
Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Diversity Dumped

The president of the University of Delaware has pulled the plug on that controversial student diversity program we told you about Thursday.

Training materials for the program stated — "The term (racist) applies to all white people ... living in the United States, regardless of class, gender, religion, culture or sexuality. By this definition, people of color cannot be racists, because ...they do not have the power to back up their prejudices, hostilities, or acts of discrimination."

Students also complained about coercion on such topics as sexual orientation, politics and the environment.

Thursday, university President Patrick Harker said, "Questions about the program must be addressed and there are reasons for concern that the actual purpose is not being fulfilled."

Compulsory Attendance

Hundreds of students, teachers and state railway workers were ordered to attend rallies in Russia calling for President Vladimir Putin to run for an illegal third term.

The Guardian newspaper reports prosecutors are examining official telegrams instructing supervisors to provide audiences for the Soviet-style demonstrations. They say documents appear to be a blatant breach of electoral law.

Putin has promised he will not run again — but is said to be interested in the prime minister's job when his current term ends next year.

Walking Around Money

Former Nashville Mayor Bill Purcell was known for his aggressive campaigns to build sidewalks all around Music City. But now media reports say the city has been denied $250,000 in federal money to build sidewalks and other safety features around schools.

The reason — Purcell failed to sign the grant application. Instead, the paperwork was signed by the school superintendent — which just doesn't cut it with the State Department of Transportation, which hands out the money. When the transportation folks gave the school board a chance to fix the mistake — nothing happened.

Said school board member Karen Johnson — "Well, the mayor's busy. He was out of town and there was a lot of communication back and forth and we just missed out."

Wakeup Call

Then there's this: imagine how you would feel if your phone rang at two in the morning — and it was a recorded political advertisement. About 3,000 in Westchester County outside New York City were the recipients of what are known as "robo-calls."

The Democratic challenger for a county legislator seat — Domenic Volpe — hired a Virginia-based firm to market the ads slamming Republican incumbent George Oros. But the calls were supposed to be made at two in the afternoon.

Irate residents flooded police departments, campaign headquarters for both men, and media outlets. Most are mad at Volpe — but some are upset with Oros because they hung up as soon as they heard his name and assumed the calls were from his campaign.

Democrat Volpe says he will apologize personally to all who have complained — and he will do it at a reasonable hour.

FOX News Channel's Martin Hill contributed to this report.