
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," October 3, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: So, 700 people were arrested on the Brooklyn Bridge this weekend, which is roughly 700 more than were arrested at all the Tea Party events combined. The bridge had to be closed. And while I don't know how many billionaire bankers were using it that day, I bet they were greatly outnumbered by the cab drivers trying to make a living for their families.

What got me, though, was how the media cut protesters a lot of slack. Unlike their treatment of those goofy Tea Partiers. Then it made all the sense to me when I saw who was arrested.

Yes, reporter Natasha Lennard wasn't just covering the march for The New York Times. She was part of it. Did it flavor her reporting?

Well, she described the pre-arrest mood as celebratory. As the brutal forces closed in, she writes, "A few feet away from me, I saw two young children no older than 8, clinging to their mother."

Oh, dear, the children! What would the police do to them? Maybe they'd ask mom why she would bring her kids to a protest.

Lennard described the arrest as random and aggressive. And antipolice bias that helped set the stage for a future protest against police brutality. Anything for the cause, right, Natasha?

So, where is this going?

Yet, the Tea Partiers were mocked mercilessly by the media. But they followed the law and they stood on principle, sometimes wearing silly hats.

These new protesters prefer confrontation and ultimately chaos.

And so, you have two groups of protesters. One thinks, the other stinks.

Guess who the media likes most?

I love that.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: You like it, right?

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: That was a fair and balanced view right there.

GUTFELD: It certainly was, Bob. But, Bob, let me ask you this because you're already talking -- do you think shutting down a bridge wins converts, especially when people who use the bridges aren't rich people?

BECKEL: I think the police made it a national story they didn't have to make it.

GUTFELD: Really?

BECKEL: Now, you're going to get more people protesting. In fact, I'm going down tomorrow myself.


GUILFOYLE: Good luck.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Wait, the police didn't make at it story. They've been trying to get attention from this. In fact, one of the things that happened over the weekend on Twitter was people complaining that it took so long for media to cover their story. So, it wasn't the police.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: What story is it? I'm still trying to figure out what is it? Capitalism is bad? Corporations are bad?

BECKEL: That's one of their problems. They don't have a unifying message.

GUTFELD: They don't have a principle.

BECKEL: Well, the principle --

GUTFELD: All they want to do is take. Take, take, take.

BECKEL: Excuse me. The principle is that these crooks who ripped off this country and sold these bad securities they knew were bad, not one of them were in jail, and they ought to be.

BOLLING: You know what, Bob. Not one of these kids knows anything about that story. They are out there protesting the establishment. These are like anarchists, Roseanne Barr, Michael Moore, George Soros out there.


BOLLING: Yes, capitalism is bad. They call it corporate personhood.

They're against anything that has to do with a corporation.

Meanwhile, guess who donated more to Obama than any other candidate in the history of presidential elections? The corporate, the Wall Street.

Do they know that?

BECKEL: No, no, the corporations in the Wall Street did that because they knew he was winning. That's why most of them are contributing to the Republicans right now.

Are you kidding me? You don't get sadness out of me about corporations. These guys go where the winners are.

BOLLING: Do you think they're protesting and holding up these stupid signs realize that their hero, Barack Obama, has taken more money than any other candidate in history of candidates?

GUTFELD: And also, here is the thing. It puts President Obama in a bind. If he acknowledges these protests, he loses America. If he criticizes it, he pisses off his base.

GUILFOYLE: So, he's saying none of it. It's a good position. I advise him to stay clear of it.

But in terms of them being so innocent, and the police, no one has admitted, it's not true. We escalated -- they can't allow them to just like occupy the Brooklyn Bridge and be lawless? You got to step in and do something about it.

BECKEL: And, by the way, speaking about funny signs, you basically the Tea Party cleaned up (INAUDIBLE) the signs. The Tea Party wins that hands down.

PERINO: Yes, they have some good signs.

BECKEL: Silly and some bad ones.

PERINO: One of the things that somebody tweeted me today was that it's about taking the government back. I thought, well, from whom?


BECKEL: From the banks.

PERINO: For what -- to give to what?

GUTFELD: They agree with everything that Obama is doing. They won't to tax the rich. They want to, you know, they want to redistribute.

BOLLING: All right. And also, we're hearing right now, besides Roseanne Barr over the weekend, Michael Moore now. George Soros sympathizes with the protest -- sympathizes with any corporations that are going to have to pay more because of other corporations.

I mean, basically, the bottom line is corporate America, capitalism is what America was founded on. These kids are the opposite. Thereby -- you want say it with me-- socialists, Marxist, communists --

BECKEL: What do you call the Koch brothers who sponsored, who fund the Tea Party who are now under investigation for doing business with Iran during the war? Who had been bribing companies overseas? Six or seven different investigations going on and we don't cover it.

BOLLING: They're contributor to conservative causes. I mean, you're making --

BECKEL: They break the law. Is that a problem?

GUTFELD: They acknowledge the investigation, didn't they?

BECKEL: Oh, you don't know.

GUTFELD: I want to go to Roseanne because you brought her up. She was on something called Russia today. If you've seen this network, it's hilarious. It is the most vividly anti-American network you'll ever find.

And it looks like it's filmed out of somebody's basement.

Here she is expressing solidarity with the protesters and how she felt about the bankers.


ROSEANNE BARR: I first would allow the guilty bankers the ability to pay back anything over $100 million personal wealth because I believe in a maximum wage of $100 million. If they are unable to live on that amount, then they should, you know, go to the reeducation camps and if that doesn't help, then they'd be beheaded.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh!

GUTFELD: So, beheaded. So, this is an interesting point. When you look at conservatives or the Tea Party, they always look at the American Revolution as the model. But the left always looks at the French Revolution. Off with their heads!

GUILFOYLE: Off with their heads!

GUTFELD: Then we'll solve the problems later. Why is the left, Bob, they're your people. Why are they so violent?

BECKEL: Why you say they're my people? Roseanne Barr is a fool. I mean, what she said makes no sense at all. I'm not looking for their guys had their heads locked up. I'm not asking for justice. Justice is some of these bankers should be in jail. People are out of their houses because of these people.

GUTFELD: I would agree with you if you also said members of the government should have gone to jail over this.


BECKEL: I agree with that. And I think the investigation, the most meticulous investigation reported I've seen in years was done on the Koch brothers and we're not talking about it.

BOLLING: Do you know who gave more money to the Wall Street fat cats that you are vehemently calling out right here? Barack Obama. The most transfer of wealth from any group to those


BECKEL: It was TARP that was started by George Bush and finished by Barack Obama.

BOLLING: He may have started it, but he -- but Obama certainly finished it in grand fashion.

PERINO: We got to go.

GUTFELD: Daddy has to pay the bills.

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