
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," May 3, 2007.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Now live to Mississippi. At this hour, an urgent search is under way. Twenty-one-year-old Louis Scott, Jr., who fought in Afghanistan and is now a student, left his friends after a night out at a club. Louis, who goes by the name Doug, drove off alone, and then, who knows? He has not been seen since. That was a week-and-a-half ago.

Joining us, Major Percy Miles from the Washington County Sheriff's Department. Major, what can you tell me about this man? He's obviously missing, but what clues are out there?

MAJOR PERCY MILES, WASHINGTON COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT.: At this time, we're investigating it. We're searching for him. We've been searching for him on the ground with — with — (INAUDIBLE) we've been searching for him. We've been in cars searching the area. We have also got a plane and we've been flying around, checking the north part of the area, the north part of the county, and going into the Boulder County and the surrounding counties, trying to see if we see the car he was in.

VAN SUSTEREN: Have you spoken to his friends and asked whether there was anything peculiar going on in the moments before he left?

MILES: OK. The Mississippi Bureau of Investigations, they're handling that part of this. And you'll have to talk with one of them…

VAN SUSTEREN: So the answer is that you haven't spoken to his friends?

MILES: No, I haven't spoken to his friends. Mississippi Bureau of Investigations is handling that end.

VAN SUSTEREN: Anything about the are where the club was and where his expected drive home would be? Anything about, you know, driving through that area? Is it rural, I mean, wooded? What's it like?

MILES: The area is a main highway. It's a United States highway, highway 82. It'll take you from Greenville to — it's a four-lane highway. So it's a very well-traveled highway. And it takes you from — it will take you from — from the Greenville area back to Greenwood.

VAN SUSTEREN: Does Louis Scott, Jr., who's known as Doug — does he have a cell phone, credit cards or anything like that?

MILES: Yes, he did have a cell phone.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you know — have you tracked to see whether or not his cell phone has been used?

MILES: Yes, ma'am, and we're investigating that also.

VAN SUSTEREN: Does that mean — has he used his cell phone?

MILES: No, ma'am, not since — not since the 22nd.

VAN SUSTEREN: When he left the club that night, was he impaired at all, if you know?

MILES: At this time, it's under investigation.

VAN SUSTEREN: Major Miles, thank you, sir.

MILES: Yes, ma'am.

VAN SUSTEREN: Now let's bring in Doug's mother, Diane, and his father, Louis, Sr. Welcome to both of you. And obviously, I know that you're both extremely distressed. Mr. Scott, first to you. Your son served in Afghanistan. What can you tell me about him?

LOUIS SCOTT, SR., FATHER OF MISSING STUDENT: He served in Afghanistan. We're very proud of him. You know, he attended Mississippi State University. You know, he's the role model child, you know, who's in our family. Our young kids look up to him, you know? He's — he's been well-mannered. You know, he's, Yes, sir, and No, ma'am, to just older people — older people, you know? He's just a role model — role model child that any family would want to have.

VAN SUSTEREN: Mrs. Scott, when did he come home from Afghanistan and start school again?


VAN SUSTEREN: And when is the last time, Mrs. Scott, that you spoke to your son?

DIANE SCOTT: Saturday, the 21st.

VAN SUSTEREN: So that's the day before he disappeared?

DIANE SCOTT: No, that was the day he did disappear.

VAN SUSTEREN: Disappear. It was into the morning of the 22nd. Did he say — did he tell you, Mrs. Scott, what his plans were for that day?

DIANE SCOTT: No, he just said he was just going to go hang out.

VAN SUSTEREN: Mr. Scott, did you have a phone conversation or talk to your son on the 21st?

LOUIS SCOTT, SR.: No. Last I talked to him was that Saturday evening of the 21st. He said he was going to go — like he usually do on the weekends.

VAN SUSTEREN: Mr. Scott, what do you think happened to your son? Where is he?

LOUIS SCOTT, SR.: He was last seen leaving by his roommate and his friend. I don't know what to think. I think there's foul play. My brother-in-law and his son and a friend of his went to Leland (ph) yesterday to hang up flyers, and some young man (INAUDIBLE) told him that my son was at a house there. And they went to investigate, but the Leland police told them they had to come through the police station or go to jail.

VAN SUSTEREN: And what happened?

LOUIS SCOTT, SR.: I think they called Percy Miles there, and they went and investigated, and they didn't find anything in the house. (INAUDIBLE) police they've leaving, supposed to waited there until, you know, the other authorities got there, but they (INAUDIBLE) to the police station.

VAN SUSTEREN: Mrs. Scott, was there anything — like, was your son's car — was it in good shape or likely to break down? I mean, could he have been, you know, nabbed with a broken-down car? What's the story on his car?

DIANE SCOTT: No. No, his car was in good shape. No. Not likely. No. And if it had, he would have called. He would have called home.

VAN SUSTEREN: In terms of the drive, Mr. Scott, from the club to his home, about how far is that drive? From Greenville to — I'd say it's about an hour, just approximately about an hour.

VAN SUSTEREN: And essentially, your son has just vanished into thin air. He didn't use his cell phone. There's — I mean, I don't know if he had credit cards, but at least there's no evidence of any activity on any credit cards. He didn't leave with anybody. And you haven't heard from him.

LOUIS SCOTT, SR.: No, we haven't heard from him at all. It's unlike him. Like I say, he's the role model child that every parent would want.

VAN SUSTEREN: Mrs. Scott, anything going on in his life that would make him just want to sort of take a little, you know, holiday by himself, sort of gather his thoughts?


LOUIS SCOTT, SR.: No. He wouldn't — me and my sons, we have a very close relationship. You know, if — if — you know, he was looking forward to going to jury duty that Monday because we talked about it Friday on when I got home and also on Saturday.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Well, we have put — we've flashed his picture up on the screen for your son, Doug. Louis Scott, Jr., is his formal name, a student, left a club. He's also — he's also served in Afghanistan, so he's got a — you can see him in his military uniform there. And if anyone recognizes the picture and knows anything, please call the police or 911, somebody, because obviously, Mr. and Mrs. Scott want their son back and they want him back soon. Thank you both. Good luck.

LOUIS SCOTT, SR.: Thank you.

DIANE SCOTT: Thank you.

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