This is a rush transcript from "Your World with Neil Cavuto," June 12, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

NEIL CAVUTO, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: All right, you're looking live in Seattle, Washington, right now, where there's a siege, but a quiet, peaceful siege, the best way to describe it, the so-called Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, better known as CHAZ, that has disrupted life in that city as we know it.

Folks are in charge there, and not the police, not wanted anywhere near there, the precinct forced to shut down. So, if you're in legal issues or police issues, criminal issues, well, you might be waiting a while.

That's where we stand right now.

Welcome, everybody. I'm Neil Cavuto, and this is "Your World."

And it started as just a block or two radius, now better than six blocks, and many argue that it could continue for some time and spread from there.

Dan Springer on the cop-free zone that has a lot of cities, and no less than the president of the United States, watching this one closely -- Dan.

DAN SPRINGER, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Neil, I think a lot of people around the country think this has got to be utter chaos. But the reality is that a lot of people in Seattle and including the mayor is taking a laissez-faire attitude.

In her first news conference since this all broke on Monday and they vacated that East Precinct, she was asked by CNN, actually, whether -- how this is going to end, when this is going to end. And she said, you know what, we don't know, this could be the summer of love.

So this is going to go on for a while. Clearly, she's not taking this as seriously as some of her residents. She compared this barricaded autonomous zone to a gay pride festival and said that her main concern about getting police officers back into the area is, she doesn't want to create a flash point for violence.

Her police chief seems to have a very different opinion. Carmen Best got the inside look at the precinct yesterday. And she said, we wanted to look at the damage, but really nothing major. She said it was not her decision to cut and run.

And she almost apologized to her officers for what this is doing to morale. As far as the public, she said response time to major crimes has more than tripled since the East Precinct was vacated.


CARMEN BEST, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, POLICE CHIEF: Leaving the precinct was not my decision. You fought for days to protect it. I asked you to stand on that line day in and day out, to be pelted with projectiles, to be screamed at, threatened, and in some cases hurt.

Then to have a change of course nearly two weeks in, it seems like an insult to you and our community.


SPRINGER: We did notice more protester security at the barricades this morning, as the occupiers continue to say that they are here until their demands are met.

Among those demands, abolish the police department and the court system. Some residents are stunned at what's happened in their city.


ROBERT FLAGG, CAPITOL HILL RESIDENT: The police have abandoned this neighborhood. I guarantee, if this was a black neighborhood, they wouldn't abandon it.


SPRINGER: And we have been talking to some business leaders, Neil, and, frankly, they're too afraid to talk to us on camera because they're upset about what's happening here. They have been boarded up now for this whole entire protest.

And before that, it was the COVID that shut them down for three months. And so they don't want to say anything out of fear of having more damage if they were to say something -- Neil.

CAVUTO: I'm just curious, Dan. For those who live and work in that area, that radius of six blocks or whatever it is, have they had any trouble getting in and out?


I mean, traffic is coming along here. I see some kids on bikes right here. Actually, today, it seems to be like they're loosening up the parameter there at the barricade and people are kind of walking in.

I saw some people this morning, older people taking pictures. It almost is like an attraction now. People want to see. But, again, this is earlier in the day and things change at night. We get a lot more people in there and the mood changes as well. All

CAVUTO: right, be safe, my friend. Thank you very much, Dan Springer in Seattle continuing to follow that.

As he hinted at here, there's no sign that this is going to end anytime soon. Again, there has been no violence to speak of. But there is a concern that, if this festers much longer, that could be an issue.

And it would be a concern of Randy Sutton. He is the former Las Vegas police lieutenant who was kind enough to join us right now.

Lieutenant, looking at what you see going on over there, where they don't defend the police precinct, we're not quite sure whether it was the mayor's call to say, abandon the place, don't defend the place. Bottom line is, there is no precinct. And I'm wondering, that also could mean there are no police in that immediate area.

So, where does this go, do you think?

RANDY SUTTON, FORMER LAS VEGAS POLICE LIEUTENANT: This only has an unhappy ending. The mayor is delusional.

Listening to her comments, calling the people that have basically taken over those six blocks, she calls them patriots, and basically downplays their role here in basically occupying six blocks of her city.

And I could tell you that there is absolutely not one shadow of a doubt that the order to surrender that precinct came from the mayor. Now, she doesn't even have the guts to stand up and say, yes, I ordered that.

But there is absolutely no doubt. The Seattle police chief, Carmen Best, said as much, without coming out and saying it was her. And here's -- here's my feelings on this, Neil.

And this is going to maybe sound a little radical to some people. But Carmen Best is the chief of police. The police department is a paramilitary organization. They take -- the officers take their orders from the chief.

It is time for that chief to do what her duty is. And that is to order her officers to take back that six blocks. And if the mayor physically intervenes with, that mayor needs to be handcuffed and taken away and charged with intimidating a police officer or interfering with a police officer.

CAVUTO: Now, the mayor presumably can fire the police chief, right?

I mean, the only reason why I have raise it, Lieutenant, is that Carmen Best says that she overrode an order not to use tear gas the other night in one of the marches, because it was getting violent, it was getting hairy. And the mayor had specifically said not to do that. She did.

She didn't make a big, huge deal about it and get in your face about it, but she did that. Now, you're saying here she could move on our own in the effort of protecting the local citizenry. The local citizenry, so far, do not seem to be endangered.

But her job, that is, the police chief, seems very much on the line if she goes too far with the mayor, right?

SUTTON: Very much so.

And this is a problem that police chiefs face in cities all across America. They answer to politicians. And many of those politicians are, let's say, limited leaders, OK? I'm going to say it in that in that way, and they don't have the guts to stand up and do the right thing.

But here is -- this is an on the line kind of moment. This is where your leadership and your courage come in. And isn't it time to stand up for something that you know is right? I mean, this is really that moment.

All eyes are on Seattle. All law enforcement eyes are on Seattle. And the police chief is the one who is -- actually has the responsibility to make these changes. And I got to tell you, there's officers being injured all over. Seattle is the textbook example.

And that is why we have set up a GoFundMe account to help injured officers throughout the United States.

CAVUTO: It's amazing.

Lieutenant, we're going to be following it very closely, because that whole line, if you give them an inch, they will take a mile, others could be encouraged to spread this out, not only in Seattle, but in other cities.

We will watch very, very closely. Sir, thank you very, very much.

Obviously, if people are planning trips to Seattle or the Seattle area, would this give them pause? Well, that's a big worry right now, because Seattle has always been dealing with a homeless and related problems here. This has taken it into a new focus.

And these protests, which, by and large, were being done very, very peacefully -- there were some disruptions. I told you about at least one tear gas episode. But the fact of the matter is, this is at least a turnoff for the business world there and getting back to normal there.

Charles Payne on that impact.

Charles, I cannot imagine, forget about the impact on the city, but those in that area, it's drawing things down to a halt. Right?


And to your point, this is already the epicenter, along with Los Angeles, for homelessness. And, of course, the city, their ham-fisted way of dealing with that was to introduce what they call hostile architecture, you know, like a city bench with a whole bunch of lines in the middle, like bars, so you couldn't take a nap on it, instead of dealing with these issues.

They tried to shake down the largest corporations there, the companies that can get up and move if they were pushed too hard. So that didn't work. So it's just sort of -- to be quite frank with you, it's been such a terrible response to citywide crisis, one after another.

I'm not surprised that they're botching this big time, and that they're making things a lot worse, because, over the long term, you think about what these protesters are now demanding.

Without a tax base, you can't even provide the basic services, let alone some of the grievances that are being expressed there.

CAVUTO: Yes, the gentrification push in the Seattle area, only black police officers, among some of the demands they are making here.

But leaving aside how some of them are a little over the top and never going to be realized, I am wondering, the more time that goes on that the police do not intervene, play that out for me.

You mentioned something very interesting in the middle of the George Floyd protest, that it was something that hearkened back to you growing up in Harlem and where the police obviously were looked upon suspiciously, but you missed them when they weren't around, right?

PAYNE: Sure, sure.

I grew up in Harlem in the '70s. And it was the most violent neighborhood perhaps in America, one of the poorest. And we had -- we were always de facto at war with the police. There's no doubt about that. And yet we were always upset when it took them too long to get there, right?

So it's an odd dual relationship.


PAYNE: And I can tell you, on many occasions, I was happy to see them.

There were many times when I was in danger physically and someone in my family is in danger, someone in my neighborhood was in danger. And it was almost a daily occurrence, to be quite frank with you. But on more than one occasion, they came around the corner, and I was relieved, relieved for my life, relieved for my family's life, relived for a neighbor's life.

So this idea of defunding the police, taking away their pensions, and it's a surreal and crazy world. I mean, these folks yesterday had to call the fire department, which is all part of the same apparatus.

So it's -- listen, they have got some grievances they want to talk about. Before you start talking about free college, how about demanding better school systems, demanding stronger curriculum for your children?

Some of these things are just farfetched. But I think the genesis of them, if you go to the roots of them, some could be legit and talked about, discussed, and maybe get some real progress.

CAVUTO: Yes, you hope cooler heads prevail, right, Charles?

Thank you very, very much, my friend, Charles Payne...

PAYNE: Yes. Thanks, Neil.

CAVUTO: ... with a unique perspective on this.

We're going to continue following this.

The president is running out of patience the way this is being handled, because he said it's sort of like an asylum now, and someone has to do something, and soon. He's vowing he will do something, and soon, but what?



DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: If there were more toughness, you wouldn't have the kind of devastation that you had in Minneapolis and in Seattle.

I mean, let's see what's going on in Seattle. But I will tell you, if they don't straighten that situation out, we're going to straighten it out.

HARRIS FAULKNER, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: And what do you mean by that? Like, what -- I don't know if you caught it, but Governor Cuomo was so upset with Mayor de Blasio of New York, he said, I'm going to displace him. I don't really know how that would work.

But, I mean, is that what you mean in Seattle?

TRUMP: What I mean is very simple. We're not going to let Seattle be occupied by anarchists.


CAVUTO: So, how can the president act on Seattle? What would that do? What would the federal role be here?

Judge Andrew Napolitano, what do you think?

ANDREW NAPOLITANO, FOX NEWS SENIOR JUDICIAL ANALYST: Well, there's a very limited federal role, Neil, and I understand the president's frustration.

The picture that was just painted by our colleague Dan and the analysis by our colleague Charles is devastating if you live or work in that neighborhood, and it sounds like there's a serious breakdown in governmental authority.

However, under the -- if the president must be talking about -- he didn't really answer Harris Faulkner's question directly, but he must be talking about sending in troops. He has no other people to send in, either troops or DHS, Department of Homeland Security, which is a federal police department 60,000-strong.

But he doesn't have the legal authority to do that, unless requested by the legislature of the state of Washington or by the governor, if the legislature is unable to meet. That's right out of the Constitution.

And even then, he can only send in federal apparatus, whether it's military or DHS, in -- when there's a state of rebellion or insurrection. Now, if you look at those pictures, it looks like there's a rebellion. But the Supreme Court has defined rebellion or insurrection, Neil, as meaning a state of affairs manmade or natural, like Katrina, where the courts can't sit, because, theoretically, no matter how bad the violence is, people can get arrested and be brought before courts.

Or the governor could get an order for these people to vacate the neighborhoods from a federal judge. And if they don't, then the governor can use force to enforce that court order.

So we are nowhere near the threshold that the Constitution and federal statutes and Supreme Court opinions require for the president to send his men and women in there.

CAVUTO: I'm intrigued then on the local level. The governor and the mayor are allowing this to happen. They're not resisting it. And the police chief, Carmen Best, seems very frustrated.

So, if there was an attempt -- or if this got -- if this escalated, Judge, is the police chief in her right to defy her mayor and her governor and say, no, no, this -- I have got to intervene here, this is -- this is crazy?

NAPOLITANO: The short answer is yes.

As the lieutenant that you just interviewed in the last segment indicated, the police chief has a duty of loyalty to her superior, who is the mayor, but the police chief also has a duty of loyalty to the Constitution. She may lose her job, but that's the chance she takes by saving life and liberty and property.

So, I would encourage the police chief to do the right thing. She will probably end up keeping her job, but she needs to do the right thing before innocent life is lost or property or liberty are irretrievably destroyed.

Now, again, this is the -- this is a police chief. This is not the president.


CAVUTO: No, you're right. You're right.

But the police chief...


NAPOLITANO: The police chief can defy the mayor. She has the authority to do so.

CAVUTO: And she has with the tear gas incident.


NAPOLITANO: That is a close call, because...

CAVUTO: Right.


And she can defy the mayor's orders in order to save innocent life, whether that means using tear gas or sending in police in battle gear in order to get these people out of a neighborhood where they are terrifying the residents and the business owners. She can do that.

I don't know what will be fall her legally or politically, but she will sleep at night, because she will have a clear conscience knowing she did the right thing for life, liberty and property.

CAVUTO: Yes, I don't know, legally, where that would go. Politically, I have an -- I think I have an idea.

Judge, thank you very much, my friend, Judge Andrew Napolitano.

All right, a quick peek at the corner of Wall and Broad here, a comeback day, but, man, it was a volatile day. We did make up some of the ground that was lost yesterday, but not nearly enough.

The fact of the matter is, there's still concern about a spike in coronavirus cases. But when all was said and done, even though it was a down week, and indeed the first down week in a month, all I can tell you is, it could have been a lot worse.

More after this.


CAVUTO: All right, we were up almost 900 points. We slid almost 100 points.

When all was said and done, we were up about 477 points on the Dow, still down on the week, but a big change from yesterday's 1,800-point drop on the Dow.

The concerns remain on the week about the virus and whether the pop in cases we have seen and about half-a-dozen, and severely so in another half- dozen states, warrants a slowdown in the reopening that we have been seeing going on in states across the country.

Scott Martin, if that doesn't prove that the virus is at the core of where this market goes, I think it's been put to rest. What do you think?


And, gosh, Neil, you just talked about today. I mean, man did I pick the wrong week to quit drinking? That, by the way, is a line from Lloyd Bridges in "Airplane."



MARTIN: You might be too young to remember that, my friend, but I saw it in the theaters, which is funny to say that.

CAVUTO: Oh, I remember it well. I remember it well.

MARTIN: Right. I still watch it, if you can believe it.

But it's funny too, Neil. We're not seeing the same movie, though, to stay on that theme, nowadays in June, as we were in March, to your point. Think about the news, Neil, that's come out just this week on COVID, and certainly some of the social unrest that's out there. That would have slammed the market.

And, nowadays, the economy is improving, the market is maturing, we're maybe getting past some of the shocks and some of the emotion that the market was feeling just some weeks ago. And that's why you're seeing such a great rebound today off of what was a disastrous day yesterday.

CAVUTO: How do you think this whole reopening goes? I tell a lot of people, look at July. July is the month you have Disney, Universal parks opening, and back to fully opening that month in Florida, certainly in California.

You have most businesses almost completely open by that month. So I'm wondering how that all goes.

MARTIN: I believe it goes well, from an economic standpoint, definitely from a market standpoint, because it's positive news. It's not the reverse, like we were just seeing some weeks ago and months ago.

But the one key to that is, how does the opening go with respect to, is it really embraced? You can build things, but will people come? Will people flock to those events, as you mentioned?

And the reality remains, it's a wait and see. But I do believe that the market is more hopeful, let's say, than it has been in the past. And if you just look at some of the stocks in say, the travel industry, Neil, the banking industry, homebuilders, all these areas that had lagged the market are really starting to come back and come back strong.

That's where we have been putting a lot of our client money in the last few weeks, because the catchup trade that catches up, let's say, to the S&P 500 and some of those areas I mentioned is really on, and it has been on for the last several weeks.

CAVUTO: How do you feel about stimulus, Scott? Do we need it? There's a debate back and forth, you don't need as much.

But even the White House is talking about something. So are the markets hanging on that? Are you hanging on that?

MARTIN: Well, we all need stimulus in one way or another, don't we, Neil?

Now, there's many millions watching, so we want to be careful how we take that.

CAVUTO: It's a family show, young man, yes.

MARTIN: Yes, sir. I remember that well. It's cable.


MARTIN: But you know what's funny is, Neil, it seems like the market is comforted by that, in the sense that if the economy does slow, if the market does pull back, the Fed and Treasury are waiting in the wings to pump more money in, and that's something that I believe gives stocks confidence here and keeps interest rates low.

CAVUTO: Scott, always a pleasure, my friend. Thank you very much, Scott Martin, good sense of humor and a very good stock market guy as well.

All right, let you know also about a couple of things we're following now, some protests happening around the country. They're getting one together in New York. It's not amounting to anything right now. But we will keep an eye on it for you.

We're also keeping an eye on the latest moves on the part of the Republican National Convention to have or -- the committee -- I should say, to have its convention actually in two places.

So, North Carolina still gets the beginning of it, but it's Jacksonville, Florida, that will get the president -- after this.



LENNY CURRY, MAYOR OF JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA: We expect to have a full arena. There will be temperature checks, there will be other protocols, whatever is necessary at that time, given where we are with COVID-19.

But we here in Jacksonville are excited about seeing the president's renomination and about demonstrating to the country that we're back to work and open for business in a safe, responsible way.


CAVUTO: All right, I don't think we have ever seen something like this.

You will have actually two Republican Conventions, the beginning of that meeting their legal contractual obligations in North Carolina, Charlotte, then the big one with, obviously, the president accepting the nomination and his speech in Jacksonville, Florida.

The president had claimed that the governor of North Carolina was doing little to make assurances that everyone could attend. So that's where we stand.

Karl Rove on the significance of this.

What do you think, Karl?

KARL ROVE, FORMER SENIOR ADVISER TO PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH: Well, first of all, I'd hate to be the person in charge of pulling off the Wednesday and Thursday in Jacksonville. They have spent a year-and-a-half or two of very tough work to pull together the Charlotte convention.

And now we are in middle of June and in the middle of August, the third week of August, they're now going to pull off the final at least day, if not day-and-a-half, of the convention in Jacksonville. And that's going to be a big undertaking.

I hope that the governor of North Carolina, a Democrat, was not simply playing politics, but I think he should have given way to the Republican National Committee and arrived at a mutual understanding of what measures would be put in place for the convention that would have been acceptable to the RNC.

CAVUTO: I'm just wondering, if you're a North Carolina voter, are you ticked off?

ROVE: I don't know. I think it depends.

I think, if you're a Democrat, you're -- it's, good riddance. If you're Republican, you're irritated at the governor. And my sense is, for the ticket-splitters, independent voters, swing voters in the middle, this is not going to be a dispositive issue.

But this is going to cause a lot -- it costs a lot of money for Charlotte, because rather than having all the hoopla and all the people in the vast tens of thousands of press and delegates and alternates and straphangers and enthusiasts, they're going to have a much smaller crowd.

And the biggest two days of the convention are likely to be held in -- certainly, the biggest will be held in Jacksonville, and probably Wednesday and Thursday both. That's the nomination and the vote on Wednesday, and then the acceptance speech on Thursday.

CAVUTO: You know, you're right, big crowds, especially for when the president arrives with the vice president.

The fact of the matter is, they will be crammed in. That was one of the stipulations and demands, to have it per usual for an event like this.

There is always the specter, obviously, of the coronavirus. We're still waiting to hear cases that might have been triggered by all the protests over this past couple of weeks since the death of George Floyd across the country.

I'm wondering, here, I think attendees have to sign a waiver that they will not sue anybody if, God forbid, they do contract the virus. But what do you think of all that?

ROVE: Well, I think, better -- fewer lawsuits, the better.

And, look, they were not going to be dumb, and they're not going to be dumb. They're going to have temperature checks. They're going to have all kinds of -- they're going to encourage mask use. The -- obviously, the president's not going to do it from the podium.


ROVE: But , look, we have gotten into this weird thing.

It's like Val Demings, congresswoman from Orlando, Democrat, who's under consideration as Joe Biden's running mate, talked about how she joined in a Washington, D.C., protest because it was healing and hope.

And now she's attacking the president's campaign for having a rally in Tulsa by saying it's irresponsible and selfish. So, she's there with tens of thousands of people protesting the president, and that's healing and hope, but the president having a rally, that's irresponsible and selfish.

And we have seen this across -- across the Democratic spectrum. Bernie Sanders, I congratulate the protesters. Now the president's rallies are a threat to the health and well-being not simply of the people in the arena, but of the country.

And we had Mayor (sic) Cuomo, who said, no right to jeopardize the health of my children, and yet then he said, I stand with the protesters. And we had Mayor de Blasio shutting down Orthodox Jewish funerals and now saying, I stand with the protesters.

So it's beyond me. I'm sitting here in Austin, Texas. Our City Council and mayor are about ready to extend the shelter-in-place rule, but they had no problem at all with hundreds of people right over my shoulder standing and trying to -- spray-painting the capitol of Texas and holding nightly rallies. They have no problem with that.

But they -- but we're all going to have to shelter in place. So there's an odd dynamic going on here in America by a lot of people on the left of saying one thing and doing another.

CAVUTO: I saw it with my governor of New Jersey, attended one of the protest, while telling businesses to be careful about trying to open up and violating distancing provisions.

ROVE: Right.

CAVUTO: It is what it is, my friend.

Karl Rove, thank you very, very much. Good seeing you again.

ROVE: You bet. Thank you, Neil.

CAVUTO: All right.

In the meantime, the feud that the president has been having of late with some military leaders past and present, and, tomorrow, he's at West Point. How's that going to go?


CAVUTO: All right, the president will be attending graduation at West Point tomorrow.

He's had some interesting run-ins or, let's say, politely, disagreements with some top military leaders, including the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, who regrets now his going to Lafayette Square with the president in what appeared to be more of a political than urgent mission, that he didn't like the way that looked, let it be known.

The president talked to Harris Faulkner, seemed to dismiss it out of hand. But it comes at the same time the president has had differences with present and past defense officials. Of course, Jim Mattis maybe started all this a couple of weeks ago, questioning whether the president's language was divisive.

Of course, his former chief of staff former General Kelly, who disputes the characterization that Mattis was fired. So, I could go on and on here.

But let's go to retired Lieutenant Colonel Bob Maginnis, author of "Collision Course," much more, but a good read on this.

And I'm wondering, Colonel, looking at this, how big a deal is this for the president that there might be a dust-up with military officials who do not seem to recoil from speaking out?

LT. COL. BOB MAGINNIS (RET.), U.S. ARMY: Well, Neil, Secretary Esper, General Milley are still in the job. Obviously, they consulted with the president, and the president continues to keep them in the position.

So, the gap between them is not as great as some would pretend.

As -- you talked about West Point. About 50 years ago, I raised my right hand on -- while standing on the Plain at West Point, and I swore to abide by the Constitution and by the orders provided by the president and those that he appoints.

Now, if any general today or admiral decides that they can't put up with what this president is saying or doing, they can resign. And for the good of the country, they probably should.

We saw something like this during the Iraq War, to a certain degree, and we have seen it before.

Yes, these generals are well-trained. They have great knowledge, but that we also have a Constitution and a Bill of Rights. They can become civilians and then speak out more.

But even General Mattis -- I think it really comes down to, whose ox are you goring today? Certainly, President Trump is tough. Some argue he's divisive. But I would argue that President Obama before him was incredibly divisive, especially against people like me, who are pro-life, and all his radical agenda.

So we need to recognize that the will of the people is to elect a president. That president runs and commands our U.S. military. And, sometimes, we don't like what he or she would do, but that's just the way our Constitution is constructed.

CAVUTO: I'm just wondering, when the president has said some things, it spurs a debate that might not be necessary, his suspicions -- remember this Canadian protester who guards pushed, might have been a setup, the divisive language to which Jim Mattis was referring.

He was speaking, it seemed to me, just as a citizen, concerned about how that is not helping matters any. And I'm just wondering, when you hear the same from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who seems to be speaking in his role, not judging the president going to Lafayette Square, but a top military official like him being there with him, that it somehow sent a condoning signal for what some have called just a photo-up.

What do you think?

MAGINNIS: Well, yes, any time the president is around, just like when you were talking in your prior segment, there are a lot of media.

CAVUTO: Right.

MAGINNIS: General Milley knows, when he goes into the Oval Office or anywhere where the president is, there are going to be cameras around.

And so he had to have known when he was going over there that the president, who is unpredictable in some cases, might have done something like this. Nobody told General Milley, to the best of my knowledge, that he had to follow the president over to St. John's Church.

He could have just said, let me hold back, let me step back.

No, he probably had some sense. If he didn't, then I would hold that against the press corps, certainly at the White House, who should have advised him contrary.

But the president's in a tough place here. He has faced an opposition from the Democratic Party, who've impeached him, who are constantly badgering and going after him. I can understand. The man is defensive, and he should be, given what he's had to face over the last few years.

CAVUTO: Bob Maginnis, thank you very much. Good seeing you again. Be well. Be safe.

MAGINNIS: Thank you, Neil.

CAVUTO: When we come back, the latest on the COVID-19 push and these increased cases and what could be a game-changer for curing this thing -- after this.

(COMMERCIAL BREAK)  CAVUTO: It could make the uptick in coronavirus cases we have been seeing in this country and around the world kind of like a backstory, that is, if we come up with something to treat the virus in the first place.

Enter Regeneron that has come up with something you might call a COVID-19 cocktail that might hit it right in the gut and deal with this in ways that other companies as yet have not been able to do.

George Yancopoulos is joining us right now, the Regeneron co-founder.

George, very good to have you.

Can you tell me a little bit about this, how this works?


I think that we all know that, in the early days of AIDS, HIV, people came up with individual drugs, but -- and they worked. They had some impressive efficacy early on.

CAVUTO: Right.

YANCOPOULOS: But, very rapidly, there were viral mutation escape, and people got resistance. It was called drug resistance. And that created a whole new scourge.

And then some clever people got together and they thought about making cocktails, drug cocktails. And that's what's responsible for controlling AIDS and now, subsequently, a lot of other viruses.

We and others have now discovered a whole new class of drugs against viruses called antibodies. I'm sure everybody knows about antibodies now. They are the things that your body makes in response to vaccines that protect you.

And so a lot of people have been going forward with single antibodies, and they're trying to move them in the clinic to see if they will work.

Well, we have pioneered this approach, actually, with Ebola, which is why there's a lot of hope. But what we pioneered with Ebola was a cocktail of several antibodies, thinking that the same thing that might happen with AIDS or hepatitis C with traditional antiviral drugs could happen here with antibodies as well.

So, we have insisted internally to only go forward with cocktails. We did that with Ebola. It was very effective. Now, Ebola, luckily, was a situation where there wasn't a huge epidemic, so there wasn't room for escape.

But what we did was, we recently demonstrated in high-profile papers that will be published in the premier scientific journal in the next couple of days that cocktails are much more effective for containing particularly the possibility of escape than individual antibodies.

And we announced simultaneously -- this rarely happens in science that you publish seminal fundamental papers. Usually, you wait years to try to make it in reality.

We also announced that -- on the same day that we announced that this major scientific story was coming out that, for coronavirus, cocktails might be important, we had put the first cocktail into human patients this week.


YANCOPOULOS: So, this is really near-term. There's a real chance that it can make a difference.

There's a lot of hope because it worked for Ebola in our hands -- the same people in our labs who put together this possible new treatment for coronavirus did it very successfully for Ebola. And so we are very excited that this is something that could really change the impact of this pandemic.

CAVUTO: And when would this be, Doctor? When would it be out there, so that people could take advantage of it?

YANCOPOULOS: Well, the great news is, we have been working with so many collaborators.

And I think that we have to say that, in addition to the incredible work throughout the entire bio-industry, everybody coming together to try to address this pandemic -- here particularly at Regeneron, we're so proud of our people that, while the rest of the world has been on lockdown and shutting down, they have been upping their game, working 24/7, killing themselves to try to bring this forward in record time.

CAVUTO: That's right.

YANCOPOULOS: Well, we're also collaborating with the FDA.

And they also, of course, recognize the incredible need here. So, they worked with us to design a very innovative trial process. Usually, you have to do a phase one study, and you wait a long time. You discuss it. A year or two goes by.

CAVUTO: All right.

YANCOPOULOS: Then a phase two, and then a phase three.

We're doing a seamless adaptive phase one-two-three study. In a couple of weeks, hopefully, we could be done with the so-called phase one safety portion. The next phase two portion, within a month or two, we could get definitive data whether this might be working or not...

CAVUTO: All right.

YANCOPOULOS: ... which means, by the end of the summer, we could have enough data to allow broader utilization.

And we have devoted our manufacturing capacity to the possibility that this works, so we're manufacturing at risk, so that, if it works, by the end of the summer, we could have hundreds of thousands of doses available to be out there to try to help patients.

CAVUTO: All right, Doctor, that sounds -- that sounds stunning and amazing and very, very hopeful.

I wish you well with this. And I'm sure many people do as well, the Regeneron co-founder George Yancopoulos, Dr. George Yancopoulos.

Something to look forward to, except, by the way, when you want to travel right now, these days, having nothing to do with Regeneron, and everything to do with the new rules of flying -- after this.


CAVUTO: All right, travel is already picking up and, in fact, bookings are picking up well. And airports are all the focus of concern.

George Casey, the Vantage Airport Group CEO, think airport management and business operator. He will a firsthand role in La Guardia, I think the Terminal B and part of a $5 billion fix-up and reopening.

George, I look forward to seeing that.

What people have to get used to now in the changes that are to come? Because many of them have not been anywhere near an airport, but, in the weeks and months ahead, they will be. What should they expect?

GEORGE CASEY, VANTAGE AIRPORT GROUP: Well, thanks for having me on board.

There's no doubt this current backdrop with COVID has created anxiousness for travelers. And so what we do, we do, as a company that's operating a network of airports, is, we need to instill confidence in the travelers.

And we're doing that through projects like La Guardia Terminal B. And some of the specifics we're implementing there include the wearing of face masks in the terminal building, enhanced cleaning, the installation of Plexiglas shields in and around checking areas, gate areas and commercial retail areas, hand and towel sanitizer stations, also restrooms that are as touchless as possible.

And we're using mobile and handheld devices to diminish the interaction from a touch standpoint for things like ordering food, in delivery of food, and also customer check-in at kiosks, a lot of on-site communication, reminding passengers and employees how to stop the spread of COVID, and also spacing in queuing.

And those are things we're doing now to deal with this and to really decrease the level of anxiousness for travelers as the market picks back up. And then we also have things that we're studying over time, like ultraviolet light cleaning, and using cameras for temperature checking.

And those are just a couple of the measures we're doing and looking at in the near term.

CAVUTO: Real quickly, should people get to their airport even earlier than they used to?

CASEY: Well, at this point, I think they should plan around the same times they used to for their envelope for arrival, because, obviously, the activity levels are lower.

But we're doing everything, again, to keep our facilities safe and also facilitate the passenger experience in these challenging times. So, we want the traveler to feel confident, especially traveling through La Guardia Terminal B and all of our airports, that they are safe and healthy in transit.

So we're doing everything in our power to make that as easy as possible.

CAVUTO: Yes, I know that's been a massive project. I look forward to seeing that.

George Casey, thank you very, very much.

CASEY: Yes, thank you.

CAVUTO: All right, we will be pursuing this a lot more tomorrow, not only with the president at West Point, but with Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, the changes in the plan that Republicans have to address racial issues in this country.

He will be front and center tomorrow 10:00 a.m. Eastern time. Hope you're there.

We will see you then.

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