This is a rush transcript from "The Five," January 29, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: -- sick to my stomach. Hi, I'm Greg Gutfeld, with Katie Pavlich, Juan Williams, Jesse Watters, and a butt (ph) Frisbee, Dana Perino, THE FIVE. As Donald Trump signs yet another trade deal and reveals the Middle East peace plan amid an economic boom, it raises a key question. How can a president do so many effective things and still face a hateful opposition? If you ask people to grade his work based on their lives, they will tell you things are great because the results are obvious. More jobs, higher wages, peace, prosperity. But if you ask them about impeachment or about the president in general, the responses will vary. So why is that? Well, maybe they know what happens if you say anything nice about Trump. Or it could also be Trump's personality. If he rubbed you the wrong way four years ago, maybe he still does. But also the media runs the turf where facts and opinions can be molded into any narrative they desire. We know the golden oldies. Trump is unstable. He's about to cause World War III. He is a racist. He's not responsible for this economy. All are a matter of opinion, born from emotion disconnected from concrete results. And yet, like a t-shirt canon, the media can shoot those messages to you at home and call it an honest day's work. It's safe to say much of the disconnect between Trump's results and the polls are largely media driven. The media is like the bitter ex-spouse whispering bad things to the kids about the other parent. And impeachment is their way to really tar the guy, and they aren't even hiding it. The upside to all this, it seems impeachment really revs up an already competitive president. You try to bring him down and he just does more. If you keep at this, he will probably cure the Coronavirus and make China pay for it. Juan, that monologue was dedicated to you. It was like dedicating a song. I think you would agree, Juan, that with the trade deals, the peace plans, the dead terrorists. Impeachment has made Trump the most effective president in our lifetimes.

JUAN WILLIAMS, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Really? Well, first, on the Coronavirus. I have had the sniffles lately. It's been a great concern today because I've --


WILLIAMS: So I was thinking. If he can really solve the Coronavirus, Greg may have something.

GUTFELD: Now, maybe I don't want him to do. I put eye drops in your coffee.

WILLIAMS: Oh, don't do it. Don't do it. Anyway, in response, I would say this. You could say that, yes, I think the USMCA is a good thing -- especially for our farmers, our trade deals. That is good stuff. I would say if he really had a Middle East peace plan, I would say marvelous. Boy, that would solve so many problems. But that doesn't negate that what he did with President Zelensky and the Ukraine is bad. I mean, it's like saying, yeah, I'm a good person but I robbed somebody. That doesn't work. You can't say to the judge, oh, Katie, Katie is a wonderful partner, but you know, she just beats someone in the head and therefore forget --


GUTFELD: Your analogies need to fit.

WILLIAMS: Well, no, because what we heard today, in fact, was this argument about abuse of power. The most amazing part of today, by the way, Alan Dershowitz saying, oh, you know what, if the president believes that his re-election is in the national interest then it doesn't matter. You can't impeach him on that. So he is a king, anything, anything.

GUTFELD: No, that's actually true if you believe you are an effective president. But the other thing, too, they don't -- abuse of power is not criteria because it's new vague, Dana. It's vague. You can say that about any policy you don't like.

DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Yes, absolutely. They -- for any time -- remember when President Obama said I don't need you Congress. I've got a pen and a phone. People were like, you can't do that, you have to go through the Democratic process. But nobody impeach him over it.

GUTFELD: We tried.


PERINO: I'm not making a direct analogy here. But I think that the -- Patrick Philbin, the lawyer for the president's team, he's really effective I think at explaining things to people. And when he emphasized you have not proven these things beyond a reasonable doubt, so anybody who has served on a jury or watched one on TV, that is the standard. Beyond a reasonable doubt, and they haven't done that. And I also think that with the news today, that Cory Gardner of Colorado, the Senator there, has said no on witnesses. I think it is safe to say that by Friday, Mitchell McConnell will have the votes. There will be no witnesses, and the president will be acquitted.

GUTFELD: You know I consider myself a legal expert from my years of watching Law and Order, so I have to back you up on this. Jesse, we're all going to the Super Bowl, so I thought I would go with a Super Bowl analogy, a football analogy. You know, with this new trade deal and the peace deal. Isn't Donald Trump like Earl Campbell? You know, he can cross the goal line carrying people in. Remember Earl Campbell? He was a big back and he would run. It's like when people would jump on him, he would just move forward and score. Isn't Trump more effective when he has such resistance?

JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: That's right, and we are the offensive linemen, OK, helping him plough the field, right Juan? Fair and balanced. Now, here's the thing about this analogy --


WATTERS: -- the entire media, OK? Relax. We're just telling the truth over here. Here's what I see what's going on right now, the hatred, all right? Trump is beating the Democrats at their own game. Usually, you can tell a Republican and say, you know, you're only good for Wall Street and you are not good for Main Street. But for the first time in a long time, this president has been good for both. And this has been a bottom up recovery. And not only that, for the working men and women, wages are up, but also for blacks and Hispanics. So that makes the Democrats furious that he's doing what they've been promising to do for three decades and haven't been able to do. And a businessman comes in and does it in three years. So there is an all out assault on him. The second thing is he goes on offense constantly, either it's on Twitter, if it's on the press conferences, we're not used to having a president just bludgeon the opposition so forcefully and so aggressively on all spectrums 24 hours a day. It's unsettling to a lot of people. And people just aren't used to it. And then third, I just think the speaking style is jarring for a lot of people. He's from Queens. He is brash. He gets right to the point and is very politically incorrect. So it's unnerving to hear the president of the United States go directly at people like that and just shake things down to the core. So at the end of the day, you've made this analogy. And I will double down on that, although it's not an Earl Campbell analogy. If you have a platoon leader, you don't like him but you respect him, and he keeps killing the enemy. Or you have a CEO who is robbing you crazy, keeps you at work until 9:00 p.m. But the earnings are fantastic and you've got a great bonus. Or what about a football coach? He's yelling at you all the time. He's making you run sprints but you just won the Super Bowl. You don't have to love the guy to respect him because winning is most important.

GUTFELD: You know, Katie, you usually get your facts straight.


GUTFELD: Yes. Dana brought up the fact that it's probably there won't be any witnesses. Is that a good thing?

PAVLICH: Well, I think it depends. I mean, you can be open to new witnesses who were not part of the House process. But the problem is that the House is sending over a case that doesn't have everything done. So the Senate, you can -- the question is if you are a senator how could you vote against witnesses at this point, knowing what you know about John Bolton and the book? And the answer is because the Senate doesn't want to have a precedent set where the House can just send over any kind of impeachment process without doing all of the work. And as the attorney argued today for the White House, that would enable the Senate to become an investigatory body. It would then force them to be in impeachment forever as the House sends over partisan impeachment. And it's important to point out that there are two sets of witnesses here. The House interviewed 17 people. Those people's testimony has been used in the Senate trial on both sides to prove a point. There's nobody in the Clinton trial who testified in the House and then testified in the Senate who wasn't interviewed before the articles of impeachment and the entire House case was sent to the Senate. And so that's -- I think senators are looking at it and saying, we are not the House and you need to do your job.

WILLIAMS: And you know the rebuttal came from the Democrats who said there have been 15 impeachments and witnesses, in all of them, including in one case. I think this was the Johnson case, like 37 of the 40 had not testified in the House but testified in the Senate. So it's not like this is unprecedented.

PAVLICH: It is unprecedented.


GUTFELD: All right.

PERINO: Not again.

GUTFELD: Not again, or let's do it again. Coming up, some Democrats are on the fence on whether or not to acquit Trump on impeachment. That's next.


PERINO: The impeachment trial continuing on Capitol Hill where senators -- they're getting their chance to ask both legal teams questions. We are monitoring that. We'll bring you the latest. But first, the White House is telling John Bolton not to publish his upcoming book until classified material is removed. And a recent interview with the former national security advisor is getting a lot of attention.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I will be meeting President Zelensky. He and President Trump have already spoken twice. The president called to congratulate President Zelensky on his election and on his success in the parliamentary election. They were very warm and cordial calls. We are hoping that they will be able to meet in Warsaw and have a few minutes together.


PERINO: So there we have -- not unusual, Katie, for the National Security Council to -- I mean, that is the process. You look through it. You might have to ask the CIA, DNI, like, is everything OK? But this is getting extra scrutiny because they had it for a month. And now is the only time that they're first telling them, wait, we've got some problems.

PAVLICH: Yeah. And I -- you know, the question -- the publisher of Bolton, his team, have denied leaking this information to the New York Times. And I actually think that's true, because it's not in Bolton's interest to have the book held up forever, not to get it published in March. And because of this leak, now they are looking at it even more thoroughly for classified information. And when you submit a book for classification review, it doesn't just go to your agency. It goes to all the other agencies and you're not always sure exactly how long it's going to take or what information is there. A lot of the media today made this a big deal and said that the president was threatening John Bolton about the book, that they may not publish it. They were simply asked to take out classified information, which is exactly what this review is for. And given that interview that we just played, I think it is very clear that Bolton's so-called allegation about what happened that was published in the New York Times and the second-hand reading of the manuscript may not be all that Adam Schiff and the Democrats are making it out to be. Which is why you are seeing all these other Democrats now possibly coming out for acquittal, which if you're voting for acquittal, you are unlikely to vote for John Bolton.


PERINO: Yeah. I wanted to mention that. Jesse, it's possible that you could have some bipartisan agreement on acquittal. Senators Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, and Doug Jones of Alabama, they said they're undecided. But as people who count knows -- think that they might vote with them.

WATTERS: Yeah. I understand why. In Arizona, impeachment is underwater by 10 points. In Alabama, it's underwater by 15, in West Virginia, 25 points. Impeachment is underwater. I don't see how Manchin or someone like that could vote against their own constituents and side with Chuck Schumer.

PERINO: Can I play the Manchin sound bite about Hunter Biden? Take a listen to this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is Hunter Biden a relevant witness, Senator?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You know, I think so. I really do. I don't have a problem there, because this is why we are where we are. Now, I think that he could clear himself. What I know and what I've heard, but being afraid to put anybody that might have pertinent information is wrong, no matter if you are a Democrat or Republican.


PERINO: So Juan, do you think that Democrats might lose a couple of folks that will vote for acquittal?

WILLIAMS: No, but you know it's possible, you know. Might is the, you know, operative word there on your part. But to me, what is more interesting at the moment is Republicans who would vote not to hear witnesses when you have 75 percent of the American people, it's pretty overwhelming. And if when you want to talk about people underwater, let's go talk about Cory Gardner in Colorado, you know? Let's talk about what's going on in Arizona. Let's go talk about some of these other Republicans. And for them, the challenge is that once President Trump is acquitted, as we think is likely as we sit here Wednesday evening. He's going to say this is proof. I've been vindicated. You know, it's all over. And these Republicans who vote -- even before acquittal, but vote to block witnesses and to block the admission of new documents are going to be loaded. It's going to be on their backs. At the top of the ticket, they're going to have to explain why you think a fair trial does not include the guy who is the most pertinent to direct testimony about what the president is doing.


WATTERS: I don't think they are going to run against impeachment.


PERINO: And also, if you're Cory Gardner and you vote -- let's say he has a tough race ahead of him in Colorado, and you vote against the president, then you're going to have no support in Colorado at all anyway. Greg, how do you think about the media's played all of this as they wait to see -- every development that they -- oh, McConnell is going to lose. Just last night that they thought McConnell didn't have the votes.

GUTFELD: Because -- and now you just sit there and you go that's wrong. And no matter what they say, you just go that's wrong. That's wrong. I'm going to wait until tomorrow. I'm going to wait 24 hours. And you know it's always wrong because they are wrong on everything. And to Bolton's point and to Katie's point, I even -- I have problems even with people here at Fox jumping on Bolton the way they do. Because I don't see how the leak was so damaging. Even though I really still don't really know what the leak is. But the leak, what I hear, vindicates Trump. And I said this -- I said this, like, three days ago, and it is true. It vindicates him because it says he was concerned about corruption in Ukraine. And that was behind his action, which by the way was a quid pro quo. And apparently, a quid pro quo happens to be OK and part of foreign policy, as Dershowitz had pointed out a number of times. And there was an interesting point where Schiff actually gave a little window to quid pro quo, and said, well, you know, there are good quid pro quos. Oh, I thought a quid pro quo was supposed to be evil.

WILLIAMS: But it is a quid pro quo in the national interest. Not your personal political interest.

GUTFELD: They overlap when you're president.


WILLIAMS: That's Dershowitz --


WILLIAMS: But let me just say if you believe that somehow the Bolton book vindicates the Donald Trump, why wouldn't you want Bolton to testify?


GUTFELD: Maybe they should, but they don't have to.


WILLIAMS: Oh, I see. In other words, let's shut him down.


GUTFELD: To Katie's point, it sets a precedent. Also, so funny that 75 percent opinion thing, of course, people are going to say, sure, why not witnesses. Because, you know what, that's easy to say as opposed to saying I don't want witnesses.

PERINO: It also -- kind of add something to that. You know when we debate and have this argument, and Juan and I have it a lot, about how many people say Medicare for all is a good idea. Is Medicare for all a good idea? And like 75 percent of people say yeah.


PERINO: Then the follow-up question is it would mean this. Then, like, oh no, then it's down to 48 percent. And I think the same is true. The polling that a lot of folks have seen, I have not been able to see it directly. But in the swing states it's almost like 60 -- it's somewhere between 58 percent and 68 percent of people in the swing states say let's just fight this out at the ballot box that they want to move on.

WATTERS: And just quickly, last thing to Juan's point. You can say I'm going to attack corruption in Ukraine because that's something that I ran and campaigned on.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

WATTERS: And that is good for my political benefit as well.


WATTERS: Rooting out corruption in Ukraine and getting to the bottom of that swampy behavior.

WILLIAMS: What did Joe Biden have to do with that?

WATTERS: And also looking at burden sharing.


WILLIAMS: What did Joe Biden have to do with that?

WATTERS: Because his son was taking money --


WILLIAMS: nobody --


WATTERS: -- he fired the prosecutor investigating the company.

WILLIAMS: Nobody says Joe Biden did anything wrong.


GUTFELD: I just did.


WATTERS: I just told you the basis.

GUTFELD: Juan, here's an analogy you will appreciate.


GUTFELD: My new hairstyle helps me but it also helps the show.

WATTERS: That's right.

GUTFELD: Personal and professional overlap, acquit.


PERINO: I just want to go on record. I didn't agree with the legal argument today on that. But I do agree about your hair. All right, more follow-up for CNN over the CNN segment that mocked Trump supporters. We have that for you. Stay tuned.


WATTERS: CNN feeling the heat after one of their panels mocked and laughed at Trump supporters. Here is Don Lemon's attempt to clean it up.


DON LEMON, CNN HOST: I don't believe in belittling people. Belittling anyone for who they are, for what they believe, or where they're from. During an interview on Saturday night, one of my guests said something that made me laugh. And while the moment, I found that joke humorous. And I didn't catch everything that was said. Just to make this perfectly clear, I was laughing at the joke, and not at any group of people.


WATTERS: But that semi-apology has come too little, too late. The RNC already launching this brutal ad based off the segment.


HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: You could put half of Trump supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And so that is partly him playing to their base.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Anyone who's supported this president is, at best, looking the other way.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The credulous boomer rube demo that backs Donald Trump that wants to think that Donald Trump is the smart one, and y'all elitists are dumb.


WATTERS: OK, well, Katie, we predicted this the other day that there was going to be an ad on that and there you have. So do you Don Lemon's apology, saying I was only laughing at that initial joke. You, next to a picture of a crane and not all the other --

PAVLICH: First of all, the joke was about how dumb Trump supporters are. So that is what he was laughing at. And then this is CNN's problem. They never owned that they are biased. And I would argue that what they were -- what he was laughing and what the guests were saying was not just bias, but it was very bigoted. Can you imagine if you, on your show, had a segment and people were laughing and making those kinds of comments about the way people speak, how dumb they are, and going after the same demographic --


PAVLICH: -- but going after very specific kinds of people, very specific demographic groups, and the way that they talk, the way that they -- how educated they are, how uneducated they are, and that they are stupid. And that is why they support a certain president. That is bigotry and the standard is double. And CNN never just owns that they have some kind of -- they act like they are objective and Don Lemon's proving he's not.

WATTERS: Would you consider that bigotry, Juan?



WILLIAMS: It was not directed in terms of anybody's race, ethnicity, or religion.

PAVLICH: Yes, it was. It definitely was.

WILLIAMS: Oh, I don't think so. I think it was directed at Trump supporters.

WATTERS: But it was like a southern twang, hillbilly thing.

WILLIAMS: You can go on with the grievance. OK, I get the point. No, because I think that that is why the ad exists is because it really does play to the whole notion of, gee, we poor conservatives, Trump supporters, we're beat up.


GUTFELD: That's evidence.

WILLIAMS: I don't think that's evidence. I think that, one, I, you know, do think Don Lemon is an opinion guy. I'm not sure that the apology did much except dig the hole deeper. I think he should just own it and say this is what I think. But to your point, I just think that a lot of people, you know, especially on the Democratic side, have problems with trying to understand unvarnished, unwavering support for a guy who is this off- putting and this divisive.

PAVLICH: Because they talk like that about Trump supporters and don't make an effort to go to the rally. Maybe have a conversation with people outside.


PAVLICH: No. But he's not attacking Trump. He's attacking the people who voted for him and support him, and they don't make any effort to get out of their New York City bubble --


WILLIAMS: That is pretty ironic, Katie, because boy do I see Republicans skinning Libs, mocking Libs. I mean, you know --


WATTERS: OK. Well, listen. It happens on both sides. But I think, you know, there are Republicans confused on why Obama voters could not see all the things that you are showing them about his policies or his behavior or whatever. I mean, both sides have an adoring, I guess, love for whoever the president is at the time.

GUTFELD: Well, I'm just wondering where the Southern Poverty Law Center is on this because that would be considered hate. I actually -- I disagree with you, Juan, on is this bigotry or is this not bigotry. And it's actually class-ism, right? They are demeaning an entire class. But they are using a stereotypical accent when they are demeaning the class, which is a form of bigotry. They are talking about white rednecks. That is what they are basically doing. That is why they laughed.

WILLIAMS: He was using a southern accent. That was Rick Wilson, the Republican.

GUTFELD: Yes, yes, exactly.

WILLIAMS: But I think that there are black people who speak like that.

GUTFELD: Yes. And you know what, maybe that's where -- maybe that's where CNN took the stereotype from and applied it to the whites. Maybe they just pushed it over here. That could be it. Look, they can't reconcile their feelings with the world outside. So the world has left them behind. And that's why they're having a problem. The Rick Wilson's of the world, they're -- now they're kind of stuck in this feedback loop where all they can do is go on CNN and put out. They put out, they invite you back. And that's all that was. So Lemon kind of hung them out to dry there. But I don't -- I don't look down on them because I was them. You know, I was them. I was a never-Trumper. And then when he was elected president, I decided to give them a chance, focus on the measurable results and not the -- not the tweets, and he's impressed me, and I've changed my tune. And I don't think -- I think that the problem is they can't do that. They're stuck in their prison.

WATTERS: Yes. I actually made a similar point when we were talking about this Ukraine thing. And I was saying, you could go out on the street and you can ask anybody where Ukraine is, or tell me about Ukraine, and actually did that. And no one really knew much about Ukraine, and they didn't really understand the controversy. And that's not demeaning the intelligence of people. That just saying it doesn't really rise to the level of something that they care about emotionally as an American.

PERINO: It reminds me of in the 2000 election. One of the reporters -- Juan, you might remember who it was -- asked George W. Bush to name the president of Slovenia and others.

WILLIAMS: Oh, that was -- that was so --

PERINO: And the whole narrative was this guy is so dumb that he doesn't know who the President of Slovenia is. And I can't remember the other ones but it was -- just reminds me of that unnecessary -- I don't love the idea of -- you know, like we could be in ads, right? Like they could take clips from us because everything is --

GUTFELD: Not me, Dana.

PERINO: Everything will be fair game.

PAVLICH: Jesse, never.



PAVLICH: I think you view yourself as a bad example.


GUTFELD: I think I was in a Liz Warren ad. I think we've been in ads.

WATTERS: You must have been.

PAVLICH: I was in a Jerry Nadler fundraising e-mail.

GUTFELD: Wow. That's a great -- that's a great brag.

PAVLICH: I don't know if it's funny I'm in, but I think I should have a cut on that.

WATTERS: Juan donated.

PAVLICH: Thanks, Juan. 10 percent.

WATTERS: All right. Hundreds of Americans are evacuating China right now because of the coronavirus outbreak. And you won't believe Democrats' new plan to fight it.


WILLIAMS: Growing concerns in the U.S. on the coronavirus outbreak in China. This morning, hundreds of Americans arrived in the U.S. after evacuating China because of the outbreak. And the White House reportedly considering a plan now to suspend all direct flights to and from Mainland China. That idea getting support from Senator Tom Cotton. Take a listen.


SEN. TOM COTTON (R-AR): There's a very simple way to stop this virus from coming to America more than already has, and that is to stop commercial air travel from the Chinese mainland to the United States. It's exactly what I've urged the Trump administration to do today.


WILLIAMS: Also of note, Elizabeth Warren, the senator releasing a plan to deal with the virus home and abroad in part by fighting climate change. I'm not sure exactly how that -- I mean, because I think people are a little upset right now and concerned. But Katie, what can the biotech companies, what could the private sector do? I mean, it's hard to create a vaccine in such a short time.

PAVLICH: Well, I do know that the private sector is already working on a vaccine for this virus, and commercial airliners have already voluntarily stopped flying to and from China. So that is something they're doing without the government telling them to do it. You know, America has a much different medical system, both in terms of tech and how they treat things like this, then China does. We have more resources, more availability of doctors, I would say better scientists. So it's important to take all the precautions, but I am confident that America can handle it.

WILLIAMS: Jesse, you know, you and I when we hang out at Starbucks, McDonald's, KFC, they're all shutting down in China.

WATTERS: Well, yes. I mean, I would too if that was my company. And I could maybe infect some of my workers or have them come home. And I think the Trump administration has a decision to make. Are you going to put the travel ban up today or are you going to wait a week, are you going to wait two weeks, are you going to wait three weeks? I think out of the abundance of caution may be a slap the ban on now, but what you do is you then risk kind of an economic downturn in China that can spread throughout the globe. Right now, our economy, I don't know if that could withstand an international health crisis with the travel ban and all the bilateral trade we have with the Chinese. Is it -- is it worth the risk to do that? And that's a calculation they're going to have to make. But China right now is teetering not because of the slow growth, and you know, the bad press with Hong Kong and the Uighurs, but this virus right now. And it's a country that's very consumed with pride, right flurry, and very attuned to press, international press. And this virus, that is the worst type of PR you can have. So if you slap a travel ban on top of this, that could have devastating consequences to China.

WILLIAMS: Dana, I just heard that in fact, the Chinese have now raised the death total from I guess by 37. 162 people confirmed dead. And I'm wondering when you have people coming into the U.S. if they can be quarantined. Apparently in the West Coast now they're asking for a three- day stall on people going from the airport into the public.

PERINO: Well, that's three days. That sounds like a long time if you're that person sitting there for three days. But apparently, this virus does - - you don't show any symptoms for two weeks. So I think, you know, we have to remember that in 1920, 100 million people died worldwide because of the flu. More people died because of that flu than died in World War One and World War Two combined. And that's why you have so many people around the world who are -- their full-time job is dedicated to staying one step ahead of one of these types of flu. So governments, they can have a lot of cooperation. Elizabeth Warren is suggesting that one of the things that we should do is rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement, because that will show the interconnect -- because I think you know, candidates just do this. They like throw it out there because they'll say that as the temperature rises, you'll have more of these outbreaks. We're going to have an outbreak regardless, and that's why we have all these people. We should support them.

WATTERS: You know just one point if you're going to bring up these -- the things with Liz Warren. She claims that Trump slashing the budget for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institutes of Health, the last three years, Trump's budget, funding has gone up three years in a row, so she's just lying.

GUTFELD: Surprised?

WATTERS: I shouldn't be.

WILLIAMS: Greg, you had advocated earlier for stopping the travel thing. And then I come back and said, well, remember with Ebola and also a lot of people, in fact, think the government as long as they keep control of this, can deal with it effectively.

GUTFELD: Yes, I agree. But I've made a chart for you, OK. Because the United States has said no travel to China. So here's the chart I made. OK, you have -- you have China -- U.S. people go into China, China people -- Chinese people -- Chinese go into the U.S. OK, now watch this. Cross this out. Is this actually any better? Half an equation is meaningless. For this to work, you have to cross out -- you have to cross out both of them because you're not cutting off the influx of Chinese people who may be infected into the United States, so we have to. This chart tells you at least for a couple of weeks, because like you say, there's an incubation period. I think that, you know, it's better to be safe than sorry. I won't -- I won't say the person I'm quoting, but you never lose an election by being safe when it comes to disease.

WILLIAMS: What do you do if someone is in Paris or someone is in Berlin, and they were -- you don't know, and then you say, oh, yes, you can come from Berlin.

WATTERS: Worldwide travel ban, Juan.

GUTFELD: Worldwide travel ban.


GUTFELD: And you know what -- you know what, no travel to Miami this weekend. Travel ban to Miami.

WILLIAMS: You know, that's like the Alan Dershowitz argument, little self- server. Don't go anywhere, folks. The "FASTEST SEVEN up next on THE FIVE.


PAVLICH: Welcome back. Time for the "FASTEST SEVEN." First up, Friends actor David Schwimmer is getting majorly woke saying in a new interview that he's very aware of his privilege as a heterosexual white male. And on the topic of a Friends reboot, Schwimmer says "maybe there should be an all-Black Friends or an all-Asian Friends. But I was well aware of the lack of diversity and I campaign for years to have Ross date women of color. So Jesse, sometimes you get mistaken for David Schwimmer.

GUTFELD: Have you been dating women of color?

PAVLICH: So I'm going to give you the first look at this.

WATTERS: Well, you know, I love my friend and David and I agree that white male privilege exists. I'm just not going to apologize for it. I don't feel guilty about my very extreme straight white male privilege. But here's the thing. Living single was a bunch of black people all living together all friends. Martin, was a show about a bunch of black Americans living in an apartment building in the city. I mean, they already -- they already have that. I don't think Martin Lawrence goes back and says, should Martin and Gina had more white friends in the building? I just don't think that's realistic. And how insulting is it to an audience to say I'm going to re- engineer or reboot Friends except it's just all black people hanging out in the West Village drinking coffee.

PAVLICH: All right, well, the millennials are mad about Friends and the storylines they have portrayed. Greg.

GUTFELD: Yes. You know why -- do you know why Schwimmer wants a reboot of all-African American cast? So he can say, look, I do have black friends.


GUTFELD: Thank you very much. You can't beat that joke.

PERINO: I don't know how I feel about this. I feel like Hollywood doesn't come up -- It's like they just keep doing the same shows over and over again. So there's not a lot of creativity. That's why I got to go the other places one.


WILLIAMS: I think Schwimmer has to maintain the reputation of Hollywood so he doesn't want anyone to mistake him for Jesse as a some kind of Conservative, you know. So he just made --

WATTERS: That's a great point. That's a great point.

WILLIAMS: Thank you.

PAVLICH: All right, next up, here's the incredible moment when a veteran receives some life-changing news.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Collectors love this watch because Paul Newman wore it in a movie called Winning. A watch like this at auction is worth about $400,000. Don't fall. I'm not done yet. Your watch at auction today $500,000 to $700,000.


PAVLICH: Amazing. That lucky veteran purchase his Rolex while serving abroad back in 1974 for about $400. Dana?

PERINO: That's so -- it's just great. I love it. And I actually -- I haven't got a chance to watch that show all the time, but if I see clips on YouTube, I always think it's pretty fun. To think back to my -- I don't have anything in my closet that I think I could take. But you never know. You might -- you never know. That's why you got to go see those guys.

WILLIAMS: Let me just -- let me just say that that's Daytona. And there's one man in this building -- there's also a woman, but there's one man in our Fox building who does the 3:00 show Bill Hemmer who owns a beautiful Rolex. Every time I see him, I try to distract him and scrape it off his wrist.

PAVLICH: So you can sell it in auction or wear it yourself?

WILLIAMS: No, I -- are you kidding? That watch, I would -- I would just --I would just prize it. I would just be so -- I'd be like a little kid with a baseball card.


WATTERS: Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty is a very rich man.

PAVLICH: I mean, he's a rich man but that was not him.

WATTERS: I don't even buy this story. You get a Rolex, you don't wear it. I don't think that adds up.

WILLIAMS: I don't wear watches. I love them.

WATTERS: I mean, if you buy a Rolex you don't wear it ever?


WATTERS: You just keep it in the box?


WATTERS: There's something's fishy about that.

PAVLICH: Greg, do you have a Rolex?

GUTFELD: I find it ironic that a watch almost made his heart stopped ticking. We'll be right back. A young lady discovers true love in the -- in the frozen food aisle. We'll discuss that and many other topics.

PAVLICH: We will be right back. "ONE MORE THING" is up next.


GUTFELD: Time now for "ONE MORE THING." I'll go first with this. No -- OK, Fox Nation, Tyrus, that's my interview with him. That's going to be on Fox Nation. I thought we're doing that later. But anyway, now let's do this. Greg's Kitchen Corner. I love ice cream and there's a new flavor of ice cream. It's cream of cat. Take a look at this. Isn't that delicious?

WATTERS: It looks so weird.

GUTFELD: Yes, it does look weird. It's an interesting -- the cat apparently loves to curl up in a pot. 1And I'm hoping that -- bury it. What did you do? How did you edit that so you don't even see the little head Come out? Come on, you guys, show the little head come out. You ruined this. I'm leaving.

PAVLICH: I saw his face.

GUTFELD: All right.

PERINO: He's cute, very cute. Cream of cat.

GUTFELD: Dana? There you go. What are you doing?

PERINO: Is he soft surf or regular?

GUTFELD: I don't know.

PERINO: Double scoop?

GUTFELD: Yes. Dana?

PERINO: All right. I want to show you about a little dog. Not that little. Stella Bean, it's a nine-year-old basset hound. She lives with her owner in South Carolina. She enjoys her walks so much that she just has taken to lying in the middle of the road when the owner is ready to go home. Like when they turn for home, she's like, nope, I want to keep walking. I'm just going to sit right here. Thankfully where they live, there's just little -- there's little traffic so they're not worried about her. That's what I'm going to do when impeachment is over. I'm just going to like, lie down.

GUTFELD: Looks like me after my peloton.

PERINO: Right. All right, Stella Bean. And there's a new I'll Tell You What podcasts and I'll be on Tucker tonight.

GUTFELD: Excellent. Jesse.

WATTERS: I did this one just for you, Greg.

GUTFELD: Oh, thank you.

WATTERS: So a guy driving a Wienermobile got pulled over in Wisconsin. That's right. He was driving the Wienermobile and he wasn't going fast enough. He was -- the Wienermobile was going way too fast, the cop said no, no, no --

GUTFELD: You're going too slow?

WATTERS: You're going too slow. You got to go faster Wienermobile. And he was let off with a verbal warning, OK. And they let the Wienermobile go.

GUTFELD: That's interesting.

PERINO: Is that your "ONE MORE THING?"

WATTERS: Yes, this is my "ONE MORE THING."


WATTERS: Dana, I thought it would be interesting if Greg would make a wisecrack about a Wienermobile who got pulled over --

GUTFELD: He was trying to -- he was trying to pull me into something that would get me into trouble.

PERINO: I get it. I get it.

GUTFELD: To be frank, though, he really did get off --

WATTERS: Yes, yes, it was worth it.


WATTERS: Totally worth it.

PERINO: I see. I see. I see. I got it.

GUTFELD: He cut the mustard. OK, anyway, don't laugh, Juan, it's not worth it. It's terrible. Juan, I think you're next.

WILLIAMS: I relished it. My great --

GUTFELD: That's why I did it, Dana.

PERINO: I see. I see.

GUTFELD: Fun brings people together.

WILLIAMS: Let's stick with food. My grandkids love Shirley Temples. And you know it's ginger ale, with the cherry syrup, and the cherries. So I was quite excited to see there is now a Shirley Temple reviewer. He assesses or looks at how different restaurants prepare Shirley Temples and offers online reviews for you. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There's no cherries. I give that 6.3 because it's very (INAUDIBLE). American flag. USA. There's really nothing to say because it's just great Shirley Temple.


WILLIAMS: Leo Kelley of Fairfield Connecticut is now been dubbed the Shirley Temple king and his Instagram account blown up because of his brutally honest reviews. He also makes his own Shirley Temples. By the way, everybody at this table says they like him. He uses three to four cups of ice, three cherries, and of course ginger ale. Sweet.

GUTFELD: Is there grenadine, a touch of a grenadine?

PERINO: I thought it was Sprite.

WATTERS: It is Sprite.


GUTFELD: I love Shirley Temples.

PERINO: I think if you're from West -- you use Sprite, not ginger ale?

WATTERS: Yes, I'm a sprite guy. And sometimes I want to go out and order it at the bar when I'm out if I don't want a cocktail, but I'm embarrassed by it. Because I don't want the guy to recognize it's Jesse Watters ordering a Shirley Temple.

WILLIAMS: What's wrong?

WATTERS: So I just get a water instead.

GUTFELD: Go out in New York. No one will recognize you.

PAVLICH: They might think it's David Schwimmer ordering.

WATTERS: Schwimmer loves Shirley Temples.

GUTFELD: TMZ reports Schwimmer from Friends drinking Shirley Temples, his career crumbles.

PAVLICH: All right. It's my turn, right?

GUTFELD: Yes, it is.

PAVLICH: So we have couches in our homes to relax and this was anything but relaxing. One man living in south-central Kansas found a six-foot-long a boa constrictor in his living room couch on Monday. The Rose Hill P.D. and Butler County Fire District responded and helped to get the snake out of the house. The deputy fire chief said the resident snake -- the resident snake charmer, he's pictured right here wrangling that thing out of the home. No one is sure how the snake got into the couch or into the house or looking to find the owner.

WATTERS: He was probably looking for the cream of cat.

PAVLICH: But I have to say, I have personal experience with this. When I was a kid, my brother brought a little snake into the house and my dad told him not to do it. And he lost it for like a week. And we found it under the stairs. But just don't keep snakes in house.

PERINO: Did you -- did you go hunting for it? Did you go like looking for it?

PAVLICH: We looked for a week but we couldn't find it.

WATTERS: And now it's a pair of cowboy boots.


PAVLICH: Yes, little trim along the edges, real nice.

WILLIAMS: Did you take -- did you take your gun and --

PACLICH: No, we just took it outside. We let it go.

GUTFELD: Well, snakes. What can you say about snakes that haven't been said, Dana?

PERINO: Lot of -- there's a lot of snake talk.

GUTFELD: A lot of snake talk tonight. All right, set your DVRs, never miss an episode of THE FIVE. "SPECIAL REPORT" is up next. Hello, Bret.

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