
This is a rush transcript from "Watters’ World," August 28, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


This is a FOX News Alert: President Joe Biden issuing a warning just hours ago that an attack is highly likely in the next 24 to 36 hours at the Kabul Airport.

Fear growing by the minute as Americans still try to escape the Taliban takeover. The ongoing evacuation flights likely won't be enough to get all Americans out by Tuesday's deadline. And if another attack happens like the ISIS-K bombing, so many more won't be able to make it out alive. Thirteen U.S. service members were killed in that attack.

The Department of Defense just released their names. They served in the Marine Corps, Navy, and Army. The service members were killed. Here they are. Army Staff Sergeant Ryan Knauss; Marine Corps Lance Corporal Jared Schmitz, Marine Corps Corporal Daegan Page, Marine Corps Lance Corporal David Lee Espinoza, Marine Corps Sergeant Nicole Gee, Marine Corps Sergeant Johanny Rosariapichardo, Marine Corps Corporal Humberto Sanchez, Marine Corps Staff Sergeant Darin Taylor Hoover, Marine Corps Lance Corporal Rylee McCollum, Marine Corps Lance Corporal Kareem Nikoui, Navy hospitalman Maxton Soviak, Marine Corps Corporal Hunter Lopez, and Marine Corps Lance Corporal Dylan Merola.

Our hearts are with their families during this very tough time.

Thursday was by far the worst day of Joe Biden's presidency, an avoidable tragedy and the deadliest day for American forces in Afghanistan in 10 years. Biden botched the Afghan withdrawal and now innocent people are paying the price.

Biden refused to extend the August 31st deadline to get Americans out of Afghanistan, and U.S. troops have now begun withdrawing from Kabul with 350 Americans still trying to get out and that's just according to the State Department, a department with a pretty bad track record here.

U.S. military last night carrying out a drone strike against an ISIS-K planner. Two ISIS-K targets were killed and one was wounded. The President saying today this strike won't be the last. There's a lot of questions about this and we're going to have a report in just a minute.

The Taliban is blocking Americans from getting to the airport, and Biden is boxed in, letting it happen. We're working with the Taliban how. Biden is saying we may even have given the Taliban a list of names to let through checkpoints, or a kill list, as most people fear.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Here's the names of 12 people that are coming, let them through, it could very well have happened.


WATTERS: We're stranding Americans behind enemy lines, plain and simple. But the administration refuses to use that word because they're worried about messaging. Biden is making it seem easy like Americans can just head to the Kabul Airport and get on the next flight. And Afghan allies stranded in Kabul revealing the harsh reality.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I know that I'm going to get killed. I'm going to die for a good thing. What I did, I will never regret it because I have tried help people.


WATTERS: Joe is not standing behind Americans. And just a few days ago, Biden actually wanted credit for all of this.

Everything Biden and this administration has said about how this was going to go has turned out to be wrong.


BIDEN: We will not conduct a hasty rush to the exit. We'll do it, we will do it responsibly, deliberately, and safely.

QUESTION: On Afghanistan --

BIDEN: I won't be bogged by happy things, man.

Thanks to the way in which we have managed our withdrawal, no one -- no one U.S. forces or any forces have been lost.

QUESTION: Is a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan now inevitable?

BIDEN: No, it is not.

We were clear eyed about the risks. We planned for every contingency, but no one is being killed right now. God, forgive me if I'm wrong about that. But no one is been killed right now.

Getting out would be messy no matter when it occurred.

JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: I would say that this is now on track, Peter, to be the largest airlift in U.S. history. So -- and that is bringing American citizens out. It is bringing our Afghan partners out. It is bringing allies out.

So no, I would not say that is anything but a success.


WATTERS: "Anything but a success." Biden lied and basically surrendered to the Taliban. Blood has been drawn, but he is not to blame, of course. He says it's Donald Trump's fault.


PETER DOOCY, FOX NEWS CHANNEL WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Do you bear any responsibility for the way that things have unfolded in the last two weeks?

BIDEN: I bear responsibility for fundamentally all that's happened of late. But here's the deal. You know, I wish you one day say these things, you know as well as I do that the former President made a deal with the Taliban.

If we could get all American forces out of Afghanistan by May 1.

DOOCY: Do you think that people have an issue with pulling out of Afghanistan, or just by the way, things that have happened?

BIDEN: I think they have an issue that people are likely to get hurt.


WATTERS: He is lying again. Trump's deal was conditions based. The pullout date he had was based on the Taliban meeting those conditions. The date was movable if they didn't, and Trump's deal didn't include abandoning Bagram Air Base and pulling air support.

Biden says nobody saw the Taliban takeover coming. Another lie.

The Embassy, the State Department, the Intel guys warned everybody all summer, and Biden ignored them. Now, the enemy is armed to the teeth. Marines are dead and we're facing a hostage crisis, just so Joe Biden could stage a photo-op on 9/11 and claim he won the war.

Now, our allies don't respect him, our enemies don't fear him, and the American people don't trust him.

How long we're stuck with Biden? Only time will tell.

But we're only eight months in. God help us.

Now, to the latest on the U.S. drone strike that took out to ISIS-K members, a small step towards revenge, but not enough. Joe Biden says it won't be the last.

Joining me now for the latest, FOX News Pentagon correspondent, Lucas Tomlinson. All right what's going on with this strike -- Lucas.

LUCAS TOMLINSON, FOX NEWS CHANNEL PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT: Well, Jesse, The Pentagon is refusing to say who exactly it killed in that drone strike in eastern Afghanistan. Officials say those two ISIS fighters were part of a cell plotting more attacks to kill more U.S. troops at the airbase in Kabul ahead of President Biden's August 31st deadline.

Earlier today at The Pentagon, John Kirby called those ISIS targets quote, "planners and facilitators." Words normally reserved for low ranking fighters, Jesse. A U.S. military reaper drone launch from Al Dhafra Air Base in the UAE carried out the strike in Nangarhar Province where that ISIS branch in Afghanistan is based, not far from the border with Pakistan as you can see here.

The drone fired a missile at a car killing the two fighters and wounding a third.

Back to nomenclature, The Pentagon officials are not calling these fighters leaders. That was notable, Jesse. I'm told the targets were not on any U.S. military kill. This is the same part of Afghanistan where President Trump ordered the MOAB, the mother of all bombs dropped on ISIS not long after taking office. The SEAL raid to kill bin Laden was launched from this area as well.

President Biden approved the strike less than two days of the suicide attack that killed those 13 U.S. troops and wounded 20, over 160 Afghan civilians were killed, Afghans desperate to escape their country following the Taliban takeover.

The drone mission launched a few hours before another warning from the U.S. Embassy in Kabul to tell all Americans to leave immediately.

There's about 3,500 U.S. troops on the ground right now at the airport in Kabul, Jesse. They will be gone on Tuesday and the U.S. military mission in Afghanistan there for nearly 20 years will end -- Jesse.

WATTERS: Thanks a lot, Lucas, we appreciate it.

I don't think it's any surprise that there's a little doubt about some of the details of this drone strike considering what we've heard from this administration thus far.

Here for reaction. Lieutenant Colonel Ollie North, the coauthor of "We Didn't Fight for Socialism." All right, so Colonel North, there is no way the generals planned this full out. Tactically, this is the dumbest thing I've ever seen.

Do you think Joe Biden is dumb? Is he diminished? Is he stubborn?

What's going on with the Commander-in-Chief here?

LT. COL. OLIVER NORTH (RET), U.S. MARINE CORPS: All of the above, Jesse. First, thanks for talking about my Marines and, and the families are just going through terrible grief right now and that's a tough job when you have to be KKO as they call it. The person who goes and tells the wife, she's now a widow, and the kids, they are now orphans.

So without going into the stupidity of how we got here, or compromising the people on the ground, here's a very brief summary of what's happening on the ground, and where things are likely to be going in the days ahead. Thirteen flag-draped coffins arrived at Dover Air Force Base this morning. I'm told the President has a card in his pocket to remind him of the pain that people are suffering.

Someone from the White House should have at least met the aircraft even though the formal presentation with the families is set for tomorrow. For this entire day, a group of brave and exhausted Americans have been trying to get hundreds of pre-manifested men, women, and children, including American citizens and to get them out through a gate at the Kabul Airport.

And while the incompetent and political military establishment and The Pentagon couldn't get it out, out of the way itself, it took the President of the United States to authorize the gate to be opened.

And because of our inaction and giving up authority and control to the Taliban, they're now issuing orders to our remaining assets at the airport. And if anybody thinks that every American who wants to get out has gotten out, they are dead wrong. That fact is, and you just kind of alluded to this a few minutes ago, what's going to happen in the aftermath is Americans who've already been selected and high value targets of our allies are going to be kept as hostages to make sure that a MOAB, as you just mentioned, or a Jaden doesn't land on the presidential palace and take them out.

In other words, we've offered them money, we've offered them recognition, all that stuff is being talked about. But what they mostly want is to be able to humiliate this President.

Here's a little brief timeline. First of all, even before the bomb went off that killed 13 Americans, we ended up with a Turks who got there first and we're supposed to stay after we left to cover our exits as it would, be they were gone. Question remains: where they warned to get out before that? Don't know that, I'm just wondering.

At 12:11, today, the Chief Counsel of the White House reported that the President had to be briefed before in order to open the gate was in, and the Taliban leadership came to the airport to hold a formal meeting at the airfield.

Reports from local sources said that the gate is going to close for good at 0400 tomorrow. That may or may not happen. What we do know that isn't going to happen is that there is not going to be a delay in the execution of the final lift out of the town.

The Marine Corps, by the way, is already out. The 82nd and a few handful of others are the only forces on the on the ground right now at that airport. So, what are the sources says, the payment -- the payment for passing through a checkpoint is hold on, because I've got -- this is encrypted comms from these guys.

The current payment for getting through the wickets, all of the checkpoints that Taliban have established is $1,500.00.


NORTH: Your average fellow who is trying to get out doesn't have that in his pocket.

WATTERS: Yes, Taliban shaking everybody down, even Americans just to leave the country. So what I'm hearing from you just to summarize, Biden is micromanaging gate openings and closures, number one.

Number two, there was something really suspicious involving the Turks with that ISIS-K attack. And number three, which is really disturbing. Are you saying you don't expect the President of the United States to meet those 13 flag-draped coffins at Dover Airfield when they come home?

NORTH: Well, I sure hope he does.

WATTERS: He better. He better be there. My God, if he isn't there ...

NORTH: There was no one there from the White House today.

WATTERS: ... on that tarmac to greet those coffins with those families. My God.

NORTH: I've been there up to a dozen of those over the course of this war, both for FOX News and even after I retired.

The bottom line of it is, this President is taking orders from the Taliban. This President will do whatever they tell him. And you've got to wonder why.

I'll give you a couple of theories, because right now we know that in Kabul, you've got members of the Pakistani Intelligence Service, the ISI and the People's Republic of China, and they're collecting up U.S. gear, moving it across the packed border, and they're going to export it for exploitation to the PRC.

Here is another thing. Everybody keeps talking nowadays about the Taliban and al-Qaeda and Haqqani and ISIS all being different. They're not. In fact, on any given moment, the person pointing a firearm at an American could well be any part of any one of those organizations.

And I guess the thing that bothers me most about this thing is that we don't know whether the President is competent or not. So, one of the rumors is that there's a cell of his supporters, some of them in the media, some of his closest advisers, probably Schumer, who are actually actively thinking now it's time to invoke the 25th Amendment because that's one of the reasons why you see, so often he's being contradicted by people who basically, he's the Commander-in-Chief and they're out there contradicting what he is saying.

WATTERS: Yes, it is heavy stuff. And now --

NORTH: One last point.

WATTERS: Quick. Sure.

NORTH: One last point. Yes, the PRC is very powerful. We know that there are connections, never underestimate the power of blackmail.

WATTERS: All right, Colonel Ollie North giving us a lot to think about, especially with the Chinese infiltration. My goodness.

Thanks for coming on. We're going to follow up on some of those leads. We appreciate it, Colonel.

Now, we all have to remember is that the fall of Afghanistan and the Taliban takeover was not a surprise. We knew this was coming. The U.S. Embassy warned everybody months ago to leave as soon as possible. Don't travel, we can't help you.

The Taliban's rapid advance across the country started in May and more warnings from State to leave due to uncontrollable violence were issued. Intel warnings flashing that mass desertions were occurring in the Afghan Army and Taliban was closing in on Kabul.

So did our Commander-in-Chief just ignore the Intel? Do nothing about it? And then tell the American people a rapid Taliban takeover was unlikely -- while that exact thing was happening?

Joining me now retired Army Infantry Captain Sean Parnell, and FOX News contributor and retired Marine Corps bomb tech, Joey Jones.

Sean, I don't know if you heard some of the things that Colonel Ollie North was talking about and you can react to that, you can react to the so-called strike that took out these two ISIS-K guys. The floor is yours.

CAPT. SEAN PARNELL (RET), U.S. ARMY: Yes, well, boy, there's so many angles to attack this from. You know, I will say yes, I am very concerned with the Chinese Communist Party influence and your intro infuriated me.

You've heard from this administration so many times that they plan for every contingency. Well, maybe a top priority, or maybe one of your top contingencies be how you're going to get thousands of Americans out of that country.


PARNELL: And then further, maybe we shouldn't interest those lives to the Taliban who are playing this administration like a fiddle. They're saying one thing to President Biden, and doing another thing behind his back.

They are setting up checkpoints, they're attacking Americans. They are making it impossible for our people to evac that country. And now this nation, America, the world's lone superpower is poised to leave Afghanistan leaving thousands of people behind, hundreds of American citizens.

And yes, I'm tough on Joe Biden, right? My noncommissioned officers as a young lieutenant, were tough on me. Why? Because leaders, commanders make decisions. And God forbid if they make bad decisions, they could get people killed.

If a Commander-in-Chief, a President of the United States makes a bad decision, they could get thousands of people killed.

So, we've got a President of the United States right now that could barely make it through a conversation with the Prime Minister of Israel without looking like he's falling asleep with one of our greatest allies, how is he supposed to handle our greatest adversaries in the Chinese Communist Party or the Taliban on the battlefield right now?

He is derelict in his duty and not up to this task.

WATTERS: Johnny "Joey" Jones, you serve there in Afghanistan. Your thoughts about what we've seen in the last couple of weeks and then today?

JOEY JONES, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: I mean, I think it's kind of obvious where we are now. I think the one thing that people haven't talked about enough and you alluded to it, Jesse, not three weeks ago, maybe a month ago, the headlines were American veterans and organizations are trying to get people home that have SIVs who are Americans and the State Department is dragging its feet.

As a matter of fact, this story actually goes back even to before Biden took office, and this is bureaucracy, it is red tape, it is embassies being shut down for coronavirus.

The point there is how does an administration tell us now there was no other way to do this and that we had to have chaos and by chaos, I mean, 13 dead heroes and nearly 200 Afghan dead civilians and we're talking children.

People that now would die tomorrow, to stand in front of and save and damn near dead in Afghanistan. They are human beings even if they're not United States citizens. All right, they're dead. They're dead and they call that chaos and they said it was unavoidable.

Any other text I got before I sat down here from a group text of Marines, everyone from mid-grade officers to mid-grade enlisted was, man, I wonder who those poor guys were in that truck? Now, I'm not saying I'm going to come in here saying there's some conspiracy theory that we didn't actually take out and ISIS-K fighter, but that's where veterans are, that's where their belief and confidence is that that was just something to get the heat off.

And that's a bad place to be because if veterans in this country think that way, what do our enemies think? Did that do what it needed to?

That strike was to put anyone who might attack us on pause, not to prevent it, but to psychologically put them on pause. It wasn't even our retaliation. And if our veterans aren't even really buying in, what did that do to our enemies?

And so we shouldn't even have to be in that spot to begin with.

And so to the men and women in Kabul, my hat's off to you, brothers and sisters. I walked down on bombs and I don't know that took the courage it takes to be in Kabul right now. And I love you. I respect, and honor you for it.

WATTERS: Yes. I think everybody watching right now feels the same way, guys, and clock is ticking. They've got to get out by Tuesday. I just hope we don't sustain any more casualties. What a mess.

Sean, Joey, thanks so much.

PARNELL: Thanks, Jesse.

JONES: Thanks.

WATTERS: The mainstream media has blood on their hands, too. They got Biden elected and it's blown up in their face. How they're coping with that disgrace, next.


WATTERS: Joe Biden's Afghanistan disaster so bad, even the mainstream media can't hide it. Listen.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Competence and experience have been severely undermined.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is the worst day of the Biden presidency.

NANCY CORDES, CBS NEWS CORRESPONDENT: The deadliest day for U.S. service members in Afghanistan in a decade.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A tremendously humiliating moment of American humiliation, leaving -- forced to leave on the Taliban's clock.

I think history will judge this moment as a very dark period for the United States.

ROBYN CURNOW, CNN ANCHOR: The Biden administration is facing swift backlash over the chaotic withdrawal.

JAKE TAPPER, CNN ANCHOR: How did President Biden get this so wrong?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is the worst day of the Biden presidency.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This President and his indifference to things he was warned about, put us where we are and that's a fact.


WATTERS: Check out these headlines. "Washington Post:" "Biden's struggles to address the most volatile crisis of his presidency."

"New York Times:" "Biden faces a tragedy he pledged to avoid."

POLITICO: "The darkest days of Joe Biden's presidency."

So, how to interpret the liberal media turning on America's most liberal President? Joining me now FOX News contributor and media reporter for "The Hill" Joe Concha and "New York Post" columnist and FOX News contributor, Miranda Devine.

So Miranda, oh, my God. I think the media just feels guilty and Joe is incompetence has forced the media to criticize him. They hate him for that because you can't spin incompetence. You cannot spin a tragedy unfolding on national television. You can spin policies, you can't spin this.

MIRANDA DEVINE, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: That's right. And look, you see what happens when Joe Biden is actually subjected to normal media scrutiny, nothing like the sort of horrendous attacks that Donald Trump got, but just normal fair scrutiny and he doesn't fair very well under that.

But I'm sure that it will just go back to the normal sycophancy once the last plane leaves Kabul, because otherwise, the media has to admit that they were wrong to suppress bad information from the American public about Joe Biden before the election, like the Hunter Biden laptop. They were wrong to pretend that he was something he wasn't, and to stop the American people from doing the normal due diligence that they do on a candidate.

It's their fault that Joe Biden is there. He is incapable. He's a hollow man.

And we're seeing, you know, in Afghanistan at the southern border, all sorts of policies domestically and abroad, the catastrophe that that can unleash if you have someone in the President who is basically just a vacuum.

WATTERS: Yes, the media owns The Joe Show, they produced it, they protected him, they covered up for him, and now it is spinning out of control and they only have themselves to blame.

Joe Concha, here is Joe Biden explaining that he's been given a list of reporters that he has been instructed to call on. Let's listen to that.


BIDEN: Ladies and gentlemen, they gave me a list here. The first person I was instructed to call on was Kelly O'Donnell of NBC.


WATTERS: So, if he needs instructions to call on reporters, does he need instructions to call airstrikes, too? And what is he doing by himself, Joe?

JOE CONCHA, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Well, Jesse, they gave me a list here and I was instructed to only speak to certain FOX News hosts about this topic. So, all that said, okay, where is Roger Watters? Jesse? Yes, Jesse Watters, WATTERS' WORLD.

Yes, that's basically how this looks, Jesse. Right? And it makes the President appear two ways, and neither are good, weak and cowardly. And why would the leader of the free world by the way, if that term even still applies here share that he is being instructed by others, share that he can only call on certain reporters deemed by his handlers to be journalism's version of a safe space?

One can only imagine what China and Russia and the Taliban and ISIS and Iran are all thinking when they witnessed this behavior, Jesse.

WATTERS: And that photo that we're showing right now is him clutching his briefing book, head bowed, because he couldn't handle a question from FOX in the middle of a hostage crisis that he triggered on vacation. That's everywhere, Miranda. That is plastered on every international publication and it's not good for the United States. It's definitely not good for our soldiers in harm's way.

And it didn't have to happen. They didn't have to cover the laptop up. That was the key. And now we're all paying the press.

Joe and Miranda, thank you guys. We appreciate it as always.

CONCHA: Thanks, Jesse.

DEVINE: Thanks.

WATTERS: Kamala Harris back from Vietnam. Joe Biden is wounded and she has had plenty of time to plot.

Sarah Palin on the VP's next move.


JON SCOTT, FOX NEWS CHANNEL ANCHOR: This is a "FOX News Alert." I'm Jon Scott live in New York.

President Biden warning another terror attack in Kabul is quote, "highly likely" within the next 24 to 36 hours. The President's warning comes two days after a suicide attack at the Kabul Airport, which killed at least 169 Afghans and 13 U.S. service members.

President Biden is also vowing to expand a U.S. air campaign against ISIS- K. A drone strike early Saturday killed to ISIS-K planners and facilitators.

Louisiana bracing for Hurricane Ida. The storm expected to be a monster Category 4 storm before making landfall late Sunday or early Monday. Voluntary and mandatory evacuations have been called for in communities across that state including New Orleans.

Ida is expected to hit the Gulf Coast 16 years to the day that Hurricane Katrina made landfall.

I'm Jon Scott. Now, back to WATTERS' WORLD.

WATTERS: This Afghan catastrophe leading to tragedy, the deadliest day in a decade there for American forces. And now, with Biden warning another attack is imminent, things I'm afraid are not going to get better anytime soon.

Americans still relying on the Taliban for protection. It's a joke. We shot at these savages for 20 years and now, they are in charge of protecting us from getting shot at? Okay.

Joining me now for more former VP nominee and former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.

I imagine you're pretty angry, Governor. Do I have that right?

SARAH PALIN, FORMER ALASKA GOVERNOR: Pretty angry. I mean, it's a healthy position to be in though to go from sad to angry and the rest of Americans had better be angry. You take action when you're angry.

WATTERS: Did you foresee this coming at all? I know we know Biden's track record is atrocious. But I mean, this is in his honeymoon period. And we got a border crisis, a hostage crisis, a humiliating defeat on the battlefield, dead Marines. It's barely not even September.

PALIN: Well, we should have seen it coming. I mean, based on Biden's track record, nearly 50 years in government, blunder after blunder. People in his own party, his own, quote-unquote "supporters" letting Americans know, letting voters know before the vote was taken against Trump that he gets everything wrong.

You know, Jesse, I looked the other night for the first time ever at debate clips where I was debating Biden back in 2008, and I'm sitting there listening to this going, man, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

He was a liar back then, he is a liar today. His track record should have allowed all of us to anticipate nothing, but negative -- nothing but bad, nothing but tragedy would happen under this man's watch.

WATTERS: Well, the media wanted him because he wasn't Trump, but not being Trump is giving us dead Marines and a foreign policy debacle, which is going to be tough to come back from.

How do you see Joe's presidency going forward? I feel like he's got no credibility right now. His credibility is shot on pretty much everything.

PALIN: Right. And this is that something that those of us kind of in that arena, at least at one time or another, knew he didn't have any credibility back then. So you know, he can't just have some credibility transplant overnight.

He isn't a credible human being. He lies. He plagiarizes. I mean, all the things that we already know. And you're right, the media did want him to win. And the media clobbered anybody who was challenging him.

And you know, a lot of this is on the media's back, too.

How I see it going? I think Republicans in Congress are wasting their time with their rhetoric about impeaching him, because they will never do it. Because most politicians as you notice, I'm sure, they're a bunch of windbags, and they'll talk about it, but they won't do it.

We have more of a chance of seeing him resign than we do -- he being impeached. And, of course, I wish he would. You know, Jesse, I wish that I knew and I'm sure you say the same thing, I wish we knew who was really in charge. It's not the marionette Joe Biden, who is the mouthpiece for whatever the heck is going on down there and to me down there is D.C.

But it would be really nice --

WATTERS: I don't know either if it's Barack Obama, Susan Rice -- all of his lobbyists that are circling around him. No one knows because Joe needs instructions to call on reporters. So what else does he need instructions for? Probably pretty much everything.

That leads us to the next question I have for you, Governor, Kamala has been plotting. She has had a little jaunt to Vietnam. She's got a little distance between herself and this disaster in Afghanistan. Now, she's back States side, Biden is wounded politically. What do you think's going through her mind right now?

PALIN: She is probably all giddy thinking, oh, great. Here's my chance.

But really, she is a giggly, girly, lightweight in the White House alongside blundering Biden, and that's a shame. She, I think unfortunate for her, doesn't have a whole lot of support even within her own party. Yes, in that inner circle of the real movers and shakers in the Democratic Party, you know, the far, far left, the socialists, they like her because they know what she has in store for America.

But, you know, she doesn't have a really easy road to hoe either, because, yes, -- I do not believe that she has America's support. Look what happened to her in the primary in the Democrat race. She wasn't even on the radar because she too wasn't credible. She attacked Biden left and right.

And, you know, typical politician, flip flop and then oh, you know, Joe Biden walks on water the day after she says he's a buffoon, essentially.

WATTERS: Essentially is true. Well, thank you, Governor. And thanks for giving us some homework. We're all going to go watch the Sarah Palin-Joe Biden VP debate just try to see if we could discover what he was saying back then and give us some insight.

Thank you so much, Sarah Palin, everybody.

Coming up, a college student dragged out of class by police for a COVID-19 crime.

Plus, Bill Maher tells this situation in Afghanistan, it basically destroys woke America. Right back.


WATTERS: The bloodshed and tragedy in Afghanistan drove a stake through the heart of wokeness in America. That whole rap being woke, total joke now when you see what goes down in the rest of the world.

For years, we listened to people complain about how bad the U.S. is, that the people are oppressed here. America is so evil. Men are toxic. Really? The Marines are literally rescuing immigrant babies from death. Compare America to Afghanistan.

Bill Maher hit it right on the head. Listen.


BILL MAHER, TALK SHOW HOST: Maybe it's that everyone from the giant dorm room [bleep] session that is the internet should take a good look at what real oppression looks like.

America may not be the country of your faculty lounge and Twitter dreams, but no one here tries to escape by hanging on to an airplane. No, we wait until we're inside the plane to fight.


MAHER: And then only because they cut off the beverage service.


WATTERS: Joining me now to react, FOX News contributor, Governor Mike Huckabee. So, yes, , I don't want to hear any more, Governor, about toxic masculinity as Marines are literally rescuing Muslim babies from death or saving women from forced marriages and stoning.

I don't want to hear about micro aggressions when people are getting their heads chopped off in Afghanistan. That whole thing right out in my -- it is done.

MIKE HUCKABEE, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Bill Maher is often crude. He is often vulgar, but he says things that need to be said, and I am so proud of him for just taking on the far left, the America hating left, that thinks that everything that happens in this country is horrible.

And he pointed out that there are so many great things in this country that don't exist anywhere else. The opportunity to come here because you want a better life and to be able to get a better life. And he talked about how that people all over the world live in squalor. They live without basic fundamental human rights, women are treated like dirt and property. And those things are foreign to us here in America.

It's just remarkable that Bill Maher took on his own constituency in one sense, and basically told them where to sit.

WATTERS: And he said the Gutfeld was funny. So, I don't know what's gotten into Maher. I mean, this guy's on a roll.

I want to play some sound for -- just show you this video. College is now a battlefield with COVID. Kids are going back to college and a police officer intrudes into a classroom. Student not wearing a mask, he goes into a classroom and he is basically kicking this kid out. He is hoisting him out into the hallway, physically bringing him out in the hallway now. This is what we're going to have to deal with in this next semester.

HUCKABEE: Yes, it is a little disconcerting that this has risen to the level of getting the police involved and pulling the kid out of the classroom. If the college has imposed a mask law, and perhaps they have, they have a right to do that. But if they have a kid that is not obeying it, flunk him, throw him out of school, but you don't haul him down the hall with handcuffs by a person with a gun for not wearing a mask. There are just, I think, more temperate ways to deal with somebody who is belligerent.

I get on airplanes every week, Jesse, and I've got to wear a mask. Do I enjoy it? No. But if I want to fly, that's what I've got to do.

So you know, I'm not going to make a big scene about it. But honestly, this idea of a cop going into a classroom and pulling a student down the hall by his feet has to be one of the most outrageous overreactions there.

There are certainly better ways to deal with somebody who just doesn't want to wear the mask at school.

WATTERS: I heard you, Huckabee, you've been throwing punches on these planes when the drink orders are late, and you know, you don't have enough leg room. We've seen the footage. So, you need to calm down.

HUCKABEE: Yes, you know, everybody knows me as that kind of guy -- pretty violent temper, especially on airplanes. You know, for a guy that's never tasted beer, I'm pretty sure I'm not the guy that the flight attendant seem to worry about getting drunk.

WATTERS: Never tasted beer. You know what? More for me then. That's how I like it.

Governor Huckabee, thanks so much.

Up next, cancel culture comes after "The Office."



WATTERS: All right, time for "Triple Play." Up first, Comedy Central is getting woke. The network just dropped this famous episode from a marathon of my favorite show, "The Office."


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yeah, come on. I like your food or not. Come on. stir the pot. Stir the melting pot. Bam. Let's do it. Let's get ugly. Let's Get Real.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Okay. If I have to do this, based on stereotypes that are totally untrue, I do not agree with, you would maybe not be a very good driver.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh man am I a woman?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I had the longest meeting.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, welcome to my convenience store. Would you like some cookie cookie. Well, I have some very delicious cookie for only ninety nine cents plus tax.


WATTERS: And then he gets slapped. "FOX and Friends" Weekend cohost, Will Cain joins me now. You love ethnic humor. In the greenroom, Will tell us the nastiest jokes that I can't repeat, but you love this stuff.

WILL CAIN, FOX NEWS CHANNEL COHOST, "FOX & FRIENDS" WEEKEND: That's not funny. That could get me cancelled easily. That's easily, easily could get me cancelled by people who have no sense of humor, whose only purpose in life is to make everything boring.

You know, when did the left -- and you were just talking about Bill Maher - - when did the left become so unfunny? And, and so -- I don't know. Let's make the world of big white noise sound of everything the same. When did this happen? When Gutfeld became the King of Comedy?

WATTERS: Gutfeld is now making comedy great again.

CAIN: King of late night?


CAIN: That's right.

WATTERS: He is much funnier than everybody they have out there. But -- so ethnic humor has been around for, I don't know, decades. It's always funny when done tastefully, like "The Office" did. It was edgy, and now, you can't do that anymore. And this is a pretty -- NBC -- Comedy Central -- they're all run by leftists. It was funny then, but it's not funny now, I guess.

CAIN: And it was actually poking fun at those who don't get diversity --

WATTERS: And everybody -- and ultimately poking fun at the straight white guy for being an idiot.

CAIN: Right.

WATTERS: Right. So, the joke is on the straight white males.'

CAIN: But get it out.

WATTERS: All right, so football is now back. You're pumped. Everyone is pumped, but that means brawls in the stands are back and we love that. But here's the problem with this, when women cause the fight.

The woman slapped the guy in the face. Now, what's the move there, Will?

CAIN: Well --

WATTERS: For the gentleman, what is the move?

CAIN: You do nothing.

WATTERS: You do nothing.

CAIN: Well, I mean, I do abide by the hard and fast rule, you never hit a woman. I'm am clearly --

WATTERS: Right, you don't hit a woman.

CAIN: Never.

WATTERS: And I think he probably hit her boyfriend right after that.

CAIN: Well, there's some kind -- I don't know, he was swinging haymakers and we're making all kinds of context, but you're right to point out -- and this is a trend because I saw this was -- it was a baseball game where the lady just throws a beer bong from the -- and started --

WATTERS: She started it. Men have to finish it up. Don't write checks you can't catch, right?

CAIN: Exactly.

WATTERS: Exactly.

CAIN: But you know what this is also about, Watters?


CAIN: This is cooping people up for 18 months.


CAIN: Dividing them by race and then sending them back into stage and they go and have a good time.


CAIN: Drink some beer.

WATTERS: That's why they throw fists on planes, too. Everyone is all worked up.

CAIN: Yes, yes.

WATTERS: The milk crate challenge, we're trying to get Will to do it. He refuses --

CAIN: No, I'll do it.

WATTERS: He says his bones are too brittle. This has been all over the internet. People are doing the crate challenge, they get up there and we just love to watch it because we love watching people fall, but now it's dangerous and oh, it's so popular that TikTok has banned it. Oh, that looked like a bad one.

CAIN: I think I can pull it off.

WATTERS: You do?

CAIN: I really do.

WATTERS: I actually think you should do this on "FOX and Friends" Weekend.

CAIN: I agree with you.

WATTERS: Do you think if you did a crate challenge with Hegseth you'd win?

CAIN: I would win.

WATTERS: Is that a challenge?

CAIN: Throw it down. Hundred percent.

WATTERS: Right now, we are throwing it down.

CAIN: Hegseth, I would beat you in this crate challenge.

WATTERS: Because he doesn't have the balance that you have.

CAIN: Now, I beat him in the -- like we had a ninja course.


CAIN: Smoked him in that.

WATTERS: You smoked him in the ninja course?

CAIN: Yes.

WATTERS: He's been losing sleep over that. You know the guy is competitive.

I don't know though. I think you guys would do well with this.

CAIN: You described me as a brittle-boned, ethnic joke loving, women fighting.

WATTERS: All fake news.

CAIN: All fake.

WATTERS: All fake news. Up next, "Last Call."


WATTERS: "How I Saved the World" still rocking out on the "Times" bestseller list. Thank you guys so much for supporting it.

That's all for tonight. Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Jeanine is next and remember, I'm Watters, and this is my world.

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