
This is a rush transcript from "Watter' World," September 11, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST, WATTERS' WORLD: Good evening and welcome to this Special Edition of WATTERS' WORLD, I'm Jesse Watters.

Twenty years ago, the unimaginable happened. Nearly 3,000 people lost their lives on the morning of September 11, 2001. The deadliest act of terror in the U.S. history.

In Manhattan, planes crashed into the World Trade Center's North and South Towers, sounds and images New Yorkers can never forget. Those watching around the nation, even the world, knew this wasn't an accident: The greatest country in the world was under attack.

That morning the heartache and chaos continued, a plane crash into The Pentagon and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, Americans fought back against the hijackers, and the plane crashed into a field instead of the terrorists' intended target.

The Twin Towers then collapsed. One of the most iconic skylines in the world was changed forever, and so were our lives. We were at war.

Here's a look back at the sights and sounds of these past 20 years.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We have a very tragic alert for you right now. An incredible plane crash into the World Trade Center here at the lower tip of Manhattan.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: One to The Pentagon, the heart of our military.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Just moments before hijack, United Flight 93 was taken over by courageous passengers and crashed into the ground in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Todd Beamer was overheard saying those now famous and fearless words, "Are you guys ready? Let's roll."

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Debris raining down from 110 floors up.

GEORGE W. BUSH, THEN PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts.

The victims were in airplanes, were in their offices. These acts of mass murder were intended to frighten our nation into chaos and retreat, but they have failed.

Our country is strong.

America today is on bended knee in prayer for the people, the lives that were lost here, for the workers who work here, for the families who mourn, this nation stands with the good people of New York City and New Jersey and Connecticut.

As we mourn the loss of thousands of our citizens, and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon.


CROWD: (Chanting U.S.A.)

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Some of the key suspects come to mind, Osama bin Laden.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: All signs they say are still pointing to Osama bin Laden.

BUSH: And tonight, the United States of America makes the following demands on the Taliban. Deliver to United States authorities all the leaders of al-Qaeda who hide in your land. These demands are not open to negotiation or discussion.

On my order, the United States military has begun strikes against al-Qaeda terrorist training camps and military installations of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan.

Taliban gone, the country is secure, the country is stable.

BARACK OBAMA, THEN PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I have determined that it is in our vital national interest to send an additional 30,000 U.S. troops to Afghanistan.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Out of the horror of 9/11 came the hunt for its mastermind, al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden.

OBAMA: The United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of al-Qaeda.

CROWD: (Chanting U.S.A.)

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Four Taliban senior leaders once detained at Guantanamo Bay, released by the Obama administration in 2014 in a controversial prisoner swap for the release of Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, kidnapped by the Taliban after deserting his Army post.

OBAMA: Regardless of the circumstances, whatever those circumstances may turn out to be, we still get an American soldier back if he is held in captivity.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The 1,776 foot tall building is now an icon of Lower Manhattan.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The concrete there is built to withstand pressures up to 13,000 pounds per square inch. Nothing like it has ever been used.

DONALD TRUMP, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I share the American people's frustration over a foreign policy that has spent too much time, energy, money, and most importantly lives, trying to rebuild countries in our own image.

JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The likelihood there's going to be the Taliban over running everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely.

After 20 years, I've learned the hard way that there was never a good time to withdraw U.S. forces.

The truth is, this did unfold more quickly than we had anticipated.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Our President and our government has abandoned American citizens behind enemy lines.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You have a failure. He did it for the political symbolism and all because of some disgusting attempt for a September 11 photo-op.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Twenty years ago today, America came under attack.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We remember 9/11, and when we say never forget, that it's not just a word or a catchy phrase, that it's that we never forget the American unity that we felt after those days. That's what mattered. It was the response.

God Bless America and God bless her military.


WATTERS: Joining me now to reflect, former NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik; former Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence, and retired Lieutenant General Jerry Boykin, and retired Army Ranger, Congressman Brian Mast who also served in Afghanistan.

All right, Commissioner Kerik, let's begin with you. You've seen it. You've been there. You experienced it all, your thoughts after 20 years.

BERNARD KERIK, FORMER NEW YORK POLICE COMMISSIONER: You know, what, the pain, the anger, the frustration, it never goes away, it never dissipates, diminishes. You know, there was a time that I was extremely pleased, you know.

You know, it's funny, Jesse. I was at the base of Tower 2 when the second plane slammed through the north side of that building and I was in my car when the President called us before anybody knew when October 7th we were going into Afghanistan.

What bothers me today is that less than two weeks ago, just before the anniversary, the 20th anniversary, we basically surrendered Afghanistan and gave it back to the Taliban. All that footage you just showed about the Afghans, about the Taliban, about the kidnappings, about the confrontations, it's pretty upsetting. It's pretty disgusting.

WATTERS: It's upsetting. It's disgusting, and very emotional for anybody who watches any of these images still to this day.

Lieutenant General Boykin, your thoughts after 20 years? I guess one thing is clear that taking the fight to the enemy was effective in the sense that the United States has not sustained another mass casualty terror attack on the homeland since 9/11, but after what we've seen in this last month, that could change.


Listen, I think we had no alternative but to do what we did under the Bush leadership. We had to go in, we had to fight back. We had let to many of these attacks go really unpunished, I guess.

You know, the bombing of the Cole and that type of thing, we had not done everything that we could to try and deter future terrorism, but I will tell you that as far as I am concerned, I agree with Bernie. I think that the fact that we pulled out of Afghanistan after 20 years in a dishonorable way, that was not an honorable departure -- a dishonorable way -- that we have now lost a lot of allies.

But more importantly, we've encouraged the terror network around the world because the message that they are getting is that Islam wins. The Great State has been brought down after 20 years of persistence. And that, I think, makes us more vulnerable.

WATTERS: You touched on it because it is an ideological war that we're fighting. It's good versus evil. Congressman Mast, you were Army Ranger in Afghanistan. You saw the enemy up close face to face. That's what it was. It was kill or be killed, and a lot of people don't understand that.

REP. BRIAN MAST (R-FL): No. We went into this determined with objectives every night on the battlefield, those that were on patrol each and every day. You had missions that you were going out setting yourself and your brothers and sisters alongside you on a path to accomplish or as they say, you're coming home on your shield one way or another, you're coming home as a victor or on your shield.

And we went out that way each and every night, lost friends, lost brothers, saw them come home without their eyesight or burned across massive percentages of their body, or missing limbs, or to have their family be handed a folded flag, and we didn't go out with the same determination.

Nobody could say that man, America really left Afghanistan unintimidated as they went on in on September 12th, of 2001 -- September 12th of 2021. Yes, they're just as unintimidated, they're just as determined. Nobody can say that because of the leaders that liken themselves as rulers right now that shows the method to remove us from Afghanistan.

WATTERS: And the sloppy and dumb departure really costs us huge propaganda victory to the jihadists.

So, I just want to give everybody about 20 or 30 seconds. I'll begin with you Commissioner Kerik, the most important lesson of 9/11, in your opinion is what?

KERIK: Don't let people into this country that wants the demise of this country, and I fear that 200,000 Afghans that the Biden administration is now allowing to come in.

WATTERS: I agree. Immigration is critical in fighting the war on terror. You can't get around that even if we are surrounded by oceans, you cannot get around that.

All right, Lieutenant General, your key takeaway from 9/11.

BOYKIN: Don't underestimate your adversary, and I think that's exactly what we did and they're coming back. And don't think of them as just a 7th Century organization. They are more sophisticated than we give them credit for.

WATTERS: Yes, they are sophisticated and armed to the teeth because we gave them billions of our latest weaponry. Congressman Mast, I'll give you the last word.

MAST: I'll steal from President Reagan, peace is our highest aspiration, we'll fight for it, sacrifice for it, die for it, but we will never surrender for it. At least up to this point, we never would. We have an administration right now that seems to hold the white flag of surrender. That's not America. The rest of us know how we fight.

WATTERS: Amen. You guys are all great patriots, and it is an honor having you three here on WATTERS' WORLD on the 20th anniversary of 9/11. Thank you so much, gentlemen.

KERIK: Thank you.

BOYKIN: Thank you, Jesse.

WATTERS: After 9/11, the vicious left vilified America instead of uniting behind our great nation, and these despicable attacks. Listen.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You think they know where Osama bin Laden is.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And it's hands off.

MOORE: Absolutely.


MOORE: Absolutely. Because he's funded by their friends in Saudi Arabia. He is back living with his sponsors, his benefactors.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'll believe in al-Qaeda, I'll believe in the Boogeyman.

BILL MAHER, TALK SHOW HOST: You don't think bin Laden knocked down the World Trade Center?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Absolutely not.

MAHER: Come on.

We have been the cowards, lobbing cruise missiles from 2,000 miles away. That's cowardice. Staying in the airplane when it hits the building, say what you want about it, not coward.

ROSEANN BARR, ACTRESS: Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Americans are puzzled over why so many people in the world hate us, we seem so nice to ourselves. It might be better if we figured out how to behave as a nation in a way that wouldn't make so many people in the world want to kill us.


WATTERS: Joining us now to discuss is former senior adviser to Trump, Stephen Miller.

So, as much as things change, Stephen, things stay the same. You hear the same type of blame America first commentary today from the left. It could be even more widespread. In your opinion, where does this come from?

STEPHEN MILLER, FORMER WHITE HOUSE ADVISER: It is such an important question. It comes from the idea that really started back in the 60s and in the 70s with the Marxist left about the idea of America as an evil colonial imperial power. And unfortunately, that idea has become mainstreamed inside of the progressive movement.

We all remember after 9/11 when there was a segment of the American left that said that we had brought it on ourselves. It was twisted, it was demented, it was insane, but they said it.

You know, I went to a very far left high school. I was a junior in high school when we were attacked by terrorists on 9/11, and I vividly remember the anti-American propaganda that swept through my school from the teachers, from people in administration and amongst some of the students as well, too.

And now we're seeing that same kind of anti-American propaganda take root through things like critical race theory, as an example. And here's why it matters so much.

Because if we don't teach our young people to love our country, if we don't teach our young people that America is a righteous nation, then we will not be able to maintain the defense of our nation. We will grow apathetic to our defense, to our security, to our sovereignty, to our borders, to all of it, and that alone will be what makes it possible for our enemies to defeat us.

WATTERS: That's exactly right. I couldn't have said it any better myself and was reminded of that unity today. This morning, I went to Starbucks to get some coffee with my daughter, and as we were waiting for the coffees to come, the barista yells "8:46 a.m. Right now was when the first plane hit the Trade Center. Let's have a moment of silence."

And everybody in the Starbucks, black, white, rich, poor, stopped, put our heads down and we were silent for about 30 seconds. And you forget about that type of unity that we had 20 years ago. There was less racial animosity. There was less political division. People loved the police. They went up to officers and shook their hands.

MILLER: Yes. It's so important.

WATTERS: We need to get back to that, Stephen, because if we don't have that, we don't have anything.

MILLER: We won't survive if we don't.

WATTERS: I'll give you the last word.

MILLER: We won't survive if we don't. If we keep letting the left tear us apart by race, divide us against law enforcement, divide us against our own history and our heritage, this country won't survive, because our own youth won't care enough to protect it. They won't care enough to defend it.

And I will tell you this, when the propaganda coming from our enemies bears a striking resemblance to the propaganda now being taught in every single major school district practically in America, you know we have a problem. And if we don't do something about it, then shame on us.

So stand up for what we believe in our schools, stand up for it in our places of government, stand up for in your communities, because if we don't love this country, and the people who protect and defend it, then this experiment will not last long.

WATTERS: Absolutely. Stephen Miller, thank you for coming on WATTERS' WORLD.

MILLER: Thank you.

WATTERS: Joe Biden and Donald Trump face off on 9/11, right back.



BIDEN: Seventy percent of the American people think it was time to get out of Afghanistan spending all that money. But the flip of it is, they didn't like the way we got out. But it's hard to explain to anybody how else could you get out?

TRUMP: With the 20th anniversary and I watched the speeches and not one person spoke about the fact that three days ago, we fled Afghanistan and we left Americans behind and others, too, and we left $85 billion worth of the best equipment ever made.

Whoever thought of this, a five-year-old would have said the military goes out last and that's what they wanted. They couldn't believe they were leaving.

So, it was gross incompetence.

He went to three places -- all three places. He went to the Pentagon, went to Pennsylvania. He came here and he didn't speak.


WATTERS: President Biden using a 9/11 photo-op to defend his disastrous Afghanistan exit. He got heckled, didn't even really speak. He released a pre-recorded video.

But President Trump was celebrated. He was mobbed by the FDNY and paid a tribute to the NYPD. Many called out Biden for failing in Afghanistan, as you just heard.

Joining me now, retired Army Infantry Captain and U.S. Senate candidate for the great state, my home state of Pennsylvania, Sean Parnell; and FOX News contributor, Lara Trump.

All right, Lara, ladies first. We know Joe blew it with the withdrawal and didn't have the stomach to speak live on the 20th anniversary as a Commander-in-Chief, and then threw up a basic diversion with the vaxx mandate three days ago. It's not sitting well with the American people. How do you see it?

LARA TRUMP, FOX BUSINESS NETWORK CONTRIBUTOR: Well, it doesn't sit well with me either. Today, was a day where we needed to hear from the President of the United States. Twenty years ago today, we all remember where we were. We all know how life changed forever, it will never be the same.

And for some reason today, I personally found myself more impacted than I have been in previous years on 9/11. There was something very special about today, and it was the day to hear from the President of the United States whether you voted for him or not. It was a real shame that Joe Biden did not address America in a live speech.

But I think you're right, Jesse. He is doing everything possible to distract Americans from the complete and total disaster that was the withdrawal he directed from Afghanistan. We know there are still Americans left behind. We know that now we have opened up a Pandora's Box basically of terrorist activity in the Middle East.

And when you hear General Mark Milley say it is not a question of if, but when we are attacked on American soil once again by terrorists, today is a day that it really, really remind you just how horrific that could be.

WATTERS: Yes, I've got chills all day, Lara. There's no doubt about that.

Sean, this was supposed to be a big day for the Biden presidency. He was supposed to close the book on this 20-year war, America's longest war, but because he wanted this photo-op today, he booted the exit and now, we're faced with God knows what, and no one trusts this guy anymore, the Commander-in-Chief.

SEAN PARNELL (R), SENATORIAL CANDIDATE FOR PENNSYLVANIA: I mean, and how many times do I have to say this? President Trump is exactly right. Joe Biden, every step of the way has gotten the Afghan withdrawal totally incorrect, right? I just turned 40 in July. I've been out front with President Trump saying it's time to draw down in that country and it is time to do it responsibly. We've been at war in Afghanistan for half of my life, but it did not have to happen like this.

I mean, think about this. Who takes -- a five-year-old as President Trump said knows this -- who takes the military out of a country that you know you're withdrawing from before American citizens and our allies? He closed Bagram Airfield, 13 Americans are dead, hundreds more of our allies are hurt, wounded, and dead.

On the way out America's last act in Afghanistan, he killed an aid worker and an entire family and then had the gall to trot out to the podium and say that all of this was an extraordinary success.

So today, on the 20th anniversary of 9/11, Joe Biden basically installed a terrorist super state in one of the most rugged hostile places on the planet. So, we're talking about Joe Biden aiding and abetting terrorist groups like the Taliban, the Haqqani Network, Hekmatyar, al-Qaeda -- they are all running the show in Afghanistan right now and Joe Biden owns all of it.

And I'll tell you what's even more offensive than that, Jesse, is that he is trying to normalize relations with the Taliban and these terrorists on the 20th anniversary of 9/11. And it is a slap in the face to everybody who fought for this country and every family who lost a loved one in this 20- year war.

WATTERS: Yes, Biden saying, oh, we have such a great businesslike relationship with the Taliban. He doesn't have a very good relationship with half the country.

PARNELL: Unbelievable.

WATTERS: I think that's an understatement.

PARNELL: Exactly.

WATTERS: Lara, Sean, thank you guys so much.

PARNELL: Thanks, Jesse.

L. TRUMP: Thank you.

WATTERS: Newt Gingrich, next.


WATTERS: The collapse of Joe Biden. His failures just keep piling up. He can't keep it together, let alone run the country.

The Afghanistan withdrawal was a total catastrophe. He promised not to strand Americans, but he did. Now, he has to negotiate with terrorists just to get our people out. While Marines coffins came home, checked his watch, then blew up a meeting with the fallen family members who just stormed out distraught.

He promised to shut down the virus. Remember that? Declared victory this summer, only to see another surge.

He declared a war on the unvaxxed, punishing Americans with mandates he promised he'd never do.

Biden visited hurricane Ida damage this week in New Jersey and said everybody was happy he was there. No one said a bad thing -- another lie.


BIDEN: None of them were shouting or complaining. Every one of them were thanking me as if it was something special. I mean it sincerely, that I was here.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: For this guy to pull this? To leave them in ruins and leave Americans behind. [Bleep]. Leave Americans behind.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's [bleep] crazy.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He will leave you behind. You guys, protecting him, leave you guys behind.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Leave no American behind.


WATTERS: The border is completely out of control. So far, fiscal year 2021, one point three million illegals tried to cross the border, and that's just the ones we found out about.

The crime wave is running rampant in liberal cities across the country -- Portland, Atlanta, LA, Seattle. Shooting is up big. Joe's plan to stop the shootings didn't work.

The awful August jobs report, another big miss. The economy should be rebounding much stronger. Inflation is killing people, thanks to Biden breaking the bank. The inflation rate this summer was the highest it's been in 13 years. Gas, beef, chicken, especially chicken, all costing people a lot more money.

Biden's poll numbers tanking everywhere. His approval rating is down 10 points from April, and now, a new report saying White House staffers turn off or mute their TVs when Joe is speaking because they're worried he's going to mess up. And they should be? Because he's been messing up a lot.

He's confused, telling lies. Clearly, he is not the one calling the shots.


BIDEN: I want to thank the former general -- I keep calling him general, my -- the guy who runs that outfit over there.

I'm sorry, I'm going to get in trouble with staff if I don't do this the right way.

And your Congresswoman, is this your district --


BIDEN: Oh, it's crazy.

I'm supposed to stop and walk out of the room here.


WATTERS: Joining me now, former Speaker of the House, FOX News contributor and author of the new book "Beyond Biden" out in November -- November 2nd and available for preorder right now. I'm definitely going to be preordering that, Mr. Newt Gingrich.

All right, Speaker, are we looking at the beginning of a failed presidency?

NEWT GINGRICH, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Oh, yes. I think beyond doubt, what you have is a President who -- I think Ted Cruz captured it when he said he has the radicalism of George McGovern and the incompetence of Jimmy Carter all wrapped into one.

And "The Daily Mail" ran a headline that said, "Biden declares war on 80 million Americans." I thought that captured it. I mean, this is truly insane. How do you go out -- that's every fourth American -- and how do you go out as a President of the United States, deliberately divide your country, condemn your own people?

You know, he says nice things about the Taliban. They're efficient, they're courteous. They're getting the job done. We can rely on them. And then he attacks Americans, which on the 20th anniversary of 9/11 is sort of the opposite of what you'd expect. You'd think the President will be anti- Taliban and pro-American.

So, I mean, I think he is in trouble, and I don't know that there's any easy way for him to get out of it because the world is closing in on him.

WATTERS: He's perceived as weak because of the Afghanistan situation.

So now, he is Mr. Tough Guy with COVID and he is taking out this anger on the American people and fighting them harder than he's fought the Chinese, the Taliban, pretty much everybody and it is just a divide and conquer strategy. And it sets him up, so when COVID naturally goes down, he is going to take credit for it. Is that the strategy?

GINGRICH: Well, I think that's part of the strategy. They face the reality that they've had about as many COVID cases in a year where they had vaccines as Trump did in an entire year where he did not have any vaccines. So, they have not made any progress that Biden had promised us in the campaign, and I think they are enormously frustrated.

But I think it goes deeper than that. You have to recognize that Biden really resents the American people. He resents their independence. He resents their concern about the border, which they're not supposed to talk about. He resents their anger about Afghanistan, which you're supposed to forget.

So every time you turn around, Biden has this feeling, I think, snubbed and kind of betrayed. He thought everybody would love him. He'd be Uncle Joe, it would all work. That's not what's going on right now.

And I think that they're about to face in Congress a real crisis, because they had this Big Government socialist bill of $3.5 trillion. They just had the second bad month in a row of producer price inflation, and more than two-thirds of all Americans think that it's crazy to increase spending at a time of inflation that just drives prices up. So, I'll be very curious to see the Democrats come back from this distinct period and what they heard from back home, because I think a lot of it is very negative.

WATTERS: I would definitely agree with that, and you're exactly right. The guy was handed a vaccine, a recovering economy. He has booted both and now, he is taking it out on the American people. It's too far gone at this point. If he doesn't get this $3.5 trillion thing done, he's toast. That's all they have.

If they don't spend their way out of this jam, they're going to have nothing, and it's shaping up to be a bloodbath in the midterms. And Biden's only tool to use is cracking down on the mass unvaxxed as a way to kind of excuse his own incompetence.

I'll give you the last word, quickly.

GINGRICH: Well, look, remember, he is totally hypocritical. They've apparently already said that the 640,000 members of the Postal Unions don't have to be vaccinated. Now, explain why that makes any sense. These are the people go around to the entire country. They don't have to be vaccinated?

And of course the illegal immigrants don't have to be vaccinated. People coming out of Afghanistan don't have to be vaccinated. But boy, if you're a normal everyday American, Joe Biden is coming for you.

WATTERS: That's right.

GINGRICH: And it ain't going to work in a free society because that means we'll come for Joe Biden.

WATTERS: The Postal Service, you can't upset them. They have to send out those mail ballots, Speaker, you know.

GINGRICH: That's exactly right.

WATTERS: That's the most important thing.

All right, thank you so much. And check out Newts new book, you could preorder it right now.

GINGRICH: Good to be with you.

WATTERS: All right. A white liberal with a monkey mask commits a hate crime against Larry Elder, the left silent; while Howard Stern and Jimmy Kimmel let loose on vaccines.


WATTERS: Larry Elder is running for Governor of California, a recall election because Gavin Newsom is mismanaging the whole state. So, while visiting a homeless encampment, Elder, who is black, was confronted by a mob of violent protesters. A woman wearing a gorilla mask through an egg at him, nearly hit him, and punches were thrown. Watch this.


WATTERS: Did she know not how to curse? Elder would be the first black governor of California if elected, but the mainstream media ignoring this racist attack. Many call it a hate crime. I spoke with Larry Elder about it.


LARRY ELDER (R), CALIFORNIA GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: If I were a Democrat, obviously, this would be called systemic racism. They'd be calling it a hate crime. I don't like to play that game.

I knew during all this, there was a big article about me, a negative in "The New York Times." It never once mentioned that I'm black, never once mentioned that I would be the first black governor of California.


WATTERS: So FOX News has reached out to Gavin Newsom, to Nancy Pelosi, to Maxine Waters -- no relation -- Adam Schiff, Dianne Feinstein, to see if they condemn this hate crime, clearly a hate crime. We haven't heard back.

Joining me now for more on this, former Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann. Crickets, Congresswoman, crickets.

MICHELE BACHMANN, FORMER U.S. REPRESENTATIVE: Crickets is right. We can hear it all over the world.

Jesse, this was a planned racist attack by the Democrat machine against a black candidate, Larry Elder. This was the Gavin Newsom campaign under that racist mask. In fact, you could almost say that's Gavin Newsom under that racist mask.

This is serious. This isn't a small thing. The Democratic Party can't be screaming racism at Republicans when they're actually the racist under a gorilla mask. You don't ride around on a bike with an egg in your hand. And this wasn't some random attack, this was the Democratic campaign of Gavin Newsom sanitizing this thing, acting racist with this egg. This is a violent attack.

It was only because she had a poor arm that this egg didn't hit the back of Larry Elder's head. This would be very painful to have something like this happen. They wanted it to be embarrassing, but the embarrassment is on Gavin Newsom. He has to explain why he has a racist campaign.

WATTERS: Yes, and they are still trying to nail down this woman -- her identity, her ties to the Newsom campaign, but he hasn't said anything about it. Nothing, has not condemned it.

BACHMANN: Yes, it doesn't matter what her identity is. It's Gavin Newsom under that racist mask. That's who it is.

WATTERS: I want to play some other video. It's gone all over the place. Howard Stern, who I love and Jimmy Kimmel. They're just going nuts about people with COVID going to hospitals. They don't even want them to be admitted. Listen.


JIMMY KIMMEL, TALK SHOW HOST: Dr. Fauci said that if hospitals get any more overcrowded, they're going to have to make some very tough choices about who gets an ICU bed. That choice doesn't seem so tough to me. Vaccinated person having a heart attack? Yes. Come right on in. We'll take care of you. Unvaccinated guy who gobbled horse good, rest in peace, wheezy,

HOWARD STERN, RADIO SHOW HOST: Anyone who is unvaccinated and needs to be in the hospital for COVID, they should just say no, we're sorry. We told you to get vaccinated and you didn't. So you're done. That's it. Go home.


WATTERS: I can't tell if they're joking, Michele. These guys are comedians. But let Americans die? I'm not so sure if that looks too good.

BACHMANN: Well, they're morally superior to the rest of us, clearly, but they never answer the question ever. What about all the Americans who have robust immunities and antigens already in their body? If they would get a vaccine, it could potentially be dangerous for them layering a vaccine on top of a person who already has immunities.

So they never look at the variables, but they are always right because they are better than we are. They're morally superior.

WATTERS: All right, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, thanks for joining WATTERS' WORLD on this 9/11 anniversary. We appreciate it.

BACHMANN: Thank you, Jesse.

WATTERS: Road rage, Waffle House brawls, and a very, very important message about brushing your teeth that I just didn't know, "Triple Play" next.


WATTERS: Time for "Triple Play." Up first, insane road rage. Things got real heated on the freeway in SeaTac Washington. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A dude just rammed that guy. [Bleep]. For real? Oh, yo, it is going down.


WATTERS: Wow, so this mad driver apparently trying to mow down the other driver who got out of his car. You never get out of your car. He is throwing rocks at the other car, barely escapes into the bushes.

Joining me now, FOX News contributor, Raymond Arroyo. Raymond, you know when a road rage scene happens, you never leave the vehicle.

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Never. Never. You know, you've heard of the "Fast and Furious." This is the fast and the injurious, Jesse. These people are crazy. Is it the lockdowns? What is it?

And you know, on 9/11, we should reflect on what's happened to us? Our civility? You and I covered a story in Baltimore a few weeks ago. Now that was a love spat where the woman was trying to run down her boyfriend. Here we go again, trying to kill Americans.

What is going on? What's going to happen when the Biden bucks dry up?

WATTERS: And this doesn't look like -- yes, no, this doesn't even look like a love spat. But --


WATTERS: What do I know? Waffle House situation. You've been dying to talk Waffle House for us.

ARROYO: I have been.

WATTERS: Raymond -- all Raymond sends me is Waffle House brawls. Raymond, why did you send me this crazy video?

ARROYO: Well, a piece of it is, you know when you go to Waffle House, you can always get a side of concussion with your breakfast, Jesse. I mean, this is not the first time this kind of thing has happened.

You've got these people hazing each other, then the employee grabs this guy punches the hell out of him. He punches back.

But look, last year, seven people were in a brawl. Then in 2019, there was a knife fight between employees. And then I covered a story where a guy fell out of the ceiling tiles butt naked.

Stay away from Waffle House. Be very careful if you go.

WATTERS: Well, something is up at Waffle House, they might be putting something in the fountain soda.

All right, we just got this video hot off the presses, Dana Perino sent it in.


WATTERS: This is Hard Rock Stadium. There's -- we've got to rewrap that. There is a cat dangling -- rewrap that. There is a cat dangling from the second level of the stadium. They catch it, they make a little -- what do they call that thing? I don't know. Little catch stack.

ARROYO: I don't believe it.

WATTERS: Look, they save this feline's life. Cat has nine lives, Raymond.

ARROYO: Well, you know he could have gone to Waffle House and splattered all over the place. People fall out of the ceiling all the time from there, but I don't quite know, what do you do with this?

First of all, why are they dropping? Are they dropping the cat? Or did it throw itself off the balcony because it can't be that bad.

WATTERS: You're saying the cat is suicidal. I didn't say it.

ARROYO: Maybe.

WATTERS: Raymond thinks, he's had enough a Joe Biden, just launched himself off.

All right, thanks Raymond. I've got to run.

ARROYO: Thank you, my friend.

WATTERS: Up next, "Last Call."


WATTERS: As we leave you tonight on the 20th anniversary of 9/11, a Tribute in Lights shining bright over the Manhattan skyline to honor those who lost their lives.

On this day in 2001, our nation was changed forever. Americans came together, united in the common goal of defeating evil.

So to those who defend our great nation overseas and within our borders, we salute you, and we love you.

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