
This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," March 27, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. 

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: Welcome to 'Hannity.' Every year, hundreds of thousands of college students all across America head out to a sunny destination for spring break. Now, it's supposed to be time off from their studies, a little fun in the sun. But in reality, it's a parent's worst nightmare.

Tonight, in a 'Hannity' special, 'Spring Break Exposed,' we're going  to show you what really goes on.


AINSLEY EARHARDT, CO-HOST, 'FOX & FRIENDS FIRST': We are back, Panama City Beach! All these spring breakers are here, and we're here to expose what they're doing!

What have y'all seen at spring break this year?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I've seen people smoking. I've seen people doing plenty of stuff on the beach.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I've seen some sexual intercourse on the beach.

EARHARDT: On the beach?


EARHARDT: Well, did you stop it? Did you go and help the girl?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, she was clearly enjoying it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They have a lot of rides out here. They get -- people come down, they have a bunch of people with them, they just go crazy.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I saw girl snort cocaine off a guy's butt.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Having a good time, we're drinking, getting turned up.


EARHARDT: When I was at spring break, there was underage drinking and alcohol. But I hear it's gotten a lot worse. I hear there are, like, drugs and guns?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, I don't know nothing about that.

EARHARDT: All right, come here. What is this? He's smoking marijuana.

What have you seen at spring break?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What have we not seen at spring break?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm drunk. It's awesome! Like, I've been talking to girls. I made out with six girls!

EARHARDT: What time did you start drinking today?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Like, 11:00, when I got up.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's spring break in Panama! (INAUDIBLE)

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It doesn't matter how you do it. As long as you do it, you're good!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is my sister's trophy. She told me to bring it down here for spring break and give it away to the girl with the biggest boobs.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I seen girls kiss girls. I've seen guys kissing guys.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The bigger the beat, the more you got to do. The bigger the beat, the more you got to do!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I've seen people having sex on the beach in front of thousands of people!

EARHARDT: What'd the crowd do?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I couldn't find a port-a-potty.

EARHARDT: You went to the bathroom on the beach?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Not the beach. I'm classy. But it was close. It was a trash can.

EARHARDT: (INAUDIBLE) message for Sean Hannity.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The most cutest girl I ever met in my life!

EARHARDT: I'm too old for you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, don't worry. Hey, for love, we don't have no age.

EARHARDT: Let me ask you something. Are your parents OK with you being here?



HANNITY: 'F' my parents -- some of the madness that goes on during spring break. For the second year in a row, our own Ainsley Earhardt went down to Panama City Beach, Florida, to expose what's really going on when you send your kids away for their college vacation and college spring break.

Even though the local city council was supposed to make changes to curb this out-of-control partying, well, Ainsley's reporting found that things this year are even worse than last year.

Ainsley is back with us, along with our studio audience, and tonight, we're going to go in depth and take a look at spring break.

What was the difference that you saw? Because as a result of the show last year, they changed the bar closing time from 4:00 AM to 2:00 AM.


HANNITY: OK. And no...

EARHARDT: No drinking on the beach without an ID.

HANNITY: Without an ID. Although the cops really don't go on the beach, right?

EARHARDT: Exactly. Because it's dangerous.

HANNITY: All right, what was some of the differences -- worse this year, you think, than last year.

EARHARDT: What I saw, yes. We have some council -- I have a councilman that I talked to on the phone yesterday. He disagrees. But what I saw this year compared to last year -- 100 percent. I saw -- and even the police officers are telling us -- or the sheriff's deputy -- we did a ride-along with the sheriff's department and...

HANNITY: You were there for three arrests, by the way, three drug busts.

EARHARDT: Right. That happened in a matter of one hour on Friday night. Now, I have the numbers.


EARHARDT: The sheriff sent them to me. Here are some of the updates. This is March 1st to March 24th, comparing this year to last year. So as far as bookings, 2,007. Last year, 1,397. Firearms received this year into evidence, 25 this year, and four last year. Arrests this year, 731 compared to 272 last year. And then charges, 982 compared to 398 last year. So it's -- I mean, the numbers...

HANNITY: It's out of control.

EARHARDT: The numbers prove that it's worse this year, a lot worse.

HANNITY: All right, everywhere you went, you smelled marijuana. Everywhere.

EARHARDT: Everywhere. Behind the two big clubs -- there are two huge clubs on the beach. And if you go behind those clubs, that's where we shot that video. That's where everyone congregates. And everywhere we walked, we were smelling marijuana. And I was talking to one guy who happened to be what I thought, smoking a joint right there in front of me. I said...

HANNITY: Yes, he walked away.

EARHARDT: I said, Wait a minute. Are you smoking pot? And he walked away.

HANNITY: Right. I saw that. And also a lot of sexual acts that you're seeing on the beach.

EARHARDT: Yes. Now, when we got there, the sheriff's department said there was a girl passed out on the beach, guys were having their way with her, and they only they discovered it is because they were -- kids were posting it on #springbreak2k15.


EARHARDT: And so they saw the video. When we were there, there were two girls passed out on the beach, and guys were taking the beer bong tube and slapping them with it and...

HANNITY: And they're passed out.

EARHARDT: They're passed out...

HANNITY: And they're taking pictures.

EARHARDT: ...taking selfies with them for social media.

HANNITY: Yes. And we also have issues where other girls have had trouble...

EARHARDT: Other girls flashing.

HANNITY: By the way, and that was like, every -- almost -- and every time you were filming, you said and our producer said that you -- they wanted to flash.

EARHARDT: They did. And there's so much that you can't...

HANNITY: This is 'Hannity.' This is not 'Girls Gone Wild.' That's another show. OK...

EARHARDT: Yes, we're not doing this -- listen, I want to be clear. Most of us went to spring break. Most of the people watching send their kids to spring break or they go on spring break. We're not fuddy-duds. But when you have guns and deaths and hundred-milers preying on our kids, when you have super-clubs and social media and drugs and sexual assault, it is a recipe for disaster.


EARHARDT: There's a better...

HANNITY: And I don't fault the law enforcement. I want to be very clear because I talked to the sheriff. The sheriff...

EARHARDT: They've been wonderful to us, the sheriff's department.

HANNITY: They're doing everything they can do with the manpower that they have.

EARHARDT: You're right.

HANNITY: And that's a big issue.

All right, Don, you were Ainsley's -- one of Ainsley's bodyguards, right?


HANNITY: All right, the real question most Americans want to know is, how many marriage proposals did Ainsley get?



HANNITY: Because I saw the guy -- he made a pretty good, strong pitch, Ainsley.

GRAHAM: Well, being her bodyguard, that was a tough job...


GRAHAM: ... trying to keep the guys off of her and trying to not -- you know, for them to propose to her. So that was one of my hardest jobs.

HANNITY: So there were a lot of proposals...


GRAHAM: ... a lot of proposals, and we had to back them up, give her 50 feet, you know?

HANNITY: All right. I know it's one of the tougher assignments Ainsley's had. But it really is, in a lot of ways. You have a history, a career in law enforcement, what, 20 years.

GRAHAM: Yes, 20 years.


GRAHAM: A former police officer and security executive.


GRAHAM: I have a security firm in the area that we cover all the counties in the Panhandle.

HANNITY: So tell us from your perspective, as a law enforcement guy, would you send your kids there?

GRAHAM: No, not at this time. Now, back say, six, seven years ago, maybe. But it has escalated into something more than a spring break, I would say more like a Mardi Gras.


GRAHAM: And so we got problems. But I think if we can all come together, we could resolve the issues.

HANNITY: But Wes, you're a local attorney. You actually buy PSAs, public service announcements, with your own money in the hopes that -- you want the city to turn around and make some changes because it's gotten so bad.

WES PITTMAN, PANAMA CITY BEACH, FLA., ATTORNEY: Well, Sean, that's right. Spring break, when I started practicing law there, was very, very nice in Panama City. It was a sane environment. Kids would come in and have fun, good fun. Of course, there was some rowdies, but not too many. Over the years, it got a lot worse. MTV came in, Lil Wayne show several years ago, and so forth, and it got really, really raunchy.


PITTMAN: And so yes, our -- you know, our property values have diminished in the county. Wait times in the emergency rooms have gone up. We fear that we cannot get an ambulance because they're out hauling drunks in or people who've been stabbed. There are lots of reasons to...


HANNITY: The mayor wouldn't come on the program this year. And I watched the mayor, and she just kept referencing how much money this meant to the city in terms of jobs created, etcetera.

PITTMAN: Well...

HANNITY: You're saying that there's a way to have a spring break, but
also control...

PITTMAN: Absolutely. Destin just to our west has spring break. Pensacola Beach has spring break, good, clean environments, decent kids coming in. We've got a lot of decent kids. It's just these hundred-milers coming in and some of the trash coming in. We've got trash entertainment, which brings...

HANNITY: Which draws it in.

PITTMAN: Exactly.

HANNITY: Kirsten, you're a former Miss America. You've been a great role model to girls. Here's what scares me. They're buying drugs from these predators, hundred-milers, thousand-milers. These guys come in for the distinct purpose of selling drugs to these kids and taking advantage of them. The kids buy it. They don't know what they're on. And then they lose consciousness, and then it goes downhill from there.

KIRSTEN HAGLUND, FOX CONTRIBUTOR: Absolutely. And also, young girls are trafficked into these situations, as well, which we haven't talked about. Slavery is a huge issue in the United States. We don't think about it, but it's in our back yard. And Florida...

HANNITY: Is that happening, Bo? Is there any sex trafficking, prostitution going on?

EARHARDT: We saw prostitution.

GRAHAM: Well, it's the -- more of I would say, local familiarity of the area. They prey on the spring breakers, the teenagers.

HANNITY: In other words, you have the 30-year-olds coming in, taking advantage of the 19-year-olds.

GRAHAM: Exactly. Exactly, taking advantage of the 19-year-olds...

HANNITY: That are all high on drugs and drunk.

GRAHAM: Exactly. And they supply the teens, you know, what they need, you know?


HAGLUND: And the thing is, is that, you know, a lot of people do go to spring break and they have a good time. They hang out with people that share their values and they don't get involved in the riffraff. But for the ones that do, I think if there are any young people watching or parents, to emphasize that the decisions they make -- it might seem fun in the moment. They might feel like they don't have any accountability or responsibility, just forget about it.

But the truth is, when they go home, if they get pregnant, if a girl has been raped, if they have severe health consequences because of an overdose, those are consequences that last a lifetime.

HANNITY: It's interesting, Ainsley, when the cameras were off -- and you're not shy about saying this -- you would try and counsel these kids, which, by the way, for those that don't know Ainsley, it's part of her nature.

EARHARDT: I, like, had a hard time with this because I was just thinking I need to pray for all these people because they don't know what they're doing. But when I would talk to the young girls, I would say, you know, What do you think about spring break? What's the worst thing you've seen? And the girl is saying 'F' my parents, and I said, Let me just tell you something. Do not flash. Do not do something you're going to regret because in 20 years, you're going to have kids and...

HANNITY: By the way, that is so...


HANNITY: That's such the antithesis of what the average media person...


EARHARDT: They would all hug me...


HANNITY: You have a great heart, more than anything else.

Gavin, you have -- you've been under fire a little bit. You were on the program the last two nights because you actually said it's far worse for girls than boys. And some people got angry that you said that.

GAVIN MCINNIS, 'THE DEATH OF COOL' AUTHOR: Well, it's frustrating you can only show so much footage here. No one knows about this throng of 10,000 people where the cops can't go, Fox can't go. And even if they could go, you can't describe what goes on there. You couldn't show it on a hard-core porn site!

This isn't even the spring break of two years ago. You have the pharmaceutical age. So you have massive partying going on, where rape is rampant, and rape is rampant because of oxy and heroin!

HANNITY: (INAUDIBLE) you take -- you take issue -- you think it's worse for both.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think it's just as bad for both of them.

HANNITY: It's just as bad for both.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And I just do not agree that women can't hold their own in these types of situations.

MCINNIS: That's dangerous! When you say that kind of lie...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But I don't agree with you!

MCINNIS: ... you are making women vulnerable!


MCINNIS: You want to do pullups right now? Who could do more pullups?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I could probably do more push-ups, so we can do that on another segment, but...


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I do want to point out something, though. You said that, you know, entertainers like Lil Wayne and things like that are bringing maybe riffraff to spring break, and I really don't agree with that because they do have strong messages of "Don't do drugs"...

MCINNIS: Lil Wayne?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... and you know, Don't drink, you know, their own personal lives, maybe they do...

MCINNIS: Lil Wayne?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But I don't think that that's fair to say, that the entertainment is making this happen.

EARHARDT: I think he means wet T-shirt contests and things like that. That's not a good message.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, I mean, of course it's not a good message, but I don't think that it's Hollywood to blame for (INAUDIBLE)

HANNITY: You bring in rappers, not every rapper has the best message. Let's be...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I know, but at the end of the day, though...

HANNITY: The rappers, they use...


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... their music is not what they're doing in...

HANNITY: They call women 'B's' and ho's...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... their daily lives.

HANNITY: I don't think that fits into exactly the environment that...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just don't think that's what we should be putting the onus on here.

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