
This is a rush transcript from "Watters' World," October 9, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


Liberals destroy you when they can't debate you. That's the subject of tonight's Watters' Words.

If there is one thing we learned during the Trump term, it is that the left will do whatever it takes to get their way. They'll demolish anything and anyone who slows down their radical agenda, no matter how much blunt force is involved, no matter how out of bounds it is, the left will commit crimes to get their way. They'll make it a crime to resist them.

All while ignoring real problems and real crimes that their own policies are responsible for. They have already gotten away with way too much. They've gotten cocky, because the press, the prosecutors, and the politicians are all in on it. There's no guardrails.

The only thing stopping them now is, we, the people.

This week, the left crossed the line. It is getting dangerous.

Moderate Democrat Senator Kyrsten Sinema not going along with Biden and Bernie's $3.5 trillion tax and welfare bill was targeted and actually ambushed in a restroom.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Right now is a real moment that our people need in order for us to be able to talk about what's really happening. We need a build back better plan right now.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We knocked on doors for you. We need solutions. The build back better plan has the solutions that we need.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We knocked on doors for you to get you elected and just how we got you elected, we can get you out of office, if you don't support what you promised us.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm a survivor of human trafficking and it's because of the lack of work and protections that we don't have.


WATTERS: One of the women bird dogging the senator was a wacky Native American Bernie organizer, Dr. Sophia Marjanovic, yet, she is in her 40s with a PhD, filmed the senator in a bathroom, a felony in Arizona where this took place. She is with a Soros-funded group, an open border zealot who is always shrieking about white supremacy.

This type of illegal intimidation tactic should make all Democrats ashamed, especially women. But the media, of course endorsed it.


ANA NAVARRO, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: When you put it in context with what we have seen, there was no threat. There was no offenses. There was no screaming.

Anderson, I've had worse.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Voters might actually be more engaged and animated on these issues that we might actually understand.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, this is one manifestation of social protest, and we see it go in all different directions, but that is exactly what it's coming from.

That's a risk that Senator Sinema faces by not going along with these kinds of ideas.


WATTERS: I'd like to see how these folks had react to being filmed and harassed in a bathroom. Even President Joe Biden downplayed it.


QUESTION: ... was chased into a restaurant, do you think that those tactics are crossing the line?

JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I don't think they're appropriate tactics, it happens to everybody from -- the only people it doesn't happen to are people who have Secret Service standing around them. So, it's part of the process.


WATTERS: So an illegal invasion of a woman's privacy is part of the process? Joe Biden greenlighted more attacks and that's what followed. Sinema was confronted on a plane back to D.C. by an illegal immigrant.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just want to know if you can come in, as my Senator, if you can commit to passing a reconciliation that could provide a pathway to citizenship --


WATTERS: That's the playbook, don't think for yourself, just do what we want. Don't try to persuade or negotiate, just intimidate.

I remember when the left used to like Maverick senators from Arizona.

And this week, the so-called Facebook whistleblower burst onto the scene with a similar agenda -- censorship.

Frances Haugen, a Democrat donor who was responsible for blacking out the Hunter Biden laptop story at Facebook, mysteriously retained an Obama lawyer, appeared on "60 Minutes" and coincidentally testified on Capitol Hill the very next day.

She testified that Facebook is tearing the country apart and contributes to violence. Oh, and she happens to be speaking to the January 6th Committee.

Here she is begging for the Federal government to control what information is allowed on Facebook.


FRANCES HAUGEN, FORMER FACEBOOK PRODUCT MANAGER: There needs to be a regulatory home or someone like me could do a tour of duty after working on a place like this and have a place to work on things like regulation to bring that information out to the oversight boards that have the right to do oversight.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A regulatory agency within the Federal government.



CARLSON: See what's happening here? Total setup, just like Christine Blasey Ford, just like the Ukraine whistleblower. Democrats in the media are conspiring with her so they can sink their hooks into Big Tech and have total control of the information flow.

CNN's Don Lemon laid it out perfectly.


DON LEMON, CNN ANCHOR: It allows lies to be spread unchecked. So, if we say something on this network that is not true, there are repercussions or ramifications, right? We face the consequences.

If you do that on social media, there are no consequences. What we post on social media, what is posted on social media should be true. So, if it's not true, it should be taken -- take it down. If it's not true, take it down. If it's not true, don't allow people to put it up there. Have them face consequences.


WATTERS: We're supposed to trust Big Tech or Don Lemon to tell us what the facts are? The guy who pushed the Russia hoax? There were no consequences for that.

Democrats can't control the narrative if people are allowed to speak freely on social media, so, they are trying to end that. This is the perfect storm created to give Democrats a chance to regulate our speech and give the legacy media power over social media.

And during this distraction all week, YouTube and Google announced they won't let anybody that doesn't believe in climate change make money on their sites. Free thinkers, scientists, scholars, citizens can't earn a living on YouTube and Google by asking questions about science.

Isn't that the entire point of science? The scientific method -- to ask questions and use reason to deduce the truth. But you can't profit from seeking the truth there anymore. We're in the danger zone now, but it gets worse.

The Biden administration just gave the I.R.S. a free pass to snoop on any bank account with more than 600 bucks in it. They claim they are worried about people not paying their taxes. And this is from a President whose own son is under Federal investigation for tax fraud and Chinese money laundering.

The relationship between a man and his bank is sacred. It's like the relationship between a man and his lawyer or his doctor. The I.R.S. doesn't get to see bank accounts unless they get warrants or have a reasonable cause that a crime was committed.

But that's the point. Biden is criminalizing everybody. This is an illegal search.

People are starting to rise up.

In NYC, COVID mandates went into effect and people are getting pretty fired up, left and right, for choosing not to get the shot.

But now, you can't protest peacefully in Joe Biden's America. Biden's Attorney General, Merrick Garland is trying to prosecute parents who fight back against woke school boards. In an appalling crackdown, the D.O.J. is now treating those outspoken parents -- ready -- as domestic terrorists and threatening moms and dads with visits from F.B.I. task forces. All because left-wing teachers can't take the heat at these school board meetings for teaching critical race theory, which they say they don't, allowing boys in girls' locker rooms and masking six-year-olds.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why has public school become so mired in extremist politics and a permissive culture that seems to celebrate the latest popular fads like gender fluidity?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And we oppose your efforts to impose critical race theory.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My five-year-old is being peddled transgender books in her library. Teenagers are being served pornography under the guise of young adult literature.

CROWD: (Chanting "No more masks.")


CARLSON: That right there is the right to petition your government. That's in the Bill of Rights. If there's a real threat, that's a local issue, not Federal jurisdiction, they can handle it. But the Democrats are hell bent on crushing dissent, and are using January 6th to justify the crackdown.

Maybe Garland has a hidden agenda here. Pay attention. It turns out his son-in-law's company has made big bucks from pushing woke curriculums in schools.

One survey from his company, Panorama Education, asked 12-year-olds if they are pansexual, whatever that means, or gender fluid, or if they're questioning their gender. This company teaches the principles of critical race theory to kids. See. Garland is going to make sure there's no opposition while his son-in-law can get rich.

While Democrats are busy creating fake problems for power, real problems are happening all across the country, and they're just completely ignoring them. Crime skyrocketing in those liberal cities will tell you about after they defunded the police; illegal immigrants flooding the border. Americans are still stuck in Afghanistan under Taliban control. And the F.B.I. and Democrats illegally surveilling Republicans.

The list goes on and on. The left will stop at nothing in their quest for total control even if it means destroying America, innocent civilians, and our Constitution.

But we won't let them. It's time for red-blooded Americans to stop playing defense and go on offense. Keep making your voices heard, and never, ever back down.

Joining me now for reaction, FOX News contributor and author of the new book, "Beyond Biden" out on November 2nd and available for preorder now, Newt Gingrich.

So Speaker, do you agree with me that this week was an extremely dangerous week in America? Potentially, the most dangerous week so far in the Biden administration with all of these things that we just laid out?

NEWT GINGRICH, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Yes, but I think what you're seeing is a steady increase in danger, because, first of all, Biden is both very radical and incompetent.

The combination is devastating, and 400,000 people a month come across the border illegally. I don't understand, for example, how the illegal immigrant got on an airplane to harass Senator Sinema. I mean, in theory, if she is an illegal immigrant, isn't T.S.A. supposed to not let her on the airplane?

But what you see at every level is just breaking the law. As you pointed out, it's a felony in Arizona to invade a woman's bathroom. It doesn't matter because it is in the pursuit of the great cause of left-wing radicalism.

You can go through item after item, and I think what's beginning to happen is normal Americans are looking around going, these people are crazy. And a friend of mine said, he has seen people move from anger towards fear, because they begin to realize how really serious the left is when the Attorney General says, you know, we're not going to chase terrorists, we are not going to chase Chinese and Russian spies, we are going to assign the F.B.I. to monitor parents. You know, the system has gotten so sick, that it's time for a real crisis intervention to save the core of the American system.

WATTERS: And while the F.B.I. is entrapping soccer moms at PTA meetings, they're probably missing warnings about school shooters, missing cartel traffickers bringing young children into the country. It's the same thing you always see, totally focused on political crimes, while real crimes are hurting real people throughout the country.

And I just remember years ago, the left lawyers signing up, fighting each other who can represent Khalid Sheikh Mohammed because, you know, these terrorists have these constitutional rights, bending over backwards to defend looters, rioters, bailing them out, allowing statues to be toppled, saying, oh, you know, rioting is okay, if it's for a good cause, but you speak out at a school board meeting and that's domestic terrorism.

In your opinion, what would you advise parents and civilians across this great country to do about this crazy attack on all of our fundamental rights?

GINGRICH: I would urge every single American to stand up and defy the establishment. The fact is, there are far more of us than there are of them. They want to pick a fight.

You know, if every time several people go into a lady's room to harass Senator Sinema, maybe the same number should go into a place to harass AOC. No, I'm not advocating that, but I'm saying you can't have it one way and not the other.


GINGRICH: And what surprises me about the left is, when you look at people at Talladega chanting, you know, "F Biden," you look at the school after school at the football games, you look at the people in Michigan giving him a one finger salute as his caravan went by, I don't think they understand the level of rage that is building and they're playing with fire.

I mean, we don't want to become a country where like Weimar, Germany just before the Nazis, people are fighting in the streets between organized gangs. But you look at what the left has done, including last summer, when we had the Black Lives Matter riots across the whole country, or Portland where Antifa is still rioting and nobody is locking them up.

I mean, how can you have riots on a daily basis and the rioters go home, you know, have a couple of beers, do a little drugs, show up the next night. This is the breakdown of civilization as we've known it.

WATTERS: I would agree with that and if you ever invade Newt's privacy in a bathroom, you're going to get a knuckle sandwich, I can guarantee you that.

Speaker Gingrich, check out his book, available in November. Thank you.

GINGRICH: Thank you.

WATTERS: For more now on the left's quest to destroy everything, and everyone in their path, Victor Davis Hanson, author of the new book, "The Dying Citizen: How Progressive Elites, Tribalism, and Globalization are Destroying the Idea of America."

So I began the book and I am enthralled. It's almost as good as "How I Saved the World," and you should feel very proud of yourself. And if you try to get the book on Amazon, and if it says it's sold out, it's not sold out. It's going to come to your house.

So our conversation with Newt Gingrich, you just heard that. Was there anything you'd like to add?

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON, SENIOR FELLOW, HOOVER INSTITUTION: Well, I think people are already dropping out. They have a monastery of the mind, so does anybody watch the Tonys? Or the Emmys? Or the Oscars?


HANSON: If the NBA had to rely on its American audience rather than Chinese endorsements, it wouldn't -- it wouldn't be sustainable. And so people are already individually, what I think Newt is saying is, collectively people are more -- and you are saying they have to have a sustained, permanent resistance so to speak.

So the resistance has to be used by the right and how does that fall out? They've got to vote like they've never voted in the midterm.

WATTERS: Oh, yes.

HANSON: And we had -- if they had not -- if they had not lost the Georgia Senate, those two seats, we wouldn't be talking right now.

WATTERS: It's true.

HANSON: And we didn't do that. We were talking about everything, but we had two unimpressive candidates on the Republican side. They had two charismatic socialists and nobody -- so you have to be very attentive to every single race, every seat, every -- it is a razor's thin margin.

WATTERS: Why is this book, "The Dying Citizen" so important? And how do you see the citizen dying? And what can be done to stop it?

HANSON: I try to suggest that throughout history across time and space that citizenship cannot exist unless you have a broad middle class and we're losing it. The middle class wages are in decline. Debt is increasing.

You have to have borders. You have to have a sacred space for people to inculcate traditions and customs. You cannot identify by your superficial appearance. That has to be secondary. That's called pre-civilizational tribalism. We call it identity politics.

But the elite are even more dangerous. So we have this vast administrative state that gives us everybody from James Comey to General Milley to Robert Mueller, to all of them, and they're not accountable. They are judge, jury, and executioner.

They combine legislative, executive and judicial powers into a non-elected person. And then, we have these revolutionaries, Jesse. They want to get rid of the 150-year Supreme Court of nine members. They want to get rid of 180-year-old filibuster, and junk the 60-year tradition of 50 states Electoral College, and they even are going after the idea of two senators.

Why does Wyoming have two senators and California only has two, but we have 40 million and they only have 400,000.

WATTERS: That's right.

HANSON: So -- and then finally, globalism. The people on the two coasts here in New York and where I'm from, in California, they consider themselves as citizens of the world. They know more about a London restaurant than a Bakersfield diner right next to them.

So, we've got to -- these things have happened in the past and we've got to wake up because they're in full bore. The 60s revolutionaries were throwing rocks at The Pentagon and they were storming the Dean's Office, and they were throwing paint on corporate logos. They are in the corporation, they are the Dean and they are the generals.

WATTERS: You're right. It's a generational warfare and "The Dying Citizen" paints a picture of all of it and what we can do to stop that from happening.

Victor Davis Hanson, again on Amazon, not sold out. So go click on that. Thank you very much. VDH in person.

Nancy Pelosi controls the purse strings in Congress, but how did she get so rich on a government salary? A WATTERS' WORLD investigation, next.


WATTERS: A WATTERS' WORLD investigation.

Nancy Pelosi's policies are making it harder and harder for average Americans to accumulate wealth. Shackling us with taxes, destroying the dollar with reckless spending. But the Speaker who makes in the low six figures has somehow very easily become one of the richest members of Congress.

What's her secret?

It appears to be your husband, Paul. After they got married, Paul opened up a real estate and venture capital firm. And through his connections, he pushed Nancy into the political world, helping her get elected to Congress in 1987.

The couple has timed the market perfectly over the years while Nancy has been a Washington insider, real estate, stocks, the Pelosi's always know what the right investment is.

Since getting married, they've acquired a mansion in Napa Valley, a vineyard home worth up to $25 million -- real luxury. It's on 16 acres. Pelosi has a gorgeous waterfront condo in the exclusive K Street region in D.C., now worth over two mil.

She has a multimillion dollar red brick mansion in California's Pacific Heights. And Paul owns at least two commercial properties in San Francisco, combined worth up to $50 million.

Since regaining the gavel in 2018, the Pelosi's wealth has skyrocketed. That year, her financial disclosure report revealed a net worth of over $114 million. Then in 2019, Pelosi's assets totaling up to a whopping $271 million. And in 2020, those numbers went up even more to as high as 315 million bucks -- quite a lot of crumbs.

So where is the money coming from? "60 Minutes" basically accused Paul Pelosi of insider trading.


QUESTION: Madam Leader, I wanted to ask you why you and your husband back in March of 2008 accepted and participated in a very large IPO deal from Visa at a time there was major legislation affecting the credit card companies making its way through the do the House.

Did you consider that to be a conflict of interest?

REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): I don't know what your point if of your question. Is there some point that you want to make with that?

QUESTION: Well, I guess what I'm asking is, do you think it's all right for a Speaker to accept a very preferential and favorable stock deal?

PELOSI: Well, we didn't --

QUESTION: You participated in the IPO?

PELOSI: Well, I have many investments, but that doesn't --

QUESTION: At the time you were Speaker of the House. You don't think it was a conflict of interest or have the appearance of a conflict of interest?

PELOSI: No. Listen, it only has the appearance if you decide that you're going to have -- elaborate on a false premise, but it's not true, and that's that.

QUESTION: I don't understand what part's not true?

PELOSI: Yes, sir. That I would act upon an investment.


WATTERS: In 2007, Visa, where the New Democrat Congress would target their swipe fees, costing them billions. So they hired a team of lobbyists who descended on Pelosi. Visa's CEO personally met with her. She got donations from one of them. One of Nancy's advisers left and became a Visa lobbyist himself, the old inside outside game.

Now get this, suddenly, Paul Pelosi got a phone call from his broker. He was in luck. Paul was offered a prescreened invite to get in early on Visa's $18 billion IPO. Did Nancy and her husband hesitate? No.

They bought between $1 million and $5 million worth of Visa stock. But it gets better. While Pelosi was Speaker, bills that would have hurt Visa's stock price were blocked in the House. Visa shares going up over 200 percent during the time, making the Pelosi's a fortune on paper.

Nancy Pelosi and her husband have a knack for taking advantage of market timing. In March, Paul Pelosi exercised $2 million worth of Microsoft options just two weeks before the tech giant got a $22 billion contract to equip the U.S. Army with high tech headsets.

In January, the Pelosi's got a million dollars' worth of Tesla stock right before Joe Biden announced electric car incentives.

In June, the Pelosi family cashed in big time just before Congress was set to pounce on Big Tech. Mr. Pelosi exercise options on Google's parent company, Alphabet, making an easy 5.3 mil.

Now to be fair, the Pelosi's have never been indicted for insider trading. But her marriage, investments, and access combined with extremely fortunate timing have created a lot of suspicions.

All we're doing is following the money and there sure is a lot of it.

Joining me now for more on this, President of the Government Accountability Institute, and the "Drill Down" podcast host, Peter Schweizer.

All right, we put it together for you there, Peter. What is your reaction? You know better than anybody how this whole thing works.

PETER SCHWEIZER, PRESIDENT, GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY INSTITUTE: Yes. No, I think you're dead on. Look, the bottom line, Jesse, is we don't mind if people make money with investments. The question is, is it wedded to your political power? And in the case of the Pelosi's, they not only got that Visa IPO stock, they've participated in at least 10 IPO stocks.

And these are unusual, these basically go to company founders and insiders. The fact that a politician's family is allowed to participate in an investment that when it goes public generally doubles in value often is a real indicator that there's a problem.

I'll add one other thing, Jesse. Those office buildings you mentioned, they own an office building on Belden Street in San Francisco. Nancy Pelosi steered $200 million in Federal money to build a Third Avenue light railway system in San Francisco. Guess where one of the stops of that light railway system actually stops? Within two blocks of their office building.

That matters because there's something called the transit premium. If your building is within two blocks of a subway or railway stop, it effectively doubles the value of it and that's precisely what happened to the Pelosi's real estate.

WATTERS: That's very interesting. Also interesting, they have been offered 10 IPO buy-ins, so it's just randomly that these companies give the Pelosi family early access to IPOs, unbelievably fortunate people, Nancy and Paul.


WATTERS: All right Peter, thank you for following the money with us. You're good.

SCHWEIZER: Thanks for having me.

WATTERS: A hiker who just witnessed Brian Laundrie on the Appalachian Trail joins WATTERS' WORLD to tell us what he saw.


JON SCOTT, FOX NEWS CHANNEL ANCHOR: Welcome to "FOX News Live." I'm Jon Scott.

The clock is ticking on President Biden's economic agenda with a deadline fast approaching, his fellow Democrats in the House continue to bicker over how much money to put into the President's proposed multitrillion dollar spending packages. Add to that, the latest labor figures, which revealed that America's workforce added only 194,000 jobs last month, about 300,000 fewer than expected.

Despite the setbacks, the President insists the economy is showing quote, "real progress."

Nature's fury showing on little -- showing little mercy, I should say, on Spain's Canary Island. That erupting volcano there causing more damage with lava flows destroying homes and burying land in La Palma today.

More than 800 homes are gone now. Thousands of people have evacuated the volcano since it started erupting nearly three weeks ago.

I'm Jon Scott. Now back to WATTERS' WORLD.

WATTERS: New leads in the hunt for Brian Laundrie, the key suspect in the killing of Gabby Petito. Authorities uncovering another recently used campsite inside the swampy Carlton Reserve in Florida and Brian's father, Chris, has joined law enforcement in the search for his son for first time, after weeks of refusing to cooperate.

They're hoping you can show them specific areas where Brian liked to hike. Sure.

I guess, Brian's dad thinks it's funny since he was caught on camera laughing with one of the officers.

And in another twist, the Laundrie's changed the timeline of when Brian disappeared by a day. They initially told the Feds he left for a hike three days after his fiancee was reported missing and now, they say it was actually the day before, a Monday, and they didn't report their son missing until that Friday.

We also found out Brian flew home on August 17th, then flew back to Salt Lake City on August 23rd to rejoin Gabby. Why? The family attorney says he made the trip to pick up some stuff and close a storage unit to save money because Brian and Gabby were thinking of extending their road trip.

Well, how much did the plane ticket cost?

If this timeline is correct, Brian, would have met back up with Gabby in Utah four days before she was last seen alive on August 27th at that Wyoming restaurant.

And Brian's sister, Cassie is now telling her parents, come clean.


CASSIE LAUNDRIE, BRIAN LAUNDRIE'S SISTER: I worry about him. I hope he's okay. And then I'm angry and I don't know what the think.

I would tell my brother to just come forward and get us out of this horrible mess. I don't know if my parents are involved. I think if they are, then they should come clean.


WATTERS: The F.B.I. issued an arrest warrant for Brian for using Gabby's ATM card the last three days of August, after she died. Authorities in North Carolina are checking out at least a dozen sightings of Brian. One of them includes a sighting by a hiker who says he talked to Brian on a deserted road along the Appalachian Trail very close to the North Carolina- Tennessee border, and that hiker, Dennis Davis joins me now.

So Dennis, tell us exactly what you saw and where you saw him.

DENNIS DAVIS, SAW BRIAN LAUNDRIE NEAR APPALACHIAN TRAIL: Sure, Jesse. Thanks. You know, I went up to hike the Appalachian Trail and I roved in right along the North Carolina-Tennessee border at about 12:30 a.m. on Saturday morning.

I was planning on parking in a parking lot right there for what's called the Davenport Gap, and that's essentially where the Appalachian Trail comes out of the Great Smoky Mountains.

As I was getting ready to park down there, I had actually passed the parking lot. So, I was doing a U-turn and heading back towards the parking lot when a vehicle came up, driving the opposite direction as me. And the person that was driving it reached -- reached their hand out of the window and kind of waved me down.

I stopped directly opposite of the truck and rolled down my window and started to have a conversation with the person in the truck. The person noted to me that they were lost. And you know I'm not from that area, so I told him, I said, "Well, not from around here. But maybe I can help you. What are you looking for?"

He went on to tell me that he was trying to get to California, which, you know, obviously I wasn't expecting, I was thinking he was, you know, lost locally. And then he went on right from there and started telling me about this situation with his girlfriend, and what he said was that he and his girlfriend had a fight, and that she had called him and told him that she loved him and that he now needed to get out to California to see her.

And so, you know I told him, well, I said well --

WATTERS: Was he acting -- was he acting stressed out? Was he acting cool and collected? What was his demeanor?

DAVIS: Oh, I would definitely say he was acting weird. When I first encountered him, I thought maybe he was on drugs. In hindsight, looking back, you know, he wasn't slurring his speech or anything like that. I think you know, maybe you know, just the mental fatigue of having killed someone that you supposedly love, and then being on the run for you know, well over a month now.

WATTERS: And you told the Feds right away and hopefully they're zeroing in on that location. I've been to the Smoky Mountains. My parents sent me camping there for a summer and it is -- it can be treacherous. Take it from me.

Thank you so much. And I'm so glad not only you saw him, but you immediately contacted authorities and we hope this dirt bag faces justice.

Dennis, thank you.

DAVIS: Thank you, Jesse.

WATTERS: Dave Chappelle under fire over his new Netflix special. We will show you the jokes the woke left doesn't find funny.


WATTERS: Cancel culture coming for Dave Chappelle. The comedian triggering critics in his new comedy special "The Closer" where Chappelle defended Harry Potter author, J.K. Rowling over comments she made about transgender people. Here it is.


DAVE CHAPPELLE, COMEDIAN: Cancelled J.K. Rowling. They cancelled her because she said in an interview -- and this is not exactly what she said - - but effectually she said, gender was a fact, and then the trans-community got mad [bleep] and they started calling her a terf.

I am team terf.

Angry then -- gender is a fact. You have to look at it from a woman's perspective. Look at it like this.

Caitlyn Jenner, whom I've met, wonderful person. Caitlyn Jenner was voted Woman of the Year. Her first year as a woman. Ain't that something? Be every [bleep] Detroit, she's better than all of you.



WATTERS: Now, someone that special pulled from Netflix and others are calling him transphobic.

Joining me now is Adam Carolla, host of "The Adam Carolla Show" and author of the new book, "I'm Your Emotional Support Animal: Navigating Our All Woke No Joke Culture."

I just think this cancel culture thing is going to just fall right off. Chappelle is back. I don't think he gives a damn, Carolla. What do you think?

ADAM CAROLLA, COMEDIAN AND AUTHOR: Not only doesn't he give a damn, I think he does it on purpose. I think he agitates. I mean, he gets the whole world talking about his special when it drops on Netflix because he says something that if somebody else said in a special seven years ago, people would be confused as to what the joke even was.

So we're all talking about it. He knows exactly what he's doing. And he plays these idiots like a fiddle. They take the bait every time.

WATTERS: I took the bait, I didn't even know about the special until I saw people were triggered by it. Here is another piece of sound from this Netflix special that kind of puts into context his sense of humor. Run it.


CHAPPELLE: Any of you who have ever watched me know that I have never had a problem with transgender people. If you listen to what I'm saying, clearly, my problem has always been with white people.



WATTERS: And there you have it. He's just a comedian making people laugh.

CAROLLA: Well, I'll tell you why the left can't stand it, and it is the same thing that's kind of happening to Bill Maher, which is when one of their own you know, Dave Chappelle was one of them. When those guys crossover, they go ballistic about it, and it's the same kind of crap Bill Maher has been getting lately for saying some of the stuff he is talking about with a lot of the politically correct stuff in the cancel culture as well.

WATTERS: It is funny though, and you just mentioned Bill Maher that it's comedians, yourself, Maher, Chappelle, Howard Stern, comedians who are really on the cutting edge of societal evolution as Rush Limbaugh would say, but they're also the ones pushing the boundaries, and this was never their role years ago.

But now, it looks like you know, they are pioneers in this crazy woke wilderness. I'll give you the last word.

CAROLLA: Well, I think comedians always just got a sort of free pass. Like they ever see a car in New York City with diplomatic plates, they can park wherever they want.


CAROLLA: That's what comedians got. We had diplomatic plates. We transcended all the politics. We could say whatever the truth was, and if it was funny and engaging, then it worked.

And now they're going after the comedians because they have zero tolerance for anyone with a point of view outside of their own, even a comedic point of view.

WATTERS: They're trying to strip the diplomatic plates and Carolla, you can't let them strip the plates. You've got to park wherever you want, all right.

CAROLLA: Thanks, buddy.

WATTERS: Thank you.

Biden's bogus White House set, a police officer's warning to a liberal driver -- pretty funny, and Pitbull's amazing message to America. "Triple Play" is up next.


WATTERS: "Triple Play." Up first, Joe Biden is using a fake White House set to deliver messages to the American people -- a fake White House set from the White House.

People comparing this to "The Truman Show."


WATTERS: So what's up with Joe's fake set? Only FOX News contributor, Raymond Arroyo knows the answer. What is going on here, Raymond?

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Jesse, I call this Mr. Biden's neighborhood. You know, it's a little cozy set for Joe to feel like he's the President. At least he doesn't need a trolley to take him to the land of make believe, he is already there.

But you know, there's something far more serious here going on. This is a set on a stage in the executive office building next door to the White House. What this does is make the media -- turn the media into an audience.

They are in the dark, they bring them in, they shuffle them out on cue. It's a way to protect Joe Biden from questions that rankle him and make him uncomfortable when he is in the East Room or in the Oval Office or elsewhere in the White House.

So, it's a nice little play date. It's like a little play date for Joe next door.

WATTERS: It is a good theory. Stephen Miller says that when they do this in the real Oval, they have the reflection that can be seen from his teleprompter, and they don't want anybody to know that he is on teleprompter when he is hosting these supposedly regular meetings.

All right, here is a video that's been floating around, Raymond --

ARROYO: They could close the curtains.

WATTERS: I just want to show you a cop pulling over some libs. Run it.


POLICE OFFICER: If recording me makes you feel safer, that's fine. I support you in doing that. But here's what's going to happen next. You're going to do me a favor and I'm going to do you a favor so we can both go on about our day.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What favor can I do for you?

POLICE OFFICER: You're going to slow it down passing through here. We've got a lot of traffic. I'm going to rip that Biden-Harris bumper sticker off the back of your car so people don't think you're an idiot.


WATTERS: Is this real, Raymond?

ARROYO: No, it is not real. It's a fake. But look, it shows you the desperation of conservatives when they sit around making TikTok videos to protest, but I knew this was a fake because if any cop attempted to rip the bumper sticker of Biden and Harris off a car, surely the D.O.J. would have them in jail for hate crime. I promise you.

This would not -- this cop would not be still standing. We would have heard about this.

WATTERS: All right, Raymond Arroyo, who does not rip bumper stickers off anyone's car. Thank you so much.

ARROYO: Never.

WATTERS: He would never stoop so low, literally.

ARROYO: Never.

WATTERS: Up next, "Last Call."


WATTERS: Sorry, we didn't get to the third out in "Triple Play," so we're going to hold Pitbull over to the next week.

But first I just want to wish everybody at FOX News a very Happy 25th Anniversary. It's a milestone, I'm so proud to be a part of FOX. It has been my home for 18 years.

As you know I started in the basement, worked my way up here, and here is my first appearance on the channel, on "The Factor" April 2005.

Horrible haircut, but I did what I could.

A sincere thank you to the viewers who trust us and let us into your homes every day. Cheers to another 25 years.

Also all next week, I'm going to be hosting "FOX News Primetime." So, make sure to tune in Monday through Friday at seven o'clock Eastern.

That's it for tonight. Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.


And remember, I'm Watters, and this is my world.

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