE: And that all (inaudible) a little bit.

GUTFELD: Eric, if you had done something, if you were over there, they would probably have -- some bureaucracy would have accused of anger issues. If you actually punched him.

BOLLING: And can I defend the Green Berets to a -- a little bit right here. What they're say is that vigilantism is unacceptable. So taking the law and providing justice on the spot is against their rules, and I understand that.

However, these people are animals. Do you realize that this was going on regularly? That these Afghan soldiers, or whatever they are, officials were raping children tied to beds, and it was going on. And they could hear in the barracks? For nights on end.

GUILFOYLE: That's what he's saying.

BOLLING: And so yes, is it understandable what Martland did? Absolutely. Should he be thrown out of the Army? I'm not sure if he should be thrown out or given a medal and replaced somewhere else in another branch of government, branch of the armed services. But I do understand that they have to keep -- at least keep the order as far as vigilantism.

FRANCIS: This show was a lot lighter the last time I was on. There's a lot of tough topics today. I mean, this is really tough stuff to listen to. But...

GUTFELD: Should we do something else?

FRANCIS: Not -- you know, I think we'll get to that in a little bit.


FRANCIS: For now, I mean, this goes back to, you know, when you just decide you're going to stand up for certain things in life, whatever the consequences are. And it kind of goes back to what you've been taught or what you teach your kids. That you're just going to stand up in the face of what's wrong and let the chips fall where they may.

And maybe -- like you said, maybe he did, you can't have a command where you're taking things into your own hands, even when you feel like you know your commander is not giving you good commands. So he made the decision. Then maybe he bears the consequences of that decision proudly and comes back and talks about it.

GUTFELD: One source of mine -- he's a Green Beret -- said that he believes it's officers who are scared of the accountability question. So they don't want to get involved, because they're afraid of the politics. So they just say -- look the other way.

GUILFOYLE: Then why are you putting on a uniform?

GUTFELD: Well, these soldiers are they guys...

GUILFOYLE: You know, why -- you better stand -- you've got to stand for something.

GUTFELD: They have a Latin, a Latin saying, I think it says "to free the oppressed." That's on the beret. That's what they're supposed to do.

GUILFOYLE: I know, but how do you stand by and sleep at night when you know that you're allowing children to be brutalized and raped? How about stopping a crime in progress?

POWERS: And I also think that people who are telling them that they can't intervene are the people that are accountable for him finally flipping out and hitting somebody. I mean, if you're going to ask somebody to, day in and day out, listen to this, eventually someone is going to snap and say, "I can't listen to this anymore."

GUTFELD: Major -- we talked about this about a month ago. Major Jason Bresler sent an email warning about this pervert and his -- and his teenaged boys and that there might be a violent attack. And there was, and three soldiers were murdered by one of the teenagers that was part of this weird group of things. And so this guy got busted, got relieved, Jason Bresler, for sending an email warning.

GUILFOYLE: Right, right. OK. Well, I hope somebody gives these guys a great job.

GUTFELD: I guess you're only a whistle blower if it's on the left, right?

POWER: Well, I don't know that this is a left or right thing, right?

GUTFELD: No, I know. That's true.

GUTFELD: I was just a cheap shot at you for...

POWERS: It was.

GUTFELD: All right. I admit when I do cheap shots.

Up next, in "The Fastest Seven," Clinton, Kanye and "The Martian." Stay tuned. Which one's which?

GUILFOYLE: What's up with "The Martian"?


BOLLING: Welcome back. Time for...


GRAPHIC: The Fastest 7


BOLLING: ... "The Fastest Seven Minutes on Television." Three intoxicating stories, seven impetuous minutes, one irreverent host.

First up, it could almost be a sitcom script writing itself. Hillary -- excuse me, President Hillary Clinton and guess who's in the office down the West Wing hall? Bill Clinton, door closed, shades down.


CHUCK TODD, HOST, "MEET THE PRESS": You've said that, in 2007, that you would have some roles, that you had some roles in mind for your husband if you get elected. What roles do you have in mind for him?

HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Well, he is a great adviser. I would love to have his...

TODD: So he'll have a West Wing office?

CLINTON: Well...

TODD: If you get there?

CLINTON: He's a pretty busy guy. I don't know anything like that. But I'm not looking -- I'm not, you know, counting my chickens before they hatch.


BOLLING: Now Kirsten, you worked in the White House. Under Clinton.

POWERS: Yes, I did.


POWERS: Well, I -- I would guess that he wouldn't have an office. Just because I think she has to really fight this idea that somehow he's really going to be president, and not her. But he's obviously going to be intimately involved in everything that she does. I can't imagine that he wouldn't be on the phone with her.

GUTFELD: I wouldn't say "intimately."

Everyone's mistaken. She said she wants to put him in the cabinet. It's an actual -- actual cabinet. So he won't -- you know have sex with interns...

GUILFOYLE: Like "Silence of the Lambs."

GUTFELD: ... with journalists and other pieces of furniture. She doesn't want the West Wing to turn into the West Fling or the West Schwing.

FRANCIS: He would definitely be there. There would be no way that you could keep him away. It would be like, if I may do an analogy for a second, like you're there and you're manning the barbeque. And you know that guy that stands right next to you and is like, "You're burning that" and holding the beer. And you're sort of like, 'Get over there back by the cooler."

GUILFOYLE: Yes, but you know what? I don't care. I hope she calls in, like, 365 sick days and lets, you know, Bubba take it.

BOLLING: You do?

GUILFOYLE: Yes. I'd rather have him than her, good God. Joe Biden.

BOLLING: Stay right -- stay right there. Let's go to the next one.

Yeesuz, a.k.a. Kanye West, is set to perform at a DNC fundraiser next week, I believe. If I'm not mistaken, it's next week. According to The New York Post, he's been warned not to shout out any Kanye-style advice to the POTUS. Gee, I wonder why? Roll the tape, Mina.


KANYE WEST, HIP-HOP STAR: I'm a creative genius, and there's no other way to word it.

Anybody as a god can recognize a god. Yeezus can recognize Jesus.

I am the No. 1 most impactful artist of our generation. I am Shakespeare in the flesh. Walt Disney, Nike, Google.


BOLLING: So we contacted both the DNC and Kanye's team but haven't heard anything -- K.G.

GUILFOYLE: All right, Keena (ph). I cannot. I made my comment. It was off-camera.

BOLLING: And what was that?

GUILFOYLE: I mean, he's got, like, a Trump-esque quality.

FRANCIS: You know, they could raise more money. Let that slide real quick. They could raise more money if they sold tickets to Kanye giving POTUS advice. I mean, can you imagine? Neither of them are that humble about their talents. They get out there. Neither of them have poker faces. It would be so entertaining. Sell tickets to that.

BOLLING: He wants to run in 2020.

GUTFELD: I -- he is the Democratic version of Donald Trump.


GUTFELD: They both talk about themselves with such incredible confidence and they're so assertive. It makes sense. And they shouldn't silence him. They should make him the spokesman. He's definitely got affect...

GUILFOYLE: Remember, (UNINTELLIGIBLE) made the joke of saying, "Oh yes, Kanye for V.P."?

BOLLING: Well, Kirsten, you know, Republicans have changed their strategy here a little bit. It's going off the beaten path. Not the regular politician. Maybe it's time for the Democrats.

POWERS: You think it's time for Kanye?

BOLLING: What do you think?

POWERS: I think that's a sabotage move on your part.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, you think?

GUTFELD: Kanye, yes, we Kanye. Yes, we Kanye.

FRANCIS: But also doesn't Conway?

BOLLING: You just wrote his bumper sticker.

GUILFOYLE: Conway? Kanye?

POWER: Kanye is a Parsons (ph) fan though, right?

GUTFELD: That's -- yes, that's what I've heard.

POWERS: The word on the street.

GUTFELD: Yes. The word on the street. You're on that street, aren't you, Kirsten?

FRANCIS: Careful, careful.

BOLLING: All right. Twentieth Century Fox has a big new film starring Matt Damon called "the Martian." Coincidentally, NASA released news, the big news about water on Mars the same week the movie's big promotional push came out, like I said, coincidentally.

GUILFOYLE: Wink-wink.


MATT DAMON, ACTOR: OK, let's do the math. I've got to figure out how to grow four years' worth of food here on a planet where nothing grows. But if I can't figure out a way to make contact with NASA, none of this matters, anyway.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Houston, be advised, we've got a video message. It's directed to the whole crew. Play it.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mark Watney is still alive.


BOLLING: All right, Greg. I'm a big fan of this kind of film.

GUTFELD: I think the worst possible experience would be to see Matt Damon on a planet for two and a half hours. By the way, this is not news.


FRANCIS: What? I love Matt Damon.

GUTFELD: Let me finish. Let's get to the news here.

This is not news. Water was discovered. They found -- they found water frozen at its poles. I don't know, it was a couple of years ago. They'd seen puddles. But the real truth, the real truth is they discovered methane. That means there are Martians, and they have gas.

BOLLING: OK, Melissa. Let's talk about this for a second. The timing of this release, the NASA release. So the film comes out. It's a big promotional push. That's scheduled. But NASA decides this week to talk about, "Hey, we have a picture of water on Mars."

However, Ridley Scott, who directed the film, says he saw that picture a couple of weeks ago.

FRANCIS: Yes, so I'd go to Mars with Matt Damon. Is that not the question?


FRANCIS: I'm sorry, what were we talking about? The guys and the girls -- no, no. The guys and the girls...

GUTFELD: He's sexist and racist. He's a sexist and a racist. We learned that in "Project Greenlight."

FRANCIS: I don't know about that, but he is sexy. The ladies about this table...

GUILFOYLE: Why do you...


FRANCIS: You guys are trash-talking him.

GUTFELD: He's a sexist and a racist. I watched "Project Greenlight." Look it up.

POWERS: Just lay off Matt Damon. All right?

FRANCIS: You don't want to get embroiled in this?

GUILFOYLE: No. I love Matt Damon. But do something else for me. I don't want to go to Mars with you. The "Bourne Supremacy." I don't care.

I like "Bourne Supremacy" all of that. That's my speed; that's my jam.

POWERS: Let's say NASA did sit on this picture. Can you blame them? I mean, they're kind of going out of business. They're trying to get some attention.

GUILFOYLE: They need Kanye.

POWERS: They need some love. They need some love.


POWERS: Yes, NASA. I mean, they're getting their budget cut.

BOLLING: Versus the scientist who worked literally thousands of hours ...

POWERS: Time it with the release of the movie.

GUILFOYLE: We've milked this for all it's worth. Move on.

BOLLING: I want to know why matt Damon is a racist and a sexist.

GUTFELD: Did you watch "Project Greenlight"? Oh, you should look it up.

BOLLING: Look it up.

GUTFELD: It came out bad.

BOLLING: I don't even know what "Project Greenlight" is. Is that a movie?

GUTFELD: No, "Project Greenlight" is a series in which he helps find new directors, but there weren't enough black directors. And he got called out for it. He says, "Well, we don't need them."

POWERS: That's not really what he said.

GUTFELD: I watched it.

POWERS: No but I mean, he clarified later. That's not exactly what he meant.

GUTFELD: We have to clarify, he apologized.

POWERS: Matt Damon is awesome.

BOLLING: We'll leave it right there.

Next Forbes has calculated the net worth of every 2016 presidential candidate. Who are the richest and the poorest? Find out next.


FRANCIS: We know Donald Trump is rich, really rich. He has told us all about that. What about the other presidential candidates? Forbes just put together a list of the 2016 hopefuls' net worth. The richest of course, obviously, Trump, with $4.5 billion.

Carly Fiorina follows him with a nice $58 million. Then there's Hillary Clinton with 45, Lincoln Chafee with $32 million. Ben Carson, look at you with 26 million bucks.

GUILFOYLE: Wow. He is (ph) rich.

FRANCIS: I know. Next up, the least wealthy candidates: Rand Paul and Rick Santorum both have around $2 million. Lindsay Graham, 1. Bernie Sanders, $700,000; Marco Rubio $100,000 and like so many Americana, crushed by student debt, Martin O'Malley coming in with the lowest, at zero.

GUILFOYLE: How do you have zero?

GUTFELD: Wasn't he mayor of Baltimore?

BOLLING: Governor.

GUTFELD: Well, that makes sense.

POWERS: But how do you...

BOLLING: Governor of Maryland. But Tommy says he's mayor of Baltimore as well.

GUTFELD: Yes, yes. And he can't handle money.

POWERS: How do you get exactly zero, though?

FRANCIS: I don't know. Yes, that doesn't make any sense.

GUILFOYLE: This is not -- this is not...

FRANCIS: It's Forbes so they've got something going on there. Ben Carson, look at you with $26 million.

GUILFOYLE: That's telling you.

FRANCIS: What's the most surprising to you, Kimberly?

GUILFOYLE: It was my Ben, my sweet Ben with 26 million. How does he get all that money? He's my political crush.


BOLLING: Hillary Clinton -- of the top, Hillary is in the middle of that. You have Trump, Carson, Fiorina. Slide Hillary in there. And these are people in private industry. They made money, and they came to run for president, not because they're career politicians.

The problem is the ten or so that are worth five, seven and 10 or 15 or $20 million who have never done anything but hold public office. How do you become a 20-millionaire by living your whole life working for the government making $150,000 or $200,000 a year? How does that happen?

FRANCIS: They're isolating what they say Hillary Clinton is worth. How about the fact that Clintons left the White House in 2001 and as they said, they were dead broke. And then they amassed $230 million with just speeches, book deals and consulting gigs?

POWERS: Yes. So how are they only worth $45 million?

FRANCIS: Well, they're trying to isolate her net worth. You put them together as a couple. I mean, they've been just sort of going around, you know -- I don't know, having carnivals and whatever.

GUTFELD: That's why he tells them to leave me off the list.

POWERS: I feel so bad...

GUTFELD: You're on a list like that, all the relatives call. It's just annoying.

FRANCIS: So is money a turn-off in this race? Or is it a turn-on? Because it's interesting. You have a lot of wealthy people. Trump, you know, gets right out in front of it. In the last election, with Mitt Romney, it was a turn-off. But Trump turned that on its head. Is it pro or con?

GUTFELD: It's probably pro. Because the problem with Mitt was he allowed people to go after him about the money, about him being wealthy; and they wouldn't go after people like Kerry. So this is -- it's important that you say, "Yes. It's great." Everybody in America wants to be rich. It's a capitalist country. So what's the deal? Shut up.

FRANCIS: Well, what's the difference between Mitt Romney, who amassed his fortune; and you have Carly Fiorina, 58 million. I mean, when people hear that, they for the most part say, "You go, girl."

GUTFELD: They don't say, "You go, girl." It's an old phrase.

GUILFOYLE: That's the problem. Money's been more neutralized, because there are so many people listed.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly.

GUILFOYLE: The money factor's been more neutralized, because there's so many with it in this race.

BOLLING: How can Trump neutralize the money factor? I think it was -- it was a bad strike on your record if you had a lot of money. Everyone was hiding from their money in the last election cycle and the one before it, as well. Now -- you know, this is what's wrong with politics. Is that we're afraid of being successful and winning. And he's saying, "I did it. I want America to participate, too."

FRANCIS: So maybe then he could package that tax thing and make everyone love it, as well. I mean, you talking about lowering all the tax rates. This is something that maybe he's the right guy to sell that, as well, this tax plan.

GUTFELD: Don't get serious over this.

FRANCIS: Sorry. "One More Thing" is up next.


GUILFOYLE: Time for "One More Thing" -- Gregory.

GUTFELD: I'm so excited for this.


GUTFELD: I hate these people!


GUTFELD: You know that I've been leading the charge against man buns. You know what man bans are?

FRANCIS: Oh, yes.

GUTFELD: They're these bird nests of greasy hair. They're on the back of men's heads. They're like barnacles. Horrifying barnacles. And now they're everywhere. And I've been walking around pulling them out myself. But here's the good news, science is now behind me.

GUILFOYLE: Can you reach that high?

GUTFELD: It's called -- Yes, I can, Kimberly. It's called -- it's called traction -- get this, traction alopecia. Man buns cause baldness, because it pulls your hair back over long periods of time. And that kills -- get this, it causes follicle death.

So all of these nutsos with their stupid little things on their head looking like onions, they're actually losing all their hair. Ha ha ha ha ha!

GUILFOYLE: That's such a pleasant topic.

GUTFELD: I love traction alopecia.

GUILFOYLE: You should have said, "I love these people now."

GUTFELD: No, I still hate them.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Well, that was weird -- Eric.

BOLLING: That was very good, by the way.

There was a big premiere on FOX. You know, the same FOX you watch the NFL. It's called "The Grinder," 8:30 p.m. It stars Rob Lowe, Fred Savage and -- Greg will be happy to know William DeVane is also...


BOLLING: It's being called the funniest new comedy this season. Watch.

GUILFOYLE: William DeVane is...


ROB LOWE, ACTOR: Dad was a great lawyer. You're a great lawyer. I became a character who was a great lawyer. I need to be doing this for real.

FRED SAVAGE, ACTOR: So you're going to go to law school?

LOWE: Well, I don't think I need that. With the show and all.

SAVAGE: Sure, well, acting on TV shows is the equivalent of going to law school, so why would you need that?


BOLLING: All right. So check it out 8:30 tonight. "The Grinder." It should be really, really funny.

GUILFOYLE: And Melissa worked with him. Right?

FRANCIS: Fred Savage, yes. He was my brother on a show on ABC. "Morningstar/Eveningstar," I think it was called.

GUILFOYLE: It was like a Geraldo moment.

GUTFELD: Right. Do you have video of this?

FRANCIS: he played my brother.

GUILFOYLE: Well, I have an awesome show that I'm really excited about. It started last week, and you can catch it tonight. It's called "Limitless," and my friend Hill Harper, who is a fantastic actor, who's one of the former stars of "CSI," he's in this. And it's based on the Bradley Cooper film, where you use all of your brain. You take the pills and make it happen. Take a look.


HILL HARPER, ACTOR: Welcome to the FBI. You'll never see a real badge or gun, but at least you've got those.

JAKE MCDORMAN, ACTOR: Are you hazing me? That's awesome. Thanks, man.

So? Day one. Epic. Where we going?


GUILFOYLE: That's Hill playing Agent Spelman Boyle. You can check it out tonight, 10 p.m. Eastern on CBS. And Hill is also the author of seven great books. You can check it out on Amazon -- Melissa.

FRANCIS: All right. Red alert: Oreos are putting out the cinnamon bun flavor. This is really important. I bought the rice crispy treat ones on eBay. Actually, I hid them from my family, because I wanted them for myself. That's not to say there haven't been huge misses on this, like candy corn Oreos. Did you guys ever see those? And watermelon flavored Oreos. This is going to be way better. So race out, because you love Oreos. Cinnamon bun Oreos.

GUILFOYLE: Cinnamon bun on eBay?

FRANCIS: Well, no, I was desperate for the rice crispy ones. It was a mistake. But I hoarded them. I hoarded them and didn't share.

GUILFOYLE: Wow, that's wo cool.

POWERS: With your Oreos you should go out and get a coffee today, because it's National Coffee Day for the best drink that's ever been invented. And you can go out to Dunkin' Donuts and get your -- I can't read this without my glasses.

GUTFELD: Medium.

POWERS: Free medium cup of Dunkin' Donuts.

BOLLING: Not me. Just one. Don't try to get two, though.


BOLLING: Because they say no.

POWERS: OK. Or go next door to Financier, and they're having half price, as well.

FRANCIS: Forget it. Get an Oreo instead.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh. All right. Set your DVRs so you never miss an episode of "The Five." That's it for us. "Special Report" is next.

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