
This is a rush transcript of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on December 9, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Breaking news out of Chicago tonight, a resolution to the Jussie Smollett case. Smollett's attacker has been convicted on five out of six accounts. Who is his attacker? Well, him.

Our own Will Cain turns out to be a lawyer, in addition to being a smart guy, who joins us in just a minute tell us what the verdict means.

But first, good evening and welcome to TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT.

Last Christmas Eve, a little after one in the afternoon, a woman called Katie Lawson tried to pull her car out of the South Bay Mall in Boston. 

Beside her, she noticed a woman in a Chevy Tahoe who appeared to be yelling and gesticulating.

The woman rolled down her window and started to scream at Lawson, "Do you want me to write you a ticket?" She barked, "Because I'll write you a ticket. Today is not the day to try me." And with that, this mysterious woman turned on a set of emergency police strobe lights on her SUV.

Watching all this, Katie Lawson was rattled. Clearly, this was a mentally ill police officer. By definition, a highly dangerous person. So, Lawson asked a friend and a passenger seat to take a photograph of the Tahoe's license plate, then she contacted police to let them know they had an unbalanced officer on their force, not a small thing.

But it turned out the woman in the Tahoe was not a police officer, she was just impersonating a police officer. She had no power to arrest Katie Lawson or write her a ticket, who by the way had not broken any law anyway. 

The woman never should have had cop lights on her car.

It turns out her name was Rachel Rollins, who was a local political activist, who somehow had been elected Suffolk County Prosecutor.

When the story became public, Rollins was not embarrassed. She did not apologize for acting like a lunatic, much less for abusing her power. 

Instead, Rollins went on Twitter and compared herself to Emmett Till, the 14-year-old boy who was lynched in Mississippi in 1955. The implication of course, Katie Lawson, a registered Democrat was a Klansman.

Well, a few days later, a news crew from the local FOX affiliate, BOSTON 25 tracked Rollins down to hear more of her story. The channel's cameraman was very careful not to shoot any images of Rollins's home or her family, but Rollins immediately became hysterical anyway.

Watch this.


PRODUCER: Can we speak to you for one second Miss Rollins?

RACHEL ROLLINS, SUFFOLK COUNTY PROSECUTOR:         You're in front of my house 

with my children?

PRODUCER: We literally just pulled up here.

ROLLINS: Yes, but how do you know where I live?

PRODUCER: Oh, it's public record, ma'am.

ROLLINS: Right, okay. That's unbelievable.

PRODUCER: We're not stalking you at all.

ROLLINS: Yes, but my kids are inside.

PRODUCER: Oh we never even knocked the door. We're just parking here trying to figure out where we're going and someone said he saw you here.

ROLLINS: Yes, okay. Thanks.

PHOTOGRAPHER: We just happened to see you.

ROLLINS: Yes. No. I'm going to -- please make sure that you're in front of my house with my children inside and you're going to put this on here.

PRODUCER: Oh, this is your house? I'm sorry.

ROLLINS: Yes, so as a black woman in this moment, in this country, you're going to put my [bleep] house on the screen?

PRODUCER: No, no, no, ma'am. We're just here approaching you to ask you a question.

ROLLINS: Get away from my family. Speak to me at my job.

If I get hurt or harmed because of this, you are on the record for that, or my kids are [bleep] killed, who do you think you are?

Get -- this is private property. Get out of here.

PRODUCER: Okay, we're absolutely getting out.

ROLLINS: And you know what I'll do, I'll call the police on you and make an allegation.


ROLLINS: And we'll see how that works with you.


ROLLINS: So the rantings of a white woman get you here and scare my children.

PRODUCER: No, no, no.

ROLLINS: Get off of our private property.

PRODUCER: We're here to ask you about it. We're here to ask you.

ROLLINS: And I swear to God, I'm dead serious, I will find your name. You can ask me somewhere else. Do not have a camera in front of my house.

PRODUCER: I can give you my name. I can give you my name.

ROLLINS: Get her -- get them out of here. This is the Boston Police. I will have you arrested. I swear to God.


CARLSON: Now for the record, because the facts do matter, Rollins herself has posted pictures of her children on the internet, something the news crew had no intention of doing. But what is most interesting about the exchange you just saw is Rachel Rollins' fixation on race.

She describes Katie Lawson's story as quote "the rantings of a white woman," as if Katie Lawson's race was relevant to anything, which is not. 

Then she describes herself as a black woman in this moment in this country.

Now, you'll note the ludicrous melodrama there and the whiny self-pity, but by the way, it's not even strictly speaking true. Rollins isn't quote "a black woman." Her father is Irish, so like Barack Obama, Rachel Rollins is every bit as much white as she is black though for some reason, we're all required to pretend otherwise. God knows why.

Like Obama, Rollins had an unusually privileged childhood. She grew up in an affluent neighborhood. She played lacrosse at an expensive private school and like Obama, she grew up to become an angry bigot.

Now, we're not psychiatrists, so we'll just let those facts sit there for others to assess.

What we do know is that it is completely unacceptable to have a racist working as a Federal prosecutor in this country. If you think race is a moral category and Rachel Rollins does think that, you should be nowhere near our justice system.

Justice is colorblind. Justice must be colorblind or else it's not justice, it's just vengeance.

Every American citizen has a fundamental right to be judged equally under the laws of the United States regardless of what they look like. Period. 

DNA can play no role in our justice system. That's the whole point of our country, it's the most important thing that we have.

So by definition, Rachel Rollins should be disqualified immediately from administering our laws. Rollins sees race first. She is a racist, so she can't be fair.

This is all very obvious or should be obvious, always has been obvious. 

Yet, amazingly, thanks to the principles of equity, Rachel Rollins has just been promoted.

This week, the United States Senate confirmed that woman as new U.S. 

Attorney in the State of Massachusetts. That means Rollins is now in charge of enforcing all Federal laws in a state of nearly seven million people. No Republicans supported her, she got through on a 50-50 vote. Kamala Harris, of course broke the tie.

It is heartbreaking, honestly, not a partisan question, but an American question. It is heartbreaking to report this.

Rachel Rollins is a living attack on our ancient system of justice, which once again is the best and most important thing the United States still has.

Rollins has views that earlier generations would have correctly compared to Nazi race theory. She believes that melanin determines moral worth, which is grotesque and immoral.

Here is Rollins in February of last year at a panel discussion with other lawyers. At one point, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of California, a man called McGregor Scott dared to suggest that prosecutors ought to enforce laws, and here is how Rachel Rollins responded.


ROLLINS: I will say as one of less than one percent of actual people with melanin that are in this role, I really don't have much time for more white men telling me what communities of color need.


CARLSON: So, shut up, white man. You have to be the same color as the people you oversee. That was Rachel Rollins's legal argument.

It is almost impossible to believe that is the person now administering all Federal law in the State of Massachusetts, but it is, and it's not just Rollins's creepy totally immoral race theories that make her unfit for the job she now has, she was also a demonstrable disaster as a prosecutor, an elected prosecutor in Massachusetts.

When she was elected DA in Boston, Rollins promised not to enforce the law. 

She claimed that ignoring the law would somehow make Suffolk County safer. 

It's not an exaggeration. Rollins announced a list of 15 offenses, at least she was explicit about it, that henceforth she would refuse to prosecute.

Those offenses included trespassing, shoplifting, breaking and entering, wanton destruction of property, drug possession with intent to distribute -

- drug dealing, and resisting arrest. Lunacy.

So on this show, back several years ago, in 2018, we asked Rachel Rollins who was game enough to come on to explain to us why it's a good idea not to prosecute theft. Here is what she said.


ROLLINS: $50,000.00 a year to house somebody in the Suffolk County House of Corrections, a shoplifting charge is going to have multiple court dates. We are going to have, let's say three months this person can't afford their bail, it's going to cost us $12,500.00 to house them in the Suffolk County House of Corrections.

I believe that we can have them doing either community service or returning the item itself. I think we have to think creatively about solutions. It's much more fiscally responsible.


CARLSON: Oh, yes. Okay, so it's your fault Mr. and Mrs. law-abiding taxpayer when criminals break the law because your laws are racist and unduly punitive, even though they were passed by the legislature that you voted for. That's the argument she is making.

So the question is, in real life, in actual terms and so, the body count, how did this all work out in Suffolk County, Massachusetts?

Well, last year, murders there were up more than 50 percent. It turns out, it's not just theft that Rachel Rollins has been refusing to prosecute. 

Violent offenses, too.

In one case chronicled by the ordinarily very sympathetic "Boston Globe," 

quote: "A lawyer was attacked while walking her dog in Charlestown and suffered a traumatic brain injury that she is still recovering from more than two years later, yet Rachel Rollins's prosecutors cut a deal with her attacker that allowed him to avoid prison time."

So you beat a woman almost to death and they let you off. Rachel Rollins does.

In another case that the "Boston Globe" reported on quote: "Rachel Rollins's prosecutors shocked the Judge by asking for no bail, no time in a case involving a burglary suspect who was caught breaking into buildings with 39 fake credit cards in his pocket," end quote.

So you have to ask yourself, why are Rachel Rollins's prosecutors cutting all these deals? Of course because Rachel Rollins told them to. She believes that violence and theft should be legal as long as the people committing those crimes are the right color. We're not guessing about that because she said it out loud pretty explicitly during the BLM riots last summer. Watch this.


ROLLINS: And it is completely ironic to have to say to you, please, don't be violent. Please keep your voice down. Please be silent and comply with all of the police's requirements when in fact it's those very people that murder us with impunity.


CARLSON: Riot all you want. White cops are the real murderers. That was her message.

So even in the State of Massachusetts, which is progressive to the point of parody, this was too much. A number of prosecutors in the state including someone, a committed left, stood up to complain about Rollins's behavior and her rhetoric.

One of them is a District Attorney called Michael O'Keefe. He wrote an op- ed pointing out that it is not -- emphatically not -- a prosecutor's job to eliminate laws quote, "A District Attorney does not have the power to nullify an entire class of criminal conduct, "O'Keefe wrote, "That is the sole prerogative of our Legislature."

Oh right, the Legislature, the people that you elect, you vote for in November to write the laws that you want. We used to call that democracy, pretty fundamental concept in this country. Obviously, unknown to Rachel Rollins, so how did she take this criticism? How did she respond?

We'll give you three guesses. Okay, you got it. She denounced it as quote: 

"Barely veiled racism." Obviously.

Meanwhile, Rollins's own racism was getting less veiled by the day. Again, we didn't make any of these things up. These are actual videotapes.

This one is from June of 2020. She said it as rioters burned the country. 



ROLLINS: We have looked around this country and seen police officers, people that black lives pay taxes to fund these positions, shoot us in the street as if we were animals.

People are fed up and to the white community that is now waking up to see this rage, we have been telling you this forever. We have been saying this since Colin Kaepernick took a knee, we have been saying this for decades and you didn't listen to us.


CARLSON: Oh, we, says the half Irish, Rachel Rollins, those whites didn't listen, now they're getting what they deserve. She said that out loud.

Now, look you can't be completely shocked by this because you're going to find people like that, wackos, malcontents, haters, race obsessives in every society. Every culture has its fringes. It's not restricted to America or any certain color. Crazy people are out there.

But what you cannot do under any circumstances ever is make people like that into Federal prosecutors. If you do that, your system will fall apart. 

Why? Simple. No one will believe that justice is on the level, and unfortunately they'll be right.

So Katie Lawson as we told you met Rachel Rollins last Christmas Eve trying to leave the parking lot of the South Bay Mall in Boston. She joins us tonight with her perceptions.

Katie, thanks so much for coming on. What I was so struck by and what I was personal -- I'll just say it -- was I was offended by was her attack on you on Twitter suggesting that you were a racist.

So I just want to be completely -- and comparing you to the people who killed Emmett Till. Was there a racial component in any way to your exchange with her?


was pure about abuse of power and the narrative that has been written by Rachel Rollins in regards to the incident is absurd because she fails to mention that my fiancee was in the passenger seat. He is African-American and she was actually in his face because her car was up to his side of you know -- her car was against his side of the car.

So the narrative that she is writing is that I'm going after her because she is a black woman or anything like that is absurd. She impersonated a police officer. I thought she was a police officer.

CARLSON: Well, of course she did. I mean, she had the cop lights on her car. So, just to be totally clear. I guess, she is suggesting that your fiancee whose picture we just showed is a lot like the people who murdered Emmett Till.

I mean, does it make you uncomfortable that this person who attacked you, screamed at you, impersonated a police officer, and then called you and your fiancee racist, when you complained about it is in charge of administering Federal law in your state?

LAWSON: It is beyond disturbing. She has, you know, claimed to file false allegations against the media. She has handed over her badge to hecklers. I mean, all of these stories about her are on TV daily news and they're all with references like she is dangerous. She is dangerous.

And calling me a racist is probably the least offensive thing that she has done to be honest, because I know who I am and who I'm not.

CARLSON: Right. It's just so crazy, it's just beyond -- it's just beyond belief.

I appreciate your coming on tonight, Katie Lawson, who I hope you have a better Christmas Eve this year.

LAWSON: I will.

CARLSON: Horace Cooper is the co-chairman of Project 21. He joins us tonight.

Horace, thanks so much for coming on. So the concern is not that there is a crazy prosecutor out there, we've honestly seen that before, there are crazy people out there. But if you get enough people like Rachel Rollins, all of a sudden nobody believes in your justice system anymore, and I think that is worth worrying about.

HORACE COOPER, CO-CHAIRMAN, PROJECT 21: Oh, I think it is definitely something worth worrying about, and I don't think it's an accident. Black women make up about seven percent of the population of the United States.

How is it that we manage to pick one of the most unhinged persons that we could find for this particular position?


COOPER: What we are saying is the people that actually hate our criminal justice system, the people that hate Americans by the way, it's the victims that these positions are supposed to be the supporters of. It is not the attackers, it is the victims.

If she is worried about the cost of quote "housing" these people, why doesn't she support stronger, stricter more severe punishments. Our framers understood that you are supposed to hold criminal behavior accountable.

Her vision is the exact opposite of that, and what it is going to do is open it up so that people start taking justice for themselves. That isn't civilization, that's not progress. That is heading in the exact opposite direction.

CARLSON: I think that's such a wise -- that is such an insightful thing to say. That is the end stage of this, when you see people who have no choice but to administer their own justice and at that point is that really a civilized society? No, of course not. It's back to the Stone Age at that point.

COOPER: We absolutely have a person that wants to say she is a first. She is a first all right, unhinged having to be brokered, having the Vice President brought in to cast the tie-breaking vote.

This President, it is remarkable. He picks Kamala Harris. Incompetent, he picks this person, unfit, unsuited for this position. What is going on? And we should be paying attention because it's pretty serious.

CARLSON: I think it is serious, especially when it infects the justice system. I think, it is really worth paying attention to.

Horace Cooper, great to see you tonight. Thank you.

COOPER: Thank you.

CARLSON: Well, speaking of the justice system, the jury in Chicago has just reached a verdict in the Jussie Smollett case, some call him Jussie Smollett. We'll let you decide straight ahead.


CARLSON: So it looks like the Jussie Smollett fake hate crime saga has finally ended after a number of years. The jury has reached a verdict. No cameras in the courthouse, but even better, FOX's Matt Finn, he joins us right now. Hey, Matt.


It is a major closing chapter in the Jussie Smollett saga. A short while ago, a jury in this courthouse found Smollett guilty of lying to police. 

They found him guilty of five out of the six charges, the sixth charge was related to an aggravated battery because he says his attackers were wearing masks, but a short while ago, the prosecutor told me they don't care that he wasn't found guilty on that sixth charge.

Special prosecutor, Dan Webb investigated Kim Foxx, the Cook County State's Attorney here and concluded Foxx inappropriately recused herself from Smollett's case and then he determined felony charges should be reinstated after Foxx's office sensationally dropped them.

Webb also said he would not comment on Kim Foxx's office dropping the charges, but said quote: "The verdict speaks for itself," calling it a resounding message.

Webb said he felt Cook County, the judicial system deserved a trial. The details of this case deserved to be aired out.

Smollett's attorney just told me Smollett is disappointed with the verdict, but confident about appeal saying they disagree with the verdict because the jury can't find Smollett guilty on some counts, but not others. That's what they did.

The attorney for the Osundairo brothers said she forgives Jussie and is asking him to come clean. This case gained international attention, not just because a gay black man claimed he was the victim of a hate crime, but because he also asked the Osundairo brothers to pretend to be Trump supporters that beat him, potentially trying to smear a United States President.

Smollett is now free on bond until his sentencing and we will keep you updated on that -- Tucker.

CARLSON: Amazing. Matt Finn, thanks so much for that.

Well we want to remind you because we hate to forget things and history matters that when this fake hate crime first happened, air quotes, Joe Biden who was running for the presidency at the time tweeted this quote: 

"What happened today to Jussie Smollett must never be tolerated in this country. We are with you, Jussie."

The question is, is the President of the United States still with Jussie? 

Will he amend that tweet?

In the meantime, for a recap on what we just saw, Will Cain, he is co-host of "FOX and Friends" Weekend. He is also -- what is the phrase -- an eminent lawyer and we are really happy to have him with us tonight.

Will, thanks so much for coming out. So, what do you make of this? What have we learned?

WILL CAIN, FOX NEWS CHANNEL COHOST, "FOX & FRIENDS" WEEKEND: Well, unfortunately I don't think you've called me in for any great legal analysis of the commerce clause or how it has been tortured for Federal power. You have called me in to analyze "My Cousin Vinnie."

"It's not "To Kill a Mockingbird." This is a comedy. This is a comedy.

CARLSON: Good point.

CAIN: And it's more -- it's less about the law and it is more about narcissism. You know, if there is an intersection, Tucker, it is that Jussie decided to take the stand, which is shocking.

I guess, it is shocking, but he has been performing his way through life. 

He has been performing his way into and out of success, and he sat in front of Robin Roberts and put on an amazing performance for "GMA," so I guess he thought he could put on a performance for a jury.

But what we have found out is that juries across America, several times now over the last several months have proven to be more intelligent and more just in studios and television studios in New York City.

And I think we've seen that with Jussie Smollett, with Kyle Rittenhouse and with Ahmaud Arbery. Trust the American justice system.

CARLSON: That is such a wise point and your original point that this is about narcissism as virtually everything bad in this whole moment is about narcissism, will you expand on that a little bit?

CAIN: Yes, I think everybody in this entire melodrama is playing for their own benefit. So, let's go back to Joe Biden.

Joe Biden, the American media, Kamala Harris, they're not marks. They weren't conned. They weren't duped. In my mind, they were accomplices to a race hoax with Jussie Smollett.

Smollett's incentives were clear. He could only achieve so much fame by starring at "Empire." He played to the incentive of America, which is to be the victim of a race crime puts you on the highest pedestal.

CARLSON: Exactly.

CAIN: But look, so did Joe Biden and the American media. They played into something that confirmed their world view and their role as heroes in this racist country. They played it for their own benefit.

And by the way, both were perfectly willing to sacrifice the victims of real race crimes. They were both perfectly willing to sacrifice tearing this country apart along racial lines for their own benefit, for their own validation.

CARLSON: Yes. Man, is that smart. I'm pounding the desk beneath the camera.

A lot of impressive people come out of "FOX and Friends" Weekend. I'm here to tell you that was so great.

Thank you, Will Cain. Good to see you tonight. Thank you.

CAIN: Thanks, man.

CARLSON: So, it's kind of hard to overstate the severity and the craziness of -- what is going on in Australia right now?

So we're about to talk to an Australian -- South Australian legislator who criticized COVID restrictions and then was forced into a quarantine camp even though he personally tested negative for corona four times. Hard to believe it is happening, he's got the details.

By the way, our next documentary called the "Trial of Kyle" is out next week. You can get access to it for free on FOX Nation by going to tuckercarlson.com.


CARLSON: If you think of Australia as a beautiful place filled with nice people, which it still is, it's almost beyond conception what is happening there right now.

For example, an Australian woman called Hayley Hodgson just spent two weeks in a coronavirus internment camp in Howard Spring, Australia. Oh, there are no internment camps in Australia. Yes, there are.

Listen to her describe her experience.




You feel like you're in prison. You feel like you've done something wrong. 

It's inhumane what they're doing. Like, you are so small, they just overpower you and you're literally nothing.

So because I was so distressed and I said, "Can you just please let me out for a walk or a run," like I'm in this little box and I can't move, "Can I please -- you know, I'm anxious. I'm feeling not well, just I need to get out," and they literally said, "We've got a doctor calling you and we'll get some Valium prescribed to you that you can call us anytime you like and you can have Valium."


CARLSON: Yes, here is some Soma, just medicate it away.

So this is happening to a lot of people in Australia, and not just the powerless. An Australian Senator who has been critical of COVID restrictions was recently forced into a quarantine camp despite testing negative for COVID repeatedly. And now, the government of Australia, which he has criticized just sent him a $4,000.00 bill while he was in detention.

Hard to believe it's real, but it is.

That is Senator Alex Antic joins us now. Mr. Antic, thanks so much for coming on.


CARLSON: Again, everything about this is impossible to believe given the very warm and positive feelings most Americans, including me, have for your country. Are we overstating any of this?

ANTIC:  Well, the only thing that is not right about that so far, Tucker, 

is that I haven't got the bill yet. I'm led to believe I will have that. 

That is written into law here, but that's really a sideline issue here.

No, look, you're not -- I have been concerned about some of the powers that have been gifted to the unelected bureaucracy in this country for a long period of time. I've spoken about them quite forcefully, and in fact, I've been seeking documentation very recently from local health bureaucrats, which were effectively up-scaled up to a higher body a week before I was told that upon my return from my job in Canberra, which you'll know is effectively our Washington, I would be asked to come in to -- well told, I should say, to come into a Medi-Hotel, which in Australian parlance is a hotel which has been turned into a detainment facility.

And so, you know that was completely out of step with other people's experiences, completely out of step with what had been done in my previous trips to Canberra and back.

But here is the kicker and here is the thing that gives away what was going on here, Tucker, is that 10 minutes after I found that information out, I got a call from a journalist who also knew about it, who also knew all the details and when I arrived at the airport, there was a camera crew and a photographer and a journalist all there to capture that the message is real.

If people want to speak out, if they can do this to me, they can do it to anyone. I've never been more concerned about the things that are going on in this country.

CARLSON: Well, it's just absolutely beyond belief. I mean, if you're forcing someone who -- but you don't have COVID, and you've been tested multiple times as I understand, right? If you can force an opposition politician into an internment camp for no real reason, then I mean -- you know, I don't want to attack Australia, which again everyone in America loves, but that's not the way we understand democracy at all -- like at all.

ANTIC:  No, and just to correct that, I'm actually a member of the 

government. I both stayed in the Federal government so --

CARLSON: I meant to say someone who has criticized the policies which obviously, you have.

ANTIC:  Sorry, you're quite right. Yes, you're quite right, I have, and 

look, and the issue is this, Tucker, and this is the lesson for the United States. Parliaments all over the country in Australia have gifted unrivaled powers to their bureaucrats and they did so on the basis that we were told there was two weeks to flatten the curve. They never did so on the basis that there were going to be two years to keep people locked down and mandate vaccinations.

The bureaucrats everywhere across the world, but certainly in Australia, it is true, they never liked to get out of the warm bed of power and coercive control. They won't do it here and I'll tell you, they are holding on for dear life.

Here, across the country, you would have seen the pictures, your viewers would have seen the pictures coming out of Victoria where the police there have been using strike breaking tactics against children, against old women, against the populace generally, and the Parliament over there has just gifted powers to the Premier, which are unrivaled.

He can effectively do whatever he wants whenever he wants to, for however long he wants in relation to pandemic response, which includes similar things you saw with that first young lady up in the northern territory who was basically taken from her house because security footage showed her walking the streets with someone who ultimately tested positive for COVID.

This is madness.

CARLSON: It is literally madness and I'm not even sure if you're aware of this, but so many people are denying this is happening or making excuses for it that we're just very grateful, Alex Antic that you are here with us tonight. South Australia Senator, Alex Antic. God bless you. Thanks.

ANTIC:  Thanks, Tucker. Thank you.

CARLSON: So if you watch American politics at all, you may wonder why is it the Republican Party keeps nominating people who don't share views that are even close to Republican primary voters. The party is not representing its own voters.

Well part of the reason is the funding. There are a bunch of groups that throw money into these Senate races for example that don't represent Republican voters. We have a very specific example of this, and we will tell you about it in just a minute.

By the way, a new Christmas ornament, "Don't Fauci my Christmas," sold out, we are proud to say. A lot of people with a good sense of humor out there. 

These are not by the way made in a sweatshop by Oprah. The teen making these at Wendell August Forge in Pennsylvania is American, and they are making real wages. They are not chained in the machines.

So, they are going to make more over the weekend, and you can get one at tuckercarlson.com, again, made in America. We will be right back.


CARLSON: If you don't live in D.C., you probably haven't heard the name, but Tim Younes is a Republican event planner in Washington. For 25 years, he helped organize appearances for Senator Bob Dole and his wife, Senator Elizabeth Dole. He was close to the family.

When Bob Dole died last week, Younes was the obvious choice to manage the funeral and the memorial service and he would have done that if Mitch McConnell hadn't gotten personally involved.

Now technically, Mitch McConnell is the Republican leader of the United States Senate, but in real life and everyone in Washington knows this, on the issues that matter, Mitch McConnell is an instrument of the left.

McConnell knew that Tim Younes had helped organize Donald Trump's political rally in Washington this January. Now, there is nothing illegal or immoral about doing that. If anything, it is constitutionally protected behavior. 

It's organizing a political rally. It's why we have the Bill of Rights.

But the partisan lunatics on the January 6th Committee don't acknowledge the Bill of Rights. They objected to this. And then Mitch McConnell aggressively took their side as he has from the very beginning.

So McConnell, then convinced the Dole family to cancel Tim Younes's contract and disinvite him from the funeral. Then McConnell made sure the story made "The New York Times" and when he did that, he knew perfectly well that a piece like this would completely destroy Tim Younes's life, which unfortunately, it definitely will.

It will mean no more corporate clients, no more business, no more income for Tim Younes.

So even by Mitch McConnell's usual standards of viciousness, and in Washington, he is known as the nastiest old woman in town, this was an incredibly cruel thing to do. It was crushing the weak on behalf of the strong and for no real reason, simply because he could, he doesn't like Trump.

Now, this is hardly the first time Mitch McConnell has done something vicious like this, but we thought that going forward, we would start telling you about it, because why wouldn't we?

So if you've ever wondered why there's a massive disconnect between Republicans and a lot of the legislators who represent them, you can ask the people who raised the money for congressional and Senate races on the Republican side.

The Club for Growth is one of the groups that raises the most money and has a major effect on elections. They are involved in a ton of Senate races.

Right now, they are also involved in Ohio and they're running ads against the candidate J.D. Vance, and they're attacking him because five years ago, J.D. Vance criticized President Trump. He no longer does, his politics have changed.

What's interesting, though, is at the same time, the Club for Growth is going after J.D. Vance for criticizing Trump, they were criticizing Trump, in fact, much more aggressively than J.D. Vance ever did.

Here, for example, is the President of the Club for Growth in 2015 taking credit for Donald Trump's declining poll numbers in Iowa.


CHARLES PAYNE, FOX BUSINESS NETWORK HOST: You're taking a victory lap. 

Donald Trump, he gets -- he gets nipped there pretty good in the last couple of days in Iowa, and you're saying that your group is partially responsible for this?



CARLSON: So maybe it's not really about Trump. Maybe this is all a smokescreen. Maybe a lot of donor organizations don't like populist politics. They're much happier with, say, the Chamber of Commerce version of politics and they are using Trump as a cover to destroy anyone who violates the unspoken pact that Republican politicians will do the bidding of Big Business no matter what. That's possibly what's going on.

Charlie Kirk is the founder of Turning Point U.S.A. There's probably no one in the country who comes in contact -- personal contact with more Republican voters than he does on a regular basis, so we thought we'd ask him his view.

Charlie Kirk, it's great to see you tonight.

Now, I just want to say, there is nothing personal about this, but I'm trying to get to the bottom of this enduring mystery. Why does so many Republican legislators seem to have no idea what their voters think, and I'm wondering if this is connected to that?

CHARLIE KIRK, FOUNDER, TURNING POINT U.S.A.: Well, it is and I personally endorsed J.D. in the Ohio race and what is so frustrating about the alleged line of attack against J.D., when it comes to his support against Donald Trump as the people doing the attack, as you mentioned, they are even more vicious.

CARLSON: Exactly.

KIRK:     In fact, they ran ads against Donald Trump, but here is the thing 

that really bothers me is that if the Club for Growth ran ads against J.D. 

and accurately said what J.D.'s positions were on crushing the corporate oligarchy, restricting immigration, and making America self-sufficient, you know what most Ohio voters would say? They would say, I agree. That's the point here is that actually, that voters in Ohio actually want the two major issues to be addressed, that the bipartisan agreement has always ignored, which is that we need to manage immigration, and especially on the Southern border, but also illegal immigration to this country.

And also, why is it that we don't make vitamin C in our country anymore? 

Why is it that we have ignored a self-sufficient style agenda? And J.D. 

Vance is willing to say that we should put tariffs on goods from China. He is not dodging the question.

And I think because of that, he has been the recipient of some very unfair attack ads.

CARLSON: It's such a great point. There is something so sleazy and feline about this attack. If people would just assess a candidate on his positions, maybe we can have a meaningful conversation about where to take the country. Really quick, why don't they just do that?

KIRK: Well, I think that because the voters of the Republican Party are actually disconnected with, as you say, the kind of Chamber of Commerce direction of the party where the voters of the Republican Party right now are paying more for products than ever before, and especially in Ohio, they have seen, like consultant after consultant, and corporation after corporation say that we're going to send this manufacturing plant to Wuhan, in exchange, you get a bunch of opioids and cheap plastic from China.

And voters in Ohio say no, this is why Sherrod Brown, by the way, actually resonates in Ohio, because he is willing to actually talk about these issues, and J.D. Vance will be a bulldog for Donald Trump in the Senate, and I think it's time for Republican voters to hear the truth.

CARLSON: Yes, and for the funders to align with the voters. I think that's important. So nicely put, but again, I don't think I've never met anyone who talks to more Republican voters than you do. So I appreciate your perspective. Thank you.

KIRK: Thank you.

CARLSON: J.D. Vance, by the way, sat for an hour with us on "Tucker Carlson Today." If you want to know what he thinks, you should watch this. It's really interesting.

And now this breaking news from the Middle East, camels have been disqualified from a Saudi beauty pageant for the crime of getting Botox. 

The question is, is giving your camel Botox a crime?

How unattractive does your camel have to be to get plastic or reconstructive surgery? Is this within bounds? We've got a lot of questions, we'll address them next.


CARLSON: So as far as we can tell, Congressman Eric Swalwell dearly loves two things, having unnatural sex with Chinese spies and riding camels in the Middle East with no shirt on. So we've got some news for Congressman Swalwell tonight. The Super Bowl of camels is currently underway in the United Arab Emirates.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice over): This is Al Dhafra Festival. It's the Super Bowl of camel pageantry.

Each December, 25,000 camels descend on this remote area of the UAE's Western Region. Their owners come here from across the Gulf, each with the hope their camels will be crowned most beautiful.

Like beauty contestants, winning camels attract huge fan bases. Some camels have their own hashtags on Instagram, and fans will even write poems about their beauty.

Famous camels also attract many high cash offers.


CARLSON: So even I think camels are beautiful but a lot of people in the region do. The problem is not all camels are beautiful. So some of them get plastic surgery.

Now right across the border in Saudi Arabia, there is a camel beauty pageant underway right now and a number of camels have been caught getting Botox and touchups. Is this appropriate for the dromedary community? Is it ethical to give your camel plastic surgery?

We've gotten right to the source in this. Forrest Galante is a wildlife biologist. He joins us tonight.

Forrest, thanks so much for coming on. So, let's say you have a camel, through no fault of his own who is just unusually unattractive and you think I'm going to fix this with a lip tuck or an ear pin. They can't give consent. Should that be allowed?

FORREST GALANTE, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST: Well, Tucker, you could ask the same question about your dog at home, right? Your dogs get cropped tails, they get their ears pinned, and that's not American news.

CARLSON: So fair. Fair.

GALANTE: So, it is basically the same thing. It's a pet that you're altering.

CARLSON: You know, you make a really wise and common sense point that I'm ashamed to say never occurred to me. Now, how unattractive -- because I think from the western perspective, camels all kind of look the same. Do you see a wide variety in camel aesthetics?

GALANTE: Oh, absolutely. It is again, going back to the pet analogy. It's just like your dog at home. Some people have beautiful dogs, show quality dogs.


GALANTE: Others are less fortunate, you know. Here is the thing, Tucker. I live in Southern California, so I've seen you know, humps that have been enlarged and lips that have been blown up basically every day where I live so it's not the most unnatural thing in the world over here.

And now, we're pointing it out as being a problem over there on camels and it's kind of a little double edge there.

CARLSON: That is such a smart point. Don't tell me they're getting hump implants in Saudi Arabia though.

GALANTE: Oh, well, you know, different kinds of humps, but that is a thing that they're doing for their camels over there. They are doing Botox fillers on the lips, they're stretching things. They're inflating the humps. They're doing all kinds of different plastic surgeries to try and enhance the beauty and the aesthetic of these camels because the prize money is huge, by the way, millions and millions of dollars.

CARLSON: Can they -- really quick -- I don't have a ton of camel experience, but some horrible personalities on a camel, nastiest animal God created. Can they can they fix that?

GALANTE: No. You know, they are typically jerks. They really are. You're not wrong about that, but every now and then you get a sweetheart and if you asked me, they're all beautiful. If you draw the short end of the stick and you get an ugly camel, love it for its personality.

CARLSON: Forrest Galante, really sorting out one of the naughtiest problems in the Middle East tonight. We appreciate your coming on. Thank you so much.

GALANTE: Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: Well, as we told you, we've got our American manufacturing team working overtime for Fauci ornaments. They are still available at tuckercarlson.com.

We'll be back 8:00 PM, the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink, and still agnostic on camel enhancement.

Have a great evening. The Great Sean Hannity starts now.

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