
This is a rush transcript from "Your World," December 12, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

NEIL CAVUTO, HOST OF “YOUR WORLD”: Forget protesters occupying ports.

To the guys who want to help them ‘Occupy a Job’.

Welcome, everybody. Glad to have you. I’m Neil Cavuto.

And remember the two Wall Streeters who took on the ‘Occupiers’?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You guys are not doing bad, right, economically? You’re doing OK, right?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... economy, bro, everyday. Every time, we are hiring.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We’re part of Americans who pay taxes. That’s what we are.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We’ve never been on unemployment our whole life, never once. We pay our taxes. We stimulate the economy. We hire people.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... Americans who are unemployed?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think they are lazy.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You think 10 percent of Americans...


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I never knew anyone who got a job sleeping in a park.



CAVUTO: Well, that was then. This is now.

John Tabacco and his brother Derek returning to Zuccotti Park in New York City today, this time to offer the ‘Occupiers’ a job at their ‘Occupy a Desk’ Job Fair. Did they get any takers?

Gentleman, good to have both of you.


CAVUTO: Any takers from any of these crowds?

JOHN TABACCO, CEO, LOCATESTOCK.COM: Well, it was an exciting day. It was certainly, from our perspective, a very positive experience, Neil.

When we went out there and did our first protest and asked people to ‘Occupy a Desk’ or get a job, they were screaming at us, I can’t get a job. Where can I get a job? So we thought, hey, if they cannot find jobs, they don’t have time to go out and interview because they are sleeping in a park, let’s get some job opportunities and bring them down to the park. And to be honest with you, I think if Mayor Bloomberg wants a clue on how to clear the park, they should hold a job fair there every day, because...


CAVUTO: So, Derek, what did you do? In other words, you brought the office to them. In other words, you were taking prospective candidates and interviewing them or what?


Today, it was -- we tried to get a few businesses down there that were looking to hire people in January, upcoming jobs, different industries.

CAVUTO: Were any hired that you know of?

D. TABACCO: We don’t know that any were actually hired today.

But a lot of people gave their resumes. They were semi-interviewed. You have to understand, it was pretty tough. And then the ‘Occupy Wall Street,’ a small fraction of them, came down and they surrounded us and they started throwing birdseed on our feet.

So it kind of disrupted us a little bit.

CAVUTO: Wait. Wait. Wait. They threw birdseed on your feet?

D. TABACCO: Yes. As we were doing some interviews and people were trying to take brochures and drop off resumes, they surrounded us and started throwing birdseed on our feet.

I didn’t know what they were doing at first, until we were surrounded by about 50 or 60 pigeons.

J. TABACCO: They brought a whole swarm of pigeons.

D. TABACCO: Pigeons.

J. TABACCO: And, Neil, to your earlier questions, one of the participants in the job fair, Intermedia Group, found a couple of candidates that he thought were very close to being hired.

And he had assured us that he had at least two candidates that he found today, that he was going to put on four or five direct interviews over the next week. He was going to get back to us.

And to me, on a day when they’re closing down the ports and seizing capitalism, and trying to shut down the economy, we’re out there trying to do something positive. And not one ‘Occupier’ came over to us and handed in a resume. So, it kind of shows that their argument is disingenuous, that they’re there because they can’t find a job.

Now that we have brought over 400 job opportunities to the park, not one ‘Occupier’ handed in a resume.

CAVUTO: Well, let’s hear from a couple of those ‘Occupiers.’

I think we have one, right? This is from an ‘Occupier’ early today.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If some folks find a job, that’s great.

But I think there is an additional element here where they are kind of trying to undercut and insult the movement as a whole.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: See, that’s thing, though. I’m helping out with the kitchen. And I have responsibilities here, too. That’s actually how I lost last my job, just because, I was part of the occupation. And my boss was like, it’s them or us.

And I was like, well...



CAVUTO: No idea what he meant by that.

J. TABACCO: I can’t apply for a job right now. I’m busy handing out free sandwiches to other ‘Occupiers,’ which is unbelievable.

CAVUTO: In other words, you were bringing it to them. But they turned it around that you were deliberately putting them on-the-spot.

What do you say?

D. TABACCO: And they thought we came down for publicity.

CAVUTO: Right.

D. TABACCO: They said -- they thought we were there for every wrong reason.

I was there to get one person a job. John and I said, if we can help one person with this festival, we could move on...


CAVUTO: As of yet, have you?

D. TABACCO: It ended at 4:00 p.m., so not yet.

J. TABACCO: Well, they cut it off a little early.

D. TABACCO: They cut it off a little early.

CAVUTO: Who cut it off a little early?

J. TABACCO: The ‘Occupiers’ were getting ornery.


CAVUTO: What were they doing?

J. TABACCO: They were coming over. They were screaming. They were yelling vulgarities.

D. TABACCO: Holding signs in our face.


J. TABACCO: They were holding...


J. TABACCO: ... in our face.

CAVUTO: Even if you explained, look, I am trying to hire one or several of you guys?


J. TABACCO: Hey, man, why are you coming after us? We’re trying to find you guy’s job. And they were just screaming at us: We don’t want your jobs. You will fire us in a month.

D. TABACCO: Yelling at us.

J. TABACCO: That’s not what we’re here for. We trying to bring a positive message.

This ‘Occupy’ movement has cost New York City over $15 million. Last year, a budget line item of $3 million cost seventh and eighth grade students their school buses. So we’ve spent $15 million on them. And they don’t even want a damn job. And kids in New York City have got to take public transportation, but we can pay for this.

CAVUTO: What about maybe others coming to this who aren’t ‘Occupiers’ who see an opportunity to get hired and say, gee, sign me up?


D. TABACCO: It was unbelievable.

J. TABACCO: Guys were there.

D. TABACCO: They were coming up. They were thanking us-- You guys are great. Thank you very much for just helping and trying to get the message out.

A lot of people have sent us job opportunities. We have over 400 jobs right now that people have sent us, hospitals, law firms, doctor’s offices, and we need to fill them right now. So people are coming down and they’re thankful that we’re showing them another way than these online places that people put their resumes, someone making an extra effort.

And they were very -- it was very nice to see people happy about it, thanking us, shaking our hands, giving us their phone number, giving us their business card. They want to stay in touch with us.

CAVUTO: Do you think you put a bull’s-eye or pigeon-eye on your backs doing this?


J. TABACCO: Well, you know what, Neil? It is hard; it is hard to bring a positive message without putting yourself on the line.

And you know what, Derek and I; we’re full-bred Americans. And we feel like what’s going on in America is going in the wrong direction. We went out there and we exercised our First Amendment rights, just like the Occupiers were, and they got kind of pissed off about it.

But, to me, if you are not willing to put yourself out there and try to -- if you can’t take the heat by trying to push a positive message, then you’re just part of the silent majority. And we don’t want to be part of the silent majority. We want to see positive things happen for America, because we feel like we’re great Americans.

CAVUTO: That’s wild. That’s wild.

You both are to be commended, and gutsy, too. I don’t know whether you are just very brave or foolish, or both.


D. TABACCO: I’m sorry, John.

But the response, social media response, has been unbelievable, people from different cities and different states reaching out to me, saying, you guys are great, we saw your picture, we read an article. Can you guys come to our city? We have people occupying a school. We have people occupying a park. Will you guys have a job fair here? So...


CAVUTO: Well, you’ve obviously started something and got people to think.

Appreciate it, both of you.

D. TABACCO: Thank you, Neil. Thanks for the time, Neil.


CAVUTO: Thanks. Thank you very, very much.

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