
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," August 26, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: This Wednesday will mark the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech.

Here's Dr. King on August 28, 1963.


DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR., CIVIL RIGHTS ICON: I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.


BECKEL: That was Dr. King 50 years ago. By the way, my father was there at that speech.

And this weekend, they had another march in the same location on the Lincoln Memorial. And 100,000 people there. I was there. And it was a very moving experience. And it was about justice, it was about black teenagers, about single mothers, about a number of things people spoke about.

But what I was taken with was the incredible calmness of the crowd, their patience in listening and waiting through a number of speeches. And they -

- I think it's the same thing that happened in 1963 when the federal government had all troops out, because they were expecting there were going to be a bunch of riots.

Eric, what did you think of about this performance?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Yes. And again, I don't think to know about the history of this, 1963, I understand, they were expecting a lot of riots. They're surprised at the amazing calm that they brought down to D.C. that day.

Also interesting, I believe I read that Dr. Martin Luther King was rated at number 16th of the speakers. He ended up being the one that was the most moving and emotional. And also, no one realized it for days after the speech. Apparently, the next day, The New York Times, The Washington Post had another featured speaker.


BOLLING: (INAUDIBLE) was the one who said that was the moving speech.

Can I just point out the -- I guess we're going to get to it, we're going to get to Dr. King's son's comment earlier?

BECKEL: Sure. Let's go ahead.

BOLLING: I'm a little concerned about it.

BECKEL: Well, go ahead. Do we have Dr. King's son, Martin Luther King IV.

We do not, right?

I'll tell you what, let's take a look at what one of our colleagues, Juan Williams, had to say, about what Dr. King would have thought about situation of race in America today, if he was still alive. Do we have that?


JUAN WILLIAMS, FOX NEWS POLITICAL ANALYST: I think that if you look at the realities of today, you've got to talk about things like family breakdown.

You've got to talk about the fact that 70 percent of black children are born out of wedlock. I think Dr. King would cry. You've got to talk about the fact that it's a horrific dropout rate in the country. Failure of urban schools, Chris, I think that's the civil rights challenge of this generation.


BECKEL: I think Juan's right on that 70 percent of black children are born to single mothers.

You -- Eric tried to trip me up on Martin Luther King IV before.

BOLLING: That was my mistake.

BECKEL: That's right. He said a number of things about what his dad would have thought about race in America, he also said the wonderful line Dr. King used, about his children will be judged some day, not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character -- Katie.

KATIE PAVLICH, GUEST CO-HOST: Well, I just think it's important to point out, as Juan Williams has, over the past week, and throughout his work over at the past couple of decades, that we have come a long way, President Obama is the first African-American president. Attorney Eric Holder is sitting in office.

We have more people than ever, African-Americans in Congress, 44 today, five at the time of Dr. King's speech. You have Clarence Thomas sitting on the Supreme Court, you have Allen West being an outspoken person for things like traditional values, talking about the 70 percent out of wedlock birth rate in the black community.

So, I think we have come a long way. I understand there are some things we need to work on. But there are much, there are many more opportunities now for African-Americans in every sector of life than there were back in the 1950s.

BECKEL: Greg, the 50th anniversary I believe is next Wednesday and -- or this coming Wednesday, rather, and the president is going to speak at the exact location where Dr. King gave the speech.

Do you think the expectations now will be running very high because it's the first black president?

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Probably. I think the bigger challenge is the ideology of the movement. The modern civil rights movement is totally leftist. There are no black conservatives or even moderates that you hear about. We need more Sowell and less Sharpton, Thomas Sowell. The most destructive element in society is the breakdown of the family, that should not be a political issue, it should be a human issue.

BECKEL: You know, Kimberly, let's talk about that, I think it would have been helpful to have Sowell and a couple others talking about the breakdown of the family. What do you think?

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: I think it would be helpful, I think what would be most helpful is that the president of the United States, who is a shining example of what's working in this country and how far we've come, especially given his background, and being raised by white grandparents, that this is a country of opportunity and of inclusion.

I think it would send a powerful message instead of engaging in any of the race things that people try to bring into his administration or remarks. I really do think that he's uniquely positioned to have an impact. I wish he would take advantage of that during the remainder of his presidency.

BECKEL: Well, I hope he takes advantage of what the Justice Department sued the state of Texas over their voting act that is discriminatory, requires an unbelievable amount of identification. Discrimination against Mexican-Americans and it does against African-Americans.

And then the state of North Carolina is even worse. As soon as the Supreme Court ruled, these states took the opportunity to go in and try to suppress voter turnout. I think that's something the president talks about.

PAVLICH: Black conservatives would disagree with you on the issue of voter ID, and that's a conversation we're not having.

BECKEL: Really? But we need to have it. I think the courts need to hear it. It looks like it would be a tough sell for the Justice Department to get that. You led the state of Texas, what's the governor's name?


BECKEL: I want to do a thing on voter ID because I think it's a bunch of racist --

GUILFOYLE: Are you hijacking the show, Bob?

PAVLICH: What's the racist comment then? Because, you know, former Democrat, Arthur Davis, who is representative from Alabama, of all places, recently changed to the Republican Party and he's all for voter ID, and he happens to be African-American.


PAVLICH: We can have the conversation about, you think it's discriminatory, but we also need to have the conversation with African- Americans who also don't think it's discriminatory, because right now, the message in the -- the message is, that all African-Americans in this country don't want voter ID, when actually a lot of them do not. And that's what people need to be hearing about.

BECKEL: I'll tell you, the overwhelming majority of them think that these are discriminatory.

GUTFELD: Democrat candidates.


BECKEL: Well, no, people want to be, yes, Democrats but --

GUILFOYLE: We have to go.

BECKEL: We have to go?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, like 10 minutes ago.

BECKEL: Sorry.

Coming up. I'm sorry, I'd never really get a chance to actually have a block. So, here I was.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, here we go.

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