
The latest from the Political Grapevine:

U.S. Behind Uprising?

Internet conspiracy theorists are claiming that the U.S. government is behind the uprising in Ukraine, but at least one mainstream international newspaper is reporting it heavily.

In an article headlined "US campaign behind the turmoil in Kiev," the British newspaper The Guardian calls the Ukranian protests an "American creation...funded and organised by the U.S. government."

And a separate story accuses the U.S. of using regime-toppling tactics perfected in other European elections, calling Ukraine a "postmodern coup d'etat," and a "CIA-sponsored third world uprising." Neither story quotes anyone confirming the accusation.

Janklow on the Job?

Even if former South Dakota Congressman Bill Janklow is found responsible for the wrongful death of a motorist he struck and killed last year, he won't be responsible for paying the damages in the civil suit.

Janklow was convicted of manslaughter nearly a year ago, after he sped through a stop sign and hit a man on a motorcycle. But the victim's family says it won't appeal a federal ruling that Janklow was on duty at the time.

Instead, the family plans to file a lawsuit against the U.S. government. Federal taxpayers -- not Janklow -- will have to pay any monetary awards.

Moveon.org Moving On

Supporters of liberal activist group move on dot org held an online meeting last week, looking for something to move on to in the wake of widespread democratic defeats at the polls.

Among the proposed ideas: a boycott of ATM machines made by companies that also manufacture the electronic voting machines that conspiracy theorists say stole thousands of votes from John Kerry.

The San Francisco Chronicle reports the group that spent millions promoting Democratic causes also proposed a national strike and a boycott on all goods and services to "change the economic paradigm of the country."

Parade Prohibition

A holiday parade in Denver that will include floats celebrating gay and lesbian American Indians, the Chinese New Year, and Santa Claus is barring a Christian float that features traditional hymns and a "Merry Christmas" message.

Parade of Lights spokesman Michael Krikorian tells the Rocky Mountain News that direct religious themes are against the rules.

But Denver pastor George Morrison says that no group should be excluded from the multicultural parade, especially during the holiday season.

Instead of participating in the parade, Morrison's group plans to walk the route an hour before, singing hymns and offering hot chocolate.

— FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report